Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday

5. He does not want you to provoke your children unnecessarily.

God does not want you to take out what you feel or how you feel on the children. Don’t transfer your aggression to them or else they will grow up doing exactly the same things to their siblings and then their spouses. What you do to children and around them goes a long way to influence their thought patterns and outlook on life.

Fathers, do not provoke or irritate or fret your children [do not be hard on them or harass them], lest they become discouraged and sullen and morose and feel inferior and frustrated. [Do not break their spirit.] (Col 3:21 AMP)

Parents, don’t come down too hard on your children or you’ll crush their spirits. (Col 3:21 MSG)

6. He does not want you to deny your husband sexual pleasure.

Never do this for any reason! It is unwise under any circumstance unless, of course, you are certain that your husband would transmit STDs as a result of his lifestyle. Many wives have unwittingly pushed their husbands into the waiting hands of adulterous women by starving their husbands with Jeru trip. It is not a wise thing to do. Jeru trip means to your husband much more than it means to you!

Let me drive home the point with this illustration. A couple held themselves in a good embrace at night and in a split second the husband is ready for Jeru trip and was warming up for that. To his consternation, the wife said “No. “I just wanted you to hold me, that’s all, no Jeru trip!” The husband, all worked up went to bed with a serious headache. 

A few days after that, they went on a shopping spree. The wife saw some jewelry, clothes, and designer shoes and the husband asked her to pick them all. Then she saw skirt suits and trouser suits. The husband still said she could pick them. She was enraptured. As they moved over to the counter to pay, the husband said, No! I just wanted you to hold them. Hold them tight, that’s all!

7. He does not want you to nag or disrespect your husband.

Nagging is dangerous to marriage! Every man detests it. It will never work, so don’t resort to it. 

8. He does not want you to discuss your husband with others.

Never make that mistake. That male colleague that seems to have a listening ear is really looking for ways to take you to bed at the end of the day. With a few exceptions, though.

That other guy with whom both of you exchange marital challenges and how your spouses have not been good is not a good relationship to keep. There would soon be an emotional affair and then it will be taken to a physical level if care is not taken.

God is my strength. He will guide me in the right path.

Lord, I ask that you open my eyes of understanding in Jesus name

Eph 5:33 KJV Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.

Take an inventory of your life in the light of God’s principles

2King 5-8


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