Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dear Lady, What Is Your Price? We live in a world today where human dignity has been eroded to the point where perversion and things unheard of have become the order of the day!

I am writing to both singles and married this morning!

Let’s go with the singles first. What is your price? As in, how much are you? Interesting question, right?

Well, the reality is that men are constantly pricing you, and you know what, men know how to price you so low, sometimes even take you without a dime! 

Maybe the first question is should you even ever be for sale?

In the days gone yonder, they would parade girls naked and prize them as slaves, to be used as sex slaves or some more demeaning use. The buyers would literally move around to check the body and choose a fellow human being like they are buying a goat! 

This still happens today, in the world of prostitution!

What is your price?

In the scriptures, Jacob worked for fourteen years to win his true love, Rachael! 

Today, some guys are willing to work for less than two minutes before taking ladies to bed, and the crazy part, there are ladies who are ready for such as a result of battered self-esteem, ignorance, and sometimes sex addiction.

Dear Lady, What Is Your Price? What should your price be?

Pro 31:10 (KJV)
Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

Your price is far above Naira and Dollar! If you can know the worth of the blood of Jesus, then you can know the price of God’s daughters! 

1Pe 1:18-19 (MSG)
It cost God plenty to get you out of that dead-end, empty-headed life you grew up in. [19] He paid with Christ’s sacred blood, you know. He died like an unblemished, sacrificial lamb.

That was how you got out of the dead end! By His precious blood! It was costly!

Dear Lady, What Is Your Price?

How dare you open your laps for some sweet-tongued fellow in less than an hour? No, he should come and request the “flower” from your parents! He shouldn’t site your cleavage not to talk of rummaging through the inner crevices of your pleasure zones! Sounds archaic? Well, it is the way to life and peace with God! 

No level of perversion will make God review His word! Do you find yourself too far gone? Sex? Oral Sex? Masturbation? and many more? God’s everlasting arm of love is opened to accept you back and give your life meaning and purpose when you return to Him! He would clean you up, wipe your slate clean and give you a new beginning!

My point is made with the singles! Now to married couples, after the wedding, your body is no longer yours, it belongs first to God as the temple of the Holy Spirit, and then to your spouse for consistent and unhindered sexual gratification! 

Sex in marriage is not a reward nor is it a punishment tool! It’s a duty! 

1Co 7:4 (AMPC)
For the wife does not have [exclusive] authority and control over her own body, but the husband [has his rights]; likewise also the husband does not have [exclusive] authority and control over his body, but the wife [has her rights].

So you don’t deny each other! 

God bless you! Good morning! 


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