Reading Time: 2 minutes

Why do you need to meet with God? The reasons are many and can never be overemphasized, nor are they clichés. Let’s see a few.

1. God created you and only He can provide His reason for creating you

Facebook is a social media platform created by its founder to help people connect socially online. So also God created everything and everyone for a reason. As you read the word of God regularly, you will begin to understand the reason behind your existence, know if you are living according to your purpose of existence and if not, how to start walking in that purpose.

Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. – Jer 1:5, KJV

2. Time spent with God increases your spiritual muscles

Constantly being in God’s presence is one way to deal with the move of the flesh. You put the flesh under the check of the spirit. Learn to meet with God.

3. Helps you know what matters to God

Spending time with God reveals to you what truly matters to Him. God cares about people a lot. He doesn’t want anyone to perish and wants you to tell people about Him.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.John 3:16, KJV

4. You get an understanding of your identity as a child of God and the type of God you serve.

You are the child of a King – a mighty king, who made the earth so beautiful and full of many wonderful things for your benefit.

May the Lord reveal Himself more to you at every meeting time. Amen.

God, thank you for the benefits of spending time with you. Help me spend more time with you and at every meeting time, reveal more of you to me. Amen in Jesus name.

Action point:
Think of other benefits of being in God’s presence. Which do you like the most?

I am decided for Jesus. I spend quality time in his presence.

Read yesterday’s article here


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