Reading Time: 2 minutes

At every meeting, each party comes with something to ask, share, or do. Meeting with God is much the same thing. So, what are the things to bring along to this meeting?

1. Your time:

The first thing that you need to bring is your time. This is very important. If you don’t give God enough time, you won’t get the best of Him. Do not come into God’s presence with the intention of hurrying away. God has all the time in the world for you, why not give Him enough time as well.

2. Your heart:

At the place of meeting, ensure that your heart is there connected to God and not distracted. That’s why you need to meet in a place that distractions will be absent. A distracted heart won’t connect to God’s heart and the purpose of the meeting won’t be achieved.

It’s not the time to start thinking of other things. Constantly check your thoughts and drag them back to the meeting at hand in case you find yourself distracted.

Another thing is to ensure that there is no sin in your heart. Ask for forgiveness because God won’t answer you if there is sin in your heart. The Holy Spirit can reveal to you, certain wrong acts while in His presence. Do well to yield to this revelation by asking for forgiveness immediately.

If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear: Ps 66:18, ASV

Your heart is very key in connecting to God.

May you get the best of God. Amen.

God, thank you for your love for me always.

Action point:
Are you giving God the best of these things? If not start now. 

My life is full of praise and worship. I will give my best to God.

Read yesterday’s article here


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