Reading Time: 2 minutes

Avoiding Blind Alleys and Wrong Turns 

There is nothing as frustrating as losing one’s way or ending in a place that leads nowhere. Yet, life is often punctuated with dark tunnels, seemingly long unending roads meandering nowhere and often ending in the most absurd places.

And this happens a lot in our love life! Happily ever after is not always lived happily! We often fall so much in love that we lose the sense of all reason and become oblivious to apparent lapses. 

We even often turn a deaf ear to all warning voices, choosing to ignore and disregard them, only for those voices to reverberate loudly on the marital road.

Well, the reality is that God doesn’t want you lost, confused, disconcerted, and perpetually living at a loss of what to do, where to go, and who to settle down with.

Avoiding Blind Alleys and Wrong Turns 

In the twelfth verse of the fourth chapter of the book of Proverbs, as seen in The Message Translation, we see it aptly documented!

I don’t want you ending up in blind alleys, or wasting time making wrong turns.

The question here this morning is “Will you allow Him” 

“Will you cooperate with divinity so that your humanity can align with God who doesn’t want you meandering in blind alleys or stuck in wrong turns?

Blind alleys will cause marital injuries, because not only are you blind and can’t see your loved one, you can’t even see yourself! 

Wrong turns will waste your precious time, falling in love with the one that is not in love with you. 

Wrong turns will sap your energy, cause weariness of the soul and make life uninteresting!

Avoiding Blind Alleys and Wrong Turns  

No wonder, the lover of your soul says He doesn’t want you ending up in such places!

That is never His plan for you! 

I challenge you this morning to cooperate with Him and let Him lead you! 

Remember you are the sheep of His pasture and He is the shepherd of your soul! 

The Lord is my shepherd! Selah 


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