This is a very practical topic. Sometimes, husbands do things that annoy their wives and they don’t even know it.
The man may be born again, tongue talking, demon chasing, and heaven-bound. This does not really matter.
We all as believers are trying to walk more and follow the dictates of the spirit. The more we walk and follow the dictates of the spirit, the better and more sensitive we are and the better our relationship with our spouse is.
We are able to apologize on time and forgive easily. Everybody, whether male or female has certain tendencies.
Unfortunately, it is those tendencies that annoy our spouse because the opposite really does attract. When we attract each other and are married, then we begin to repel each other. We must manage these differences if we must live a happy married life.
Here are 10 things husbands do that annoy the wife
1. Husbands annoy their wives when they spend all their evenings hanging out with their buddies and leave their wives alone.
2. When the husband is glued to the television watching a match or movie and gives his wife monosyllable answers. She is gradually taught to bottle things up.
3. When the husband watches his wife do all house chores without offering a helping hand. She feels like a slave and could be bitter. The husband in turn is frustrated but he caused it.
4. When the husband keeps secrets and hides things from his wife.
5. When the husband does not compliment and appreciate his wife but does that to other women.
6. When the husband doesn’t give enough money for the house keeps yet, expect the most expensive things to eat, wear and expect a beautiful house.
7. When the husband demands respect at all cost without being loving and tender to his wife.
8. When the husband expects a super woman and a ‘lamb’ in the day and a ‘lion’ at night. He expects her to be submissive in the day and aggressive in bed at night.
9. When the husband expects the wife to be near perfect with no flaws when he himself is not in any way near perfect. He excuses his own shortcomings but he is hard on his wife’s weakness.
10. When the husband is not a faithful friend and does not honor the marriage vows but expects his wife to be a faithful covenant partner.
God bless our families
As a husband I receive wisdom and I walk in the spirit daily.
Lord, teach me your ways, I humble myself to seek your help.
Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
Ask for God’s help in the journey of marriage.
Eph 5
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Help me to follow the dictates of the Spirit O LORD
Lord, teach me your ways
My husband loves and care for me and the children in Jesus name.
As a husband I receive wisdom in the name of Jesus