There is something you have to work at as couples and it will save your marriage from unnecessary marital embarrassments.
I was looking at scripture in Genesis and I will like to share it with you! Just two verses!
Genesis 2:24 (KJV)
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
Here we see, that in marriage, you become one flesh.
The word cleave has so many meanings. But two of them caught my attention.
1. To catch by pursuit.
2. To pursue hard.
Cleaving is not what is done on the wedding day alone, it is what you do all your married life!
You are to keep PURSUING each other in love, looking for ways to satisfy each other, and looking for opportunities to bless each other.
You have to keep working at loving each other more, finding creative ways to love each other more.
This is how to cleave!
How is this cleaving expressed?
It tells us in the next verse!
Genesis 2:25 (KJV)
And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
Because they are now one flesh, there is nothing to HIDE again!
You cannot hide your flesh from your flesh!
The Bible says you become one flesh, not one spirit.
It means, in all things, things of the flesh, affairs of this world, everyday things, you are to be open to each other!
Do you get it?
Avoiding Marital Embarrassments
Every time a husband or wife hides something from his or her spouse, the devil is attempting to mess up with the one flesh principle instituted by God!
And then this is what the Holy Spirit showed me!
Because they were naked and not ashamed, they will not not see shame!
Amplified Version says:
Genesis 2:25 (AMPC)
And the man and his wife were both naked and were not embarrassed or ashamed in each other’s presence.
Avoiding Marital Embarrassments
Their nakedness to each other eliminated every shame!
The word naked suggests nudity in all senses.
Nudity of thoughts, intents to each other!
Dear husband and wife, be open to each other.
When something is nude, there is no packaging.
Don’t repackage what happened to your spouse. Say it as it is. The truth sets free. Falsehood brings bondage and robs you of your boldness. That is how to enjoy the fullness of God’s blessings in your marriage and avoid unnecessary embarrassments!