Cultivating Emotional Intelligence Through Self-Awareness

Cultivating Emotional Intelligence Through Self-Awareness

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Cultivating Emotional Intelligence Through Self-Awareness


Marriage is a beautiful journey, but it can also be challenging. One key to a successful and happy marriage is emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognise and understand emotions in yourself and others and to use this awareness to guide thought and behaviour. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of self-awareness in emotional intelligence and how it can benefit your marriage.

The Scripture says in Proverbs  13:15, that Good understanding giveth favour: but the way of transgressors is hard. Understanding or wells awareness is crucial in marriage and relationships. 

What is Self-Awareness?

Self-awareness is the ability to recognise and understand one’s emotions and how they impact one’s thoughts and behaviour. It’s the ability to step back and observe oneself, one’s thoughts, and feelings without judgment. Self-awareness is the foundation of emotional intelligence, and it’s essential for building a solid and healthy marriage.

How Does This Help Emotional Intelligence in Marriage?

Self-awareness is vital in marriage because it helps you understand your own emotions and needs, as well as those of your partner. When you’re self-aware, you can better communicate your feelings and needs clearly and respectfully. You’re also more likely to be empathetic and understanding toward your partner, which can help build trust and strengthen your relationship.

The scripture says in First Peter 3:7 (KJV) Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge…

What are the Benefits of Self-Awareness in Marriage?


1. Improved Communication: Self-awareness helps you communicate more effectively with your partner. When you understand your own emotions and needs, you’re better able to express them in a way that your partner can understand.

2. Increased Empathy: Self-awareness helps you understand and empathise with your partner’s feelings and needs. You’re more likely to be supportive and understanding when seeing things from your partner’s perspective.

3. Better Conflict Resolution: Self-awareness helps you manage conflicts more effectively. When you understand your emotions and needs, you’re less likely to react impulsively or aggressively.

4. Greater Intimacy: Understanding yourself leads to a tighter bond with your partner. When you’re in touch with your feelings and wants, you’ll be more real, vulnerable and open with your partner.

How to Develop Self-Awareness in Marriage.

5. Keep a Journal: Writing down your thoughts can help you spot patterns and understand your emotions.

6. Ask for Feedback: Don’t be afraid to ask your partner and pals what they think about your actions and talk. It’s a way to level up your self-awareness game.

7. Take a Class or Workshop: Consider taking a class or workshop. Check out a class on understanding emotions or self-awareness. It’s like adding more tools to your relationship toolbox.


Self-awareness is a crucial component of emotional intelligence, and it’s essential for building a solid and healthy marriage. By developing self-awareness, you can improve communication, increase empathy, manage conflicts more effectively, and build a deeper and more intimate connection with your partner. Remember, self-awareness is a journey, and it takes time and effort to develop. But with practice and patience, you can become more self-aware and build a happier and more fulfilling marriage.


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How to Break Free from Controlling Toxic Partners

How to Break Free from Controlling Toxic Partners

Reading Time: 3 minutes

How to Break Free from a Controlling Toxic Partners

It’s incredible how people sometimes stick around in relationships that are not working out. In my counseling work with individuals worldwide, I’m often saddened to hear how some have lost faith in themselves due to past negative experiences. 

Too many people have given up because the devil has succeeded in convincing them they are the problem and they are to be blamed for all the relationship or marriage woes.

This often leads them to cling to dysfunctional relationships, refusing to let go of something that’s not going anywhere. Usually, the woman reaches a point where she believes nobody else will come along if she leaves her current partner.

So, she hangs on, even when it’s clear that something isn’t right with the relationship. They hang on to a toxic partner while going through all the fallouts and yet refuse to let go.

There are different types of control and toxicity in relationships and marriage. Here is one type of partner I firmly believe you shouldn’t waste your time with. They’re not worth investing years of your life in, only to realize in the end that you’re left out in the cold.

Controlling Partners

Controlling partners are manipulative and insecure. At the core of their behavior is selfishness, sometimes bordering on wickedness. Controlling partners are also experts in gaslighting and stonewalling as part of their weaponry to keep others down. Controlling partners are incredibly selfish.

Galatians 5:17 (MSG) tells us, “For there is a root of sinful self-interest in us that is at odds with a free spirit, just as the free spirit is incompatible with selfishness.”

Controlling people will always reveal their true colors during courtship or friendship. They won’t let you breathe, interact with others, or showcase your talents. They’re content to keep your potential suppressed because of their insecurities. Those are red flags!

They might even invade your privacy by checking your phone, acting like spies. You’ll feel like you have to report to them daily on everyone you’ve met, what was said, and how you responded.

If you allow them, these partners will silence your voice. You’ll never be able to explore your creativity and talents because they keep you from opportunities. Warn your children about these controlling partners before they fall hopelessly and helplessly in love! 

It’s usually not worth it because after enduring the torment for years, one reaches a breaking point and then rebels. This often leads to separation or divorce, which isn’t always part of God’s plan for your life. Some men won’t let their wives pursue their careers, insisting they stay in the kitchen due to their insecurities.

Some ladies won’t let their husbands (called into ministry) answer God’s call on their lives. Be cautious about who you fall in love with.

The solution here is to recognize the signs early on and seek help. Whether through counseling or therapy, it’s crucial to understand that you deserve a healthy, balanced relationship where your voice is heard and your potential is encouraged.

As singles in a relationship, if you recognize controlling behavior, you can take steps towards saving the relationship if there is cooperation. But if there is no cooperation, begin regaining your independence and finding a partner who respects and supports you.

Remember, there is always time to prioritize your well-being and happiness. Don’t let fear or insecurity keep you trapped in a relationship that stifles your growth and happiness. Seek help, know your worth, and have the courage to walk away from toxic relationships.

As couples, our reaction is not to fight, throw tantrums, or go into withdrawal mode. Our reaction as married people is to seek therapy and counseling in an attempt to save the marriage.

God bless you! 

 Are you in need of one-on-one therapy and counselling, or do you need an intervention in your marriage or relationship? Go to


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Top 10 Dating and Marital Mistakes To Avoid

Top 10 Dating and Marital Mistakes To Avoid

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Top 10 Dating and Marital Mistakes To Avoid

Building a strong and healthy relationship takes effort, commitment, and a willingness to learn from mistakes. In this blog post, we’ll explore the top ten dating and marriage mistakes to avoid, helping you to build a more fulfilling and lasting connection with your partner. This is for Singles and Couples. 

1. Lack of Communication 

Failing to communicate openly and honestly can lead to misunderstandings, resentment, and conflict. Make sure to listen actively, express yourself clearly, and address issues as they arise. Being muted or inability to listen is a not a good sign.

2. Unrealistic Expectations 

Entering a relationship with unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment and frustration. Avoid idealizing your partner or expecting them to meet all your needs. Instead, focus on building a genuine connection and understanding each other’s strengths and weaknesses. There is a downside to everybody.

3. Ignoring Red Flags 

Ignoring red flags or dismissing concerns can lead to a toxic or unhealthy relationship. Trust your instincts and address issues early on, rather than hoping they’ll resolve themselves. Don’t fall so much in love that you become blinded to obvious discrepancies. For couples, don’t keep quiet, seek help and therapy. 

1 Peter 3:15, in the Message Translation says”Don’t be naive. Some people will try to tear you down and destroy your faith. Be wise and stay alert!”

4. Not Setting Boundaries 

Establishing clear boundaries is essential for maintaining a healthy and respectful relationship. Failing to set boundaries can lead to feelings of resentment, anger, and burnout. Set boundaries especially as it relates to intimacy to avoid dating and marital mistakes.

1 Peter 2:16, in the Message Translation says “Live a free life, but don’t use your freedom as an excuse to sin. Live as servants of God.”

5. Lack of Trust 

Trust is a fundamental component of any successful relationship. Build trust and don’t destroy it with incessant lies and inconsistencies. Insincerity will keep tearing down trust and suspicion will become the order of the day.

6. Incompatibility 

Entering a relationship without similar values, interests, or compatibility can lead to a lack of connection and fulfillment. Take the time to get to know your partner and ensure you share a strong foundation. Be on the same page and avoid dating and marital mistakes.

2 Corinthians 6:14, in the Message Translation says “Don’t team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness?”

7. Not Prioritizing Quality Time 

Failing to prioritize quality time with your partner can lead to feelings of neglect and disconnection. Make time for regular date nights. Family first! When you are dating someone who doesn’t have time for you, it is a bad sign! For couples, deliberately inculcate bonding times!

Romans 12:10, in the Message Translation says “Love each other with genuine brotherly affection, and take delight in honoring each other.”

8. Financial Dishonesty 

Financial dishonesty or secrecy can lead to trust issues, resentment, and conflict. Practice transparency and honesty when it comes to finances. 

Hebrews 13:5 in the Message Translation says “Don’t be greedy, don’t lust for more, and don’t be consumed by what you don’t have. Be content with what you have.” 

9. Not Resolving Conflicts 

Avoiding conflicts or failing to resolve them in a healthy manner can lead to resentment, anger, and a breakdown in communication. Address conflicts early on and work together to find resolutions. 

10. Lack of Personal Growth 

Failing to prioritize personal growth and development can lead to stagnation, boredom, and dissatisfaction in the relationship. Encourage and support each other’s goals, aspirations, and self-improvement.  Build capacity! 

By avoiding these common dating and marriage mistakes, you can build a stronger, healthier, and more fulfilling relationship. Remember, relationships take work, commitment, and a willingness to learn and grow together.


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Top 10 Things a Man Wants in a Woman Part 4

Top 10 Things a Man Wants in a Woman Part 4

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Top 10 Things a Man Wants in a Woman.

This is the final part in this series.

  1. Physical Attraction

Physical attraction is a fundamental aspect of any romantic relationship, and men want a woman who takes care of herself and is comfortable in her own skin. This means that she values her physical health and well-being, takes pride in her appearance, and feels confident and secure in her body. Men are drawn to women who are fit, healthy, and vibrant, as it indicates a sense of self-care and self-love.

Men want a woman who is cooperative in the bedroom and can often initiate intimacy. This means that she is open to exploring her sexuality, is willing to try new things, with exclusion to perversion, and can take the lead in initiating physical affection. A woman who is comfortable with her sexuality and can express her desires and needs healthily and respectfully is incredibly attractive to men.

  1. Synergy

Synergy is the next in the list of Top 10 Things a Man Wants in a Woman. Synergy is essential for a strong and healthy relationship. Men want a woman who shares their values and beliefs and is compatible with their lifestyle and goals. This means she is aligned with their vision for the future, supports their aspirations, and is willing to work together to achieve common objectives. When a woman shares a man’s values and beliefs, it creates a sense of unity and purpose, allowing the couple to move forward together in harmony.

Synergy is about finding a partner who complements and enhances one’s life. Men want a woman who can bring out the best in them, support their strengths, and help them overcome their weaknesses. When a couple has synergy, they can create a powerful and dynamic partnership greater than the sum of its parts.

  1. Unconditional Love

The last point in the Top 10 Things a Man Wants in a Woman is unconditional love. Lastly, men want a woman who can love them unconditionally, accept them for who they are, and support them through thick and thin. This means that she can love them without judgment, criticism, or expectation and can provide a sense of safety and security in the relationship. Men want a woman who can be their rock, confidante, and partner in every sense of the word.

Unconditional love is about accepting a person for who they are, flaws and all, and loving them without condition or expectation. It’s about being supportive, encouraging, and understanding, even in the face of challenges and difficulties. When a woman can provide unconditional love, it creates a sense of trust, loyalty, and commitment, allowing the couple to build a strong and lasting bond.

Remember, every man is unique, and what one man wants in a woman may not be the same for another. However, these top ten qualities are common characteristics many men find attractive and desirable in a partner. By embodying these qualities, a woman can increase her chances of attracting a high-quality man and building a strong and healthy relationship.


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Top 10 Things a Man Wants in a Woman Part 3

Top 10 Things a Man Wants in a Woman Part 3

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Top 10 Things a Man Wants in a Woman Part 3

6. Ambition

Ambition is a highly attractive quality in a woman, and men are drawn to those who have clear goals, aspirations, and a strong desire to achieve them. When a woman is ambitious, she exudes confidence, motivation, and a sense of purpose, which can be incredibly alluring to men. They want a partner who is driven, focused, and passionate about her pursuits, as it indicates a level of self-awareness, discipline, and resilience.

Men are attracted to women who have a clear vision for their lives, whether it’s related to their career, personal growth, or relationships. They want a partner who is proactive, takes initiative, and is willing to put in the effort required to achieve her objectives. This type of ambition is not only admirable but also inspiring, as it shows that a woman is capable of setting her sights on something and working towards it with determination and perseverance.

Ambition is often associated with a strong sense of independence, which is a highly attractive quality in a partner. When a woman is ambitious, she is more likely to be self-sufficient, motivated, and less dependent on others for her happiness and fulfillment. This independence can be incredibly appealing to men, as it indicates that a woman is capable of taking care of herself and is not overly reliant on others.

Ambition can be a major turn-on for men. When a woman is passionate about her pursuits, she can be incredibly charismatic, energetic, and captivating. This type of enthusiasm is infectious, and men are drawn to women who can inspire and motivate them to pursue their own goals and aspirations.

Ambition can be a key component of a healthy and fulfilling relationship. When both partners are ambitious and supportive of each other’s goals, it can create a sense of teamwork, collaboration, and mutual respect. Men want a partner who can encourage and motivate them to pursue their own aspirations, and ambition is a key factor in creating this type of dynamic.

7. Emotional Support

Men, just like women, need emotional support and encouragement to thrive in life. They want a woman who can be their rock, their confidante, and their safe haven. A woman who can offer emotional support can provide a sense of comfort, security, and stability in a relationship. Men want someone who can listen to them without judgment, offer words of encouragement, and provide a comforting presence in times of need.

When a woman can provide emotional support, she can help her partner feel seen, heard, and understood. She can create a sense of safety and trust, allowing him to open up and share his feelings, fears, and desires. This type of emotional intimacy can deepen the connection between partners, fostering a sense of closeness and bonding.

Top 10 Things a Man Wants in a Woman Part 3

Men want a woman who can be empathetic and understanding, someone who can put themselves in their shoes and see things from their perspective. They want someone who can offer a listening ear, a comforting touch, and a supportive attitude. This type of emotional support can help men feel more confident, more motivated, and more inspired to pursue their goals and dreams.

Emotional support can be a powerful tool in building a strong and healthy relationship. When both partners can provide emotional support to each other, it can create a sense of balance and harmony in the relationship. It can help couples navigate life’s challenges, overcome obstacles, and celebrate each other’s successes.

In addition, emotional support can be a major turn-on for men. When a woman can provide emotional support, it can create a sense of attraction and appreciation, as men feel seen, heard, and understood. This type of emotional connection can be incredibly intimate and romantic, fostering a deeper sense of love and connection in the relationship.


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