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5 Ways Doubt Can Cause Havoc

In 1996, I proposed and my wife said Yes.  We were campus sweethearts. She would always tell me that she said ‘Yes’ in faith! Can you imagine? Is it that I am not fine ni? Today we both laugh over that statement and of course, trust me, I  would say, I also proposed in hope since faith and hope work together! Lobatan!

Exercising faith in your relationship and marriage is very important. Faith in God, His word, in the man you are saying Yes to, and in yourself that all will be well.

Doubt and worry are the devil’s attempts and attacks on our minds to steal God’s will and God’s best from us.

What are the 5 Ways Doubt Can Cause Havoc?

1. It can lead to confusion.

Marriage is a faith institution. Its foundation cannot be anything apart from faith. When you doubt, you become unsure of what exactly you are to do. God never configured us to function outside of His leading. An attempt to do so will only lead to confusion. I pray for you this morning, confusion will not be your portion in Jesus’ name

2. It can lead to considerations of alternatives and other options

There will always be alternatives. But the question should be, where will the other alternatives lead you to? That’s when other ladies and guys will look more attractive than God’s best for you. It’s all about your purpose. This singular knowledge will keep you contented. I pray for you this morning, you will not be sidetracked from God’s purpose.

In marriage, there are no more options for you. Simply concentrate on the one you have chosen, and get blessed there.

3. It can make you be double-minded

When you are in doubt, you are double-minded and like the Bible says, a double-minded man cannot receive anything from the Lord. It becomes difficult for God to bless your relationship when you are still in doubt. Today, you are convinced, tomorrow you are no longer sure. Every doubt in your heart is terminated in Jesus’ name.

In marriage, that assurance is needed to keep you standing when the marital wind and storms show up.

4. It can tamper with your focus

Focus is very essential in building a successful relationship and marriage. God really blessed us with a lot of focus while in courtship. We were focused on making things right and doing things God’s way. We laugh now, but more of being grateful to God when we look back and see that we spent most of our courtship time praying and preparing for what God will have us do in the future.

You will not be distracted in Jesus’ name

5. It can take genuine love from your relationship.

Pure, genuine love will have no room to entertain doubt and worry. Love needs to grow in an atmosphere of certainty, clarity of purpose, oneness, and single-mindedness. Fear has torment but perfect love cast out fear. Once you are in doubt and unbelief, you cannot even attract God’s help because you don’t trust him enough to be sure He will take care of you. You will be reluctant to give your full commitment. For a successful relationship, a hundred percent of your heart and commitment are needed. These are the 5 Ways Doubt Can Cause Havoc

May God help us in Jesus’ Name. May His word take root in our hearts to build strong faith in our God.

I will not succumb to worry and doubt in my life

Lord, teach me to rely on you and put my trust in you in Jesus name

Acts 2


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