3 Tips for Finding and Keeping True Love. This is for both single and married. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how to find a spouse, but there are some things that everyone should keep in mind when looking for love.
First, it is essential to be open to the possibility of love. Secondly, it is important to meet new people and to get out of your comfort zone. Finally, it is essential to be patient and prayerful.
How to Find a Spouse: 3 Tips for Finding and Keeping True Love
If you’re wondering how to find a spouse, you’re not alone. The search for true love is a journey many people go on, and it can be difficult, especially without God But, if you keep the following three things in mind, you’ll be well on your way to finding the partner of your dreams.
3 Tips for Finding and Keeping True Love
1. Be open to the possibility of love.
Too often, people get caught up in finding the perfect partner and end up closing themselves off from the possibilities that are right in front of them. It’s important to be open to the idea of love, even if you don’t think the person you’re currently with is the one. You do this without being emotional or suggestive. You never know when love will find you. Most often, we have allowed our past love failures, broken relationships, and broken hearts, to close up the fact that true love exists. You have to be open and believe in God without compromise. Allow God to do a new thing!
Isa 43:19 (MSG)
Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it? There it is! I’m making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands.
As married couples, let go of past mistakes and errors and be open to the possibilities of a new day in your marriage! Don’t dig up the past all the time for that will surely hinder your love from growing!
3 Tips for Finding and Keeping True Love
2. Get out of your comfort zone.
Oftentimes, the people we end up falling in love with are those that we never would have thought to give a second glance. That’s why it’s important to meet new people and get out of your comfort zone. You never know who you’ll meet or where you’ll find love. You can’t be praying for a spouse while you stay in your room all the time. You have to go where you can be found, for example, decent social gatherings, meetings with friends, and so on. Clubs, wild parties, and the likes are the wrong places to look for a spouse!
Pro 13:20 (CEV)
Wise friends make you wise, but you hurt yourself by going around with fools.
For married couples, create fun in your marriage. Do new things together. Be creative in the bedroom without toying with perversions. Enjoy yourselves and avoid continual tantrums and quarrels
3 Tips for Finding and Keeping True Love
3. Be patient and prayerful
The right person will come along when the time is right. Just remember to keep your trust in God, and the rest will fall into place.
Stay prayed up. Prayers have a way of protecting you from falling into traps!
Luk 22:40 (MSG)
When they arrived at the place, he said, “Pray that you don’t give in to temptation.”
As married couples, never underestimate the power of prayers! Pray in other to keep the devil off your marital turf! Rather than get hurt all the time and stay in strife, learn to have conversations with God!
God bless your relationships and marriage!