Maximizing Personal Retreats – Apostle Joshua Selman
Whatever God tells you, He can do it. Don’t mind what you see when He’s speaking to you, just take your eyes away and with childlike foolishness, say Lord, I believe
A retreat is part and parcel of the spiritual growth process of a believer.
A retreat is a time when you end and and begin seasons of your life with God, this should not be done in the flesh.
The most spiritual aspect of your lives is when seasons are ending and when seasons are beginning, because this is when satan gets at people.
It is a time when you are exclusively alone with God.
There are certain things that God will not tell you in public, He tells you only when you are alone with Him.
End of year retreat is very important
A retreat should be at least 2 days, one day alone should be dedicated to thanksgiving. Take out time to have personal retreat.
What are the activities that should happen in a retreat?
Thanksgiving – when you thank God, mention things one by one. Your end of year retreat is barren of God’s power without thanksgiving. God never gets tired of people thanking Him.
Don’t be careless with your thanksgiving, forget not His benefits. When you thank Him, mention things one by one. Take out quality time to thank Him.
Review your progress for the current year. Seriously, sincere and unashamedly review the year.
Break your review into 6 different units:
Your spiritual life (passion for God, illumination of the word you have accessed, character) –
What did you know/understand now that you didn’t understand in the previous year. In retreats you must be honest, unashamed and very sincere before God.
Mental development and capacity (did I cooperate with the word of God to develop my mind, did I acquire useful info that will set me on the cutting edge of relevance).
Be able to communicate the life of Christ to your environments.
To be continued.
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