This morning, let’s look at one powerful, inspiring, and breathtaking verse in the bible. The verse says that you were wonderfully created.
“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”
Psalm 139:14
What is this verse telling you? How do you feel when you read this?
You should feel important and unique that your Yahweh says you are as wonderful as all His works. You were wonderfully created.
Let’s break down this verse
“I praise you, for I am fearfully…
This means that you are meant to instill fear in the enemy’s heart because you are made of God.
“…and wonderfully made”
Never has the world seen a unique and one-in-a-lifetime person like you. The world has never experienced you before. Out of all the billions of people on the earth, none is like you. You were wonderfully created.
“Wonderful are your works:”
Everything God made is wonderful, exquisite, and a blessing to all mankind. This same God made you.
“my soul knows it very well.”
The psalmist acknowledges that even his soul knows how great a creation he is. He knows that God didn’t make him ordinary. God made him be a special type of creation, different from all the other creations of God. Do you also know that you were wonderfully created?
Write this verse down and memorize it. When people try to put you down and say you are nothing, tell them how the mighty God made you the most special of all His creations.
May the reality of how God made you always stick with you. Amen.
Lord, thank You for how special you made me. I am special. I am special.
Action point:
You were wonderfully created. Reflect more on this phrase and on the verse in study. Write down the wonderful things you know about yourself. You can also ask people around you too.
I am wonderfully and fearfully made
Read yesterday’s article here