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Wow, it’s twenty-five million Naira to be won. Which Couple Wants To Be A Millionaire? The couples’ meeting got to an interesting part all have been waiting for! 25 Million grand! It can buy a few cars or build a bungalow!

Every couple present looked out to winning the star prize that night. The moderator’s voice boomed out of the sound system as he announced what it takes to win the money!

Couples could be seen whispering to each other, full of excitement and joy that is welling up from within. Who doesn’t want that kind of money!

Some even went spiritual and began to pray and claim the money. Some began to remind God how they have been faithful with their tithe and how God should not disappoint them. A particular man brought out his rosary and fingered it.

A lady in waiting came out with a bowl that was covered. The moderator pointed to the bowl and said whoever is able to eat and chew what’s in the bowl will win the grand prize. Which Couple Wants To Be A Millionaire?

Some couples rushed to the stage. As one man ran upstage, his wife was screaming Foodie! Foodie! Foodie!

Finally, the bowl was uncovered and it was about twelve pieces of…wait for it… gravel!

What? One by one, they returned to their seat, wondering how the organizers can be so callous. Who is going to eat gravel? And chew it? Nobody volunteered. Nobody wanted 25 Million Grand again.

On the projector screen, they rolled just two scriptures and the lesson hit home and hard.

The lips of a seductive woman are oh so sweet, her soft words are oh so smooth. [4] But it won’t be long before she’s GRAVEL IN YOUR MOUTH, a pain in your gut, a wound in your heart.

Pro 5:3-4 (MSG)

Stolen bread tastes sweet, but soon your mouth is full OF GRAVEL.

Pro 20:17 (MSG)

Adultery is a no go area. It’s like eating gravel. No need to preach. They shared the grace and announced the next date of Couples Meeting.

Everybody went home.

As you read, go home too; the home inside you and check. Check what you are eating that you might not be able to chew or digest.

I rest my case.

Have a great day!

I will not cheat on my spouse.

Ask for grace to focus on your spouse

Prov 20:17 (TLB) Some men enjoy cheating, but the cake they buy with such ill-gotten gain will turn to gravel in their mouths.

Live responsibly

1 Sam 31


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