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Can You Quench My Longings?

She sat before the counselor with tears in her eyes. ‘But, why did you do it’?

The counselor asked. With her heart filled with regret, grief, and pain, she answered.

‘I never intended to cheat on my husband. I have always loved and desired to have a happy, loving marriage and home. Infidelity, adultery, and unfaithfulness are like taboo to me.’

The counselor wanted her to check into the inner recesses of her heart and try to see how she got to that point. Sincerity and soul search are also a part of the healing process and therapy.

It is also important to know that, until certain steps and boundaries are set in marriage, we may find ourselves on unsafe grounds.

Eventually, Mrs Ojo was able to come up with something.

‘I think it happened because deep down in my heart, I was looking for how my deepest needs as a woman will be met. I met Bode and in a short while, he was meeting my needs and quenching my longings. He was a friend. He listened, cared, and was sensitive. I fell for it only to realize, it’s always better to stick to my marriage, make things work, and stop looking outside my marriage for a quick fix.

The counselor tried to balance things for Mrs Ojo.

Can You Quench My Longings?

Here are his submissions.

1. Just as you have deep needs, so does your husband. It will be selfish of you to focus on only your own needs. Marriage is for mutual benefit.

2. Never assume or conclude your husband cannot meet your needs. He definitely can learn.

3. Communication is very essential in marriage. Talk about your needs, and be sincere. Let your husband know. Marriage is for bliss, not for blisters or an endurance journey

4. Never look outside your marriage for fulfillment, satisfaction, affection, affirmation, compliments, appreciation, or happiness.

Can You Quench My Longings?

5. You, as much as your husband need to learn how to meet each other’s needs. Marriage is an unending school where learning is continuously necessary.

6. The temptation to cheat on your spouse must be fought with all your might. Cheating is senseless and in the end full of regrets.

7. Repentance and restoration are very important after infidelity so as to put an end to it.

May God bless your marriage!


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