Reading Time: 4 minutes

A Checklist For Your Marital Journey. The life of a man is always in seasons. There are three major seasons and milestones in the life of a man.
M – Morning
A – Afternoon
N – Night

The month of October here. These seasons in a man’s life are productive or wasted depending on the habits and activities of the man.

The scriptures says:
So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. (Psalms 90:12 KJV)

This morning, I will like to remind you on a few things, though not exhaustive, that you should consider as the month begins. Here is a Checklist For Your Marital Journey 

1. Read The Book and at least a book
What has knowledge got to do with it? The scripture says a man of knowledge increases strength! The Book is God’s word, it should be read daily and consistently. It is good to read The Book and at least a book! A book could be on any other topic which ensures self development of perhaps on relationships and marriage.

2. Fast and pray at least one day.
This is good for you because it helps you to stay tuned spiritually. You see, the success of any believer is dependent on his ability and discipline to connect with God, hear His voice and do His bidding. Fasting and Prayers helps you to hear God more. You can join KHC Global Fasting and Prayer Programme on 3rd to 5th October 

3. Walk in love and forgiveness throughout
As the month begins, can you truly say, “I have forgiven all?” This is very important. Make sure you don’t begin the month with any kind of offence from previous months or years. Begin the new month in a new way and with a cleansed heart. Let the hurts and the wounds go with past month, so that newness of God’s favour can be yours in Jesus name.

Married Couples who have issues and have not be talking can use the opportunity to end all quarrels and start again. Let love cover a multitude of sins. End all strife and let the healing balm of God work on your soul. The Psalmist said, “He restoreth my soul!” I pray for you this morning, God will restore your soul in Jesus name!

4. Stay away from all sexual compromise and other sins
A child of God is never comfortable with habitual sins. Something in him does not agree with a sinful lifestyle. It is possible you have made a mistake or two, but you should be quick to ask God for forgiveness, and then refuse to go back into such sins. Sin shall not have dominion over you, so says the scriptures. Don’t go back into what you already walked away from. It is not fashionable to eat one’s vomits!

2Pe 2:21-22 (MSG) Better not to have started out on the straight road to God than to start out and then turn back, repudiating the experience and the holy command. [22] They prove the point of the proverbs, “A dog goes back to its own vomit,” and, “A scrubbed-up pig heads for the mud.”

5. Talk to your mentor at least once
Life is in phases; men are in sizes. You will never come to a place in life where you know it all, you will always need people around you who have done what you are trying to do. Never abuse the gift of access granted you by people above you. Learn to ask questions. You don’t go to the house of your mentor and start watching TV or chatting away. You ask questions, because the wisdom of a man is encapsulated in his words!

6. Save some money
It is a good habit to always save some money, however small. As the month begins, can you truly say how much came into your hands, how you expended it and how much you are able to save in the past months? Do you have a money diary? You should, where you keep you transactions to the last Kobo.

7. Honour God with your tithe and seed
You already know this if you are a child of God. It is one thing you should never stop doing, and it is one thing you should constantly do. It is the pathway to your financial increase, and as you give, God, gives you more! It is the plan of God that He will prosper you as you give and enable His work to be done on earth. God wants to make you a channel, not a dam. 

It is a partnership that God is calling you to. If you never pay your tithe, you wouldn’t know how much you are missing out until you start to honour God. Even in business world, when someone helps you to get a job or deal, you give a certain percentage to that person voluntarily. It is ethical. Has God been good to you in any way? Then it is simple common sense to give back to His work.

8. Serve God with your time
This is a powerful principle. Wherever you find yourself, make sure you get busy for God and you know what? God will get busy for you. Service preserves your health and provides for you. 

Above is A Checklist For Your Marital Journey

Exo 23:25 (KJV) And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee.

May God grant more understanding!

I will go forward and press forth

Pray that God will honour you

Oh! Teach us to live well! Teach us to live wisely and well! (Psalms 90:12 Message)

Read a book today

John 4


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