Marriage is an honorable institution created by God. People everywhere are supposed to honor their spouse and marriage in the way the deal with the married folks.
Married folks are to honor their own marriage and the marriage of others. That is one of the main reasons God frowns at the sin of adultery.
The wrath of God is actually upon the adulterer and adulteress. If you are involved in this act, please repent, turn around from your sins and the Lord will forgive and cleanse you, in Jesus name.
Let marriage be held in honor (esteemed worthy, precious, of great price, and especially dear) in all things. And thus let the marriage bed be undefiled (kept undishonored); for God will judge and punish the unchaste [all guilty of sexual vice] and adulterous. – Heb 13:4 Amp
We need to Honor each other in marriage. The husband must see to it that he honors his spouse – the wife and the wife should see to it that she greatly honors her husband
Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; – Rom 12:10
I want to particularly write to us wives about the missing link of honoring our husbands. This act is gradually missing in this age and we need to go back to scriptures and learn to give honor to our husbands.
In these days of female liberation movement where equality among male and female gender is preached. Our mothers of old knew the secret of Honoring their husbands. They do it in words, thoughts and their actions.
The way we show gratitude to our husbands shows that we honor them. And this honor comes from realizing that your spouse is your head and your crown. That God has placed him in a position of grace and honor.
I need to emphasize this that as a wife, honor is the gateway to your blessing in Marriage. There is much benefits and blessings from God to us if we just learn to honor our own husband the way they are.
Most of us wants to honor them when they are perfect but no, we give honor to them whilst still unperfected. This is our faith work and God in turn honors us back.
I will stop here and continue tomorrow with the six ways we can honor our husbands.
God bless your marriage.
My marriage is a blessing
Oh Lord, do a miracle in my marriage today.
Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. – Heb 13:4 (KJV)
Put the above points to use.
Heb 13