Reading Time: 2 minutes

There are several ways you can make your parents happy, and you should make them happy. This morning, I will show you one of the ways to do that.

One good way to make your parents happy is by truly listening to them when they are speaking to you. Looks simple right? But that’s just it.

Don’t be too quick to talk back, interrupt, grumble, or be rude to them. When you keep quiet and listen to them, you get to hear what they are saying, and what they want you to do.

Listening is also a way of showing that you care about them and their feelings and that you understand what they are going through. This will make your parents happy. It’s hard enough being parents to you and your siblings, juggling work, church, the home and so many other parts of their lives.

Give them room to breathe by just hearing them out. They think they are old-fashioned or country bumpkins. They were once teenagers like you and understand you more than you know or can imagine.

After they finish speaking, then you can speak and tell them what you feel. Every parent loves to hear their children air their views. This will make your parents happy.

If you have done something wrong, apologize and mean it. This way, you get to listen and they get to listen to you too. Both parties have a win-win situation.

“My child, guard my sayings; store my commandments with you.”

Proverbs 7:1 LEB

God bless you. Amen

God, please teach me to listen so I can understand what my parents are communicating to me concerning my actions and words. Give me the grace to learn to listen. Amen.

Action plan: 
Make your parents happy. The next time your parents are talking to you about something you did wrong, listen and don’t argue. Apologize when you should and need to.

My children are good listeners. They don’t speak back to me. They are very cooperative.

Read yesterday’s article here


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