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Today’s Devotional Explained in Video!

What Type of Baggage Are You Carrying? Sandy had been in four relationships and each time, she was sure she was going to walk down the aisle. But to her consternation, one thing or the other will crop up and there would always be a break-up!

She prayed and prayed. At some time, she thought she had been cursed. When God would have mercy on her and answer her prayers, she noticed that she had a lot of things going on in her thought life, she discovered she had fears and she was able to see it was her past that was stretching forth its hands like a monster and obfuscating the future. 

There are four types of relationship baggage we may be carrying at one point or the other. Let’s quickly take a look at one of them

What Type of Baggage Are You Carrying?
The Handbag Baggage
This isn’t much of a bag, Huh? Well. That’s exactly where the problem is. It’s a handbag, but it can hold some loaded pistols that can unleash havoc in moments. The handbag folk believes they don’t have many problems to deal with simply because their issues can be neatly tucked away.

These type of people carry their issues anywhere they are going like you carry a handbag and can “manifest” anytime! They believe my issues are there but they are manageable!

Such people are really nice and cute until you take a peep into the handbag and then the content therein might not be as cute as the container.

God doesn’t want us to live forever with “small issues” because that is the foundation for the big issues.

Small anger, but can leave tears and wail on its trails. Of recent, a lady set her husband on fire and then killed herself because she suspected her husband was cheating!

These are handbag types of issues. These issues come out under pressure!

Jesus did not call for big problems and issues alone.

It was a general invitation!

Mat 11:28 (KJV)
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

A handbag can be a heavy load!

Why don’t you respond to the call today? Give Him that bag and let Him bring you into a place of healing and strength! What Type of Baggage Are You Carrying?

I have rest from all troubles in Jesus’ name  


Lord, open my eyes to see what I need to work on by your grace 

Mat 11:28 (AMPC) Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]

Empty your handbag at the foot of the cross

Matt 11


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