Decide To Have Fun
In marriage and even in courtship, there are pressures. Pressures of raising a family, taking care of your spouse, taking care of the children, paying bills, and many more. All these are coupled with pressures from work and career. Singles in courtship are not left out.
If one is not careful, marriage will be one strenuous, stressful, and tiring adventure.
It is deliberately then that you have to decide to live life to the fullest. You just have to make up your mind that in the midst of all the pressures, there will be pleasures.
It is a decision to remain joyful irrespective of whatever situation you might be going through.
As singles, decide to maximize that time rather than turn it into a pressured time as a result of unnecessary quarrels.
Seven-Week-Marriage Rejuvenation

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You simply make up your mind to defuse pressures with laughter, for laughter doeth well like medicine
Pro 17:22 (MSG)
A cheerful disposition is good for your health; gloom and doom leave you bone-tired.
Having a depressing disposition, unhappy tendencies, habitual despondency, and uncontrollably bad moods are enough to leave the bones tired.
Since you have to cook anyway, why not decide to cook while enjoying yourself
Since you are going to wash the car, decide to wash it while having a nice time.
Since the kids would always be around and going nowhere, enjoy yourselves and let them enjoy themselves too.
Doing things grumbling, complaining, and being unhappy in marriage is self-punishment.
Decide to enjoy yourselves as a couple.
As singles, pray together and do not be intertwined with the bind of iniquity. Iniquity comes with its own pressures! Stay out of the bedroom!
Couples, Satisfy each other right into the bedroom!
A few ways you can have fun together include:
1. Have regular date nights where you can spend quality time together like a dinner or a movie night out
2. Cook together in a collaborative way
3. Board games and puzzles. It will afford some time for laughter and togetherness.
I pray for your marriage, God will help you indeed in Jesus’ name. At every point of pressure, God will bring succor, His healing balm, and restore you in Jesus’ name.
Your marriage is blessed!