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Avoid These Mistakes In Marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are always at a loggerhead. They never agreed. Every statement is a sore point from where conflict arises and intensifies. “I don’t want peace,” “I don’t want peace,” the popular soundtrack on social media are the words that best describe their lives and marriage.

As Mr. And Mrs. Johnson sat before me in the office, I was able to find some habits that are the root causes of their constant imbroglio. It was a long therapy session, but we were able to identify the problems!

There are a few words of wisdom I offered to them. I have been married for twenty-two years and I will be fifty next month, so I have garnered a few things along the line. Below are some of the advice I gave them.

Avoid These Mistakes In Marriage
1. Do not report your spouse to your parents or in-laws.
It wouldn’t always work out. Every parent is sentimental towards their children. It is just natural. The bias is as sure as your palms. 

Emotions will flare, and there would be bias.

What happens mostly is that you report to them when there are issues, but you don’t call them back when you settle the issues. So they keep making up their minds over time. You keep feeding them with negative stories and you know what, words are so powerful. In no time, if they are not cautious, they will continue to regurgitate all you fed them with and that would be toxic to your marriage.

The only time you should report to parents is when it is only the parents that your spouse listens to.

As singles, you are not yet married, and you are already reporting each other to your prospective in-laws. It is not a good way to go.

It’s akin to one cooking food that he won’t be able to eat.

Avoid These Mistakes In Marriage

2. Do not report your spouse to your colleagues or boss.

If you do, the devil can take advantage of the situation and set you up for an emotional affair.

Once there is an emotional affair, you are only a few touches away from a full-blown adulterous affair.

The beak cake you don’t want to eat, don’t fry it! Reporting your spouse or your loved one continually is a breach of the covenant. Imagine someone hearing a one-sided story many times. The advice you will be offered will be imbalanced and the emotional dependency that will be created from such a relationship will be parasitic at the end of the day.

For singles, in courtship, how do you take advice about your relationship from a friend who is not in any relationship? Something is not quite right! Look for someone who has done what you are trying to do!

Avoid These Mistakes In Marriage

3. Do not manipulate your spouse emotionally

Once your spouse says something or does something that does not resonate with you, you simply shut down and withdraw to your shell.

It is more or less like breeding strife. The devil can take advantage of this type of emotional manipulation and wreak even more havoc. 

This is not the right thing to do as it affects your prayer life!

Stay together!

May God bless your marriage!

I am wise

Pray to God to open your eyes 

Pro 6:23 (MSG)  For sound advice is a beacon, good teaching is a light, moral discipline is a life path.

Pray for direction  

Numbers 14


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