As Couples, support one another. Be there for yourselves at all times!
Consider your own family.
Determine your family’s primary source of income.
Concentrate on it and add your might to it.
Don’t compete with yourselves; you are one! Comparison traps are loopholes for the devil.
Your prayers will be hampered if you have a competitive heart.
Genuinely love each other and be invested in your spouse’s achievement.
The wife can influence her husband’s prosperity. Read your scripture, every wife is a help-meet for the husband.
The spouse is responsible for his wife’s achievements.
As Couples, Support One Another
It is critical that you all band and bond together.
Trying to succeed in order to “show” your spouse is nothing more than giving in to the flesh.
What am I expected to do, Pastor? You have no idea who my wife is!
You are supposed to walk in love, my dear.
Love will always triumph. Love will always win.
Be determined to follow God’s instructions this year.
Evidently, a few things did not work out last year! Some methods were unsuccessful. They probably won’t work out as well this year.
As Couples, Support One Another
You must thus change. Make adjustments.
How does your family altar look? Do you assemble for daily prayer? It’s quite significant. You have to make those adjustments.
View your family in detail. Make those adjustments. Be optimistic about God.
In the name of Jesus, I pray that every marital storm will subside.
In the name of Jesus, God will pour forth peace over you like a river.
God bless your union.
Have a great day!