Blunt Truths About Intimacy
We are going to be looking at a lot things about Intimacy
These punchy truths are collected from KHC Devotional over time from different days. Enjoy!
1. Sex is created by God. God in His Holiness invented it and wanted man to enjoy this height of pleasure
2. God invented a protrusion in man and a receptacle in woman, beyond the incredible bonding, God had pleasure in mind
3. “And Adam knew his wife…” (Gen. 4:1) not his girlfriend. That was how God wanted it from the beginning. In Marriage! Stop playing boyfriend – girlfriend games and tantrums. It’s not scriptural.
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4. Any form of compromise points to some selfishness, there is no love in perversion
5. Intimacy remains a balm to married couples, but a killer to singles who lack self control.
6. Intimacy is a marital glue and bonding to couples. Sex before wedding is an illegal bonding with unhealthy soul ties.
7. A true child of God whose mind is renewed will not ask for pre marital sex. He recognises that God is not pleased with such
8. If he makes a mistake, he feels dirty & repents, never to go there again. This is different from a habitual sinner, who continually lives on the iniquity lane.
9. But if he doesn’t feel remorseful, then it wasn’t a mistake. It was deliberate. Something is wrong somewhere
10. A child of God will not be comfortable with repeated sexual mistakes, he will seek to stop and run like Joseph did.
11. Running is the smartest thing to do in an atmosphere of sexual pressure and temptation. Not speaking in tongues!
12. You cannot be more holy or spiritual than God. If God says “Flee,” don’t say “Let’s reason together!
13. So, learn to run away! Use your legs. 5 minutes before there would be sex, both parties would unusually know
14. Iniquity is perpetuated in an atmosphere of secrecy. It takes a closed door to close up your destiny! Open that door!
15. Sex is different from love, or else every prostitute will fall in love with her client
16. Singles who have pre marital sex constantly end up confused and the relationship breaks, because of violating God’s principles.
17. Adultery makes you an adulterated specimen
18. Your body is good enough, you don’t need someone fondling it to accept this fact. No man or woman can affirm you
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