Reading Time: 2 minutes

Commitment: A Guide to a Lasting Love Life. Dear husband, when you kneel before that beautiful lady and proposed to her, either literally or otherwise, what do you think you were offering her in totality? It was your commitment! 

Dear wife, when you decided to walk down the aisle, forsaking your father’s name and taking another man’s own, joyfully and with indescribable ecstasy, what do you think you were giving him? It was your commitment!

Dear handsome single guy, when you kept wooing that lady and won’t leave her alone, what do you think she is actually looking for? Your commitment! 

Dear beurry potato! What do you think you will give him that will bind you together in an unflinching manner? Your commitment! 

Today we are talking about commitment in relationships and marriage! 

We have been looking at ten essential qualities for any marriage to succeed.


Today we continue with the next which is Commitment! Commitment: A Guide to a Lasting Love Life

Let’s see how commitment makes all the difference in creating a strong married life and some tips on how to stay committed to yourselves.

What Does Commitment Look Like? 

When considering what being truly committed looks like in a marriage, one must consider aspects beyond loyalty and love – factors such as trustworthiness; communication; joining each other’s interests; appreciation of family members; standing up for each other during challenging situations; spending quality time together – regardless of routines imposed by society or culture…all of which strengthen bonds within any type of relationship! When couples commit to these principles, they create an atmosphere where differences cease to exist because respect keeps everything from crumbling down. 

God wants you and your loved one to be forever committed to each other and warned any intruder from pulling you apart! That is how much God wanted it! You can rightly say that God is committed to your commitment!

Mat 19:4-6 (MSG)
[4] He answered, “Haven’t you read in your Bible that the Creator originally made man and woman for each other, male and female? [5] And because of this, a man leaves father and mother and is firmly bonded to his wife, becoming one flesh—no longer two bodies but one. [6] Because God created this organic union of the two sexes, no one should desecrate his art by cutting them apart.”

Commitment: A Guide to a Lasting Love Life

Committing fully to your marital partner will significantly improve relationships on many levels including mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. 

What are Tips For Developing And Maintaining Healthy Marital Commitment 

Make time for yourself – It takes energy to remain constantly focused on others so it is important for couples to create intentional “me time for reflection, recreation, and relaxation. 

Celebrate small wins. Rejoice with the wife of your youth. Be grateful for who God has given you as a spouse or lover

Stop focusing on the negatives, rather focus on the good things and good qualities of your spouse.

Do not attack one another. Be quick to appreciate yourselves and be slow to criticize yourselves! 

Stay faithful and focused. Avoid distractions and do not desecrate your marital covenant knowing that God is the ultimate witness in your marriage!

These tips help in staying committed to one another! 


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