Reading Time: 2 minutes

What makes a marriage powerful is not the living together of a man and a woman under the same roof. It is the sacred vows shared on the wedding day.

What makes the vows powerful was that it was said before God.

Many don’t even realize the sacredness of what they were doing exchanging marriage vows. A marriage covenant was enacted the moments those vows were said to each other and more so, God being a witness to the vows.

There is no marriage without an officiating minister conducting the marriage. In fact, the priest has to read the vows for the intending couples. The presence of the priest, representing God and doing the joining, proves that God is involved in the union.

Mal 2:15 [KJV] And did not he make one? Yet had he the residue of the spirit. And wherefore one? That he might seek a godly seed. Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth.

Mal2:16 [Amp] For the Lord, the God of Israel, says: I hate divorce and marital separation and him who covers his garment [his wife] with violence. Therefore keep a watch upon your spirit [that it may be controlled by My Spirit], that you deal not treacherously and faithlessly [with your marriage mate].

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God put a lot of premium on treating your spouse well in marriage. Not only is God against cheating but everything that is an appearance of evil.

Dealing with your spouse treacherously also means not having an understanding of your spouse’s temperament and love language.

God asks us in order to fulfill our marital vows to watch our spirit and let it be controlled by His Spirit. When we are controlled by God’s Spirit, we will not walk in the flesh.

Such things as anger tantrums, silent treatment, criticizing, shaming, conterminous your spouse will not be there. Rather we will look out and fulfill our roles as leaders (for husbands) and helpmates (as wives)

Even God recognizes the fact that it takes Him by His Spirit to help us. The marital journey can never be fulfilled on our own.

Seek God’s help in every area. Whatever is the peculiar need of your spouse, receive Grace to satisfy it. Remember, your spouse will always to the opposite of you.

Some spouses complain my wife/husband like Jeru trip too much, my spouse is too shy, my spouse is too slow, my spouse is tight-fisted, my spouse is careless, my spouse is too spiritual, my spouse likes food too much etc, the list goes on and on

Remember, God has equipped you with whatever your spouse needs, just as whatever will fulfill your own needs he will meet. You have what it takes to satisfy your spouse. Use it well. It could be demanding but do it anyway rejoicing.

God bless our marriage

I will love my spouse rightly.

Lord, help me to honor my marriage vows.

Mal2:16 [Amp] For the Lord, the God of Israel, says: I hate divorce and marital separation and him who covers his garment [his wife] with violence. Therefore keep a watch upon your spirit [that it may be controlled by My Spirit], that you deal not treacherously and faithlessly [with your marriage mate].

Pray in the spirit.

Mal 2


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