Depths of Sexual Connection in Marriage 2
This is the second part of this topic. If you missed the first part read it below.
We continue and conclude today.
The Depths of Sexual Connection in Marriage
4. Temptation Shield
Certainly––but only within a certain context. It’s good for a man to have a wife, and for a woman to have a husband. Sexual drives are strong, but marriage is strong enough to contain them and provide for a balanced and fulfilling sexual life in a world of sexual disorder. (1 Corinthians 7:2 Message)
As married couples, make sure you satisfy each other sexually. You will chase adultery away like that. But, Pastor my husband has a higher libido and wants it all the time! Receive grace to satisfy him, okay?
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With understanding and love, you will be able to strike a balance but make sure he is not frustrated to the point of considering exploring and looking for it outside.
You have married because you are to help each other. Don’t deny one another in the bedroom.
Depths of Sexual Connection in Marriage 2
5. Comfort
Ask every married man; sexual intimacy can be so comforting with one’s spouse when he or she is down. In hard times, in difficult moments, when he or she is at the lowest ebb, sexual intimacy can be so comforting.
There are times when sexual intimacy is wanted and there are times when it is needed. Be sensitive. It is wanted when either spouse asks for it, it is needed when your spouse is down and you decide to comfort your spouse.
Outside of marriage, it brings confusion, disorder, selfishness, and outright disobedience to God’s way of doing things. Now you don’t want to be in a place where you will not have God’s support, and favor.
The question is would you rather go for confusion rather than comfort?
Good morning!
May God bless your marriage!