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Do you know God as The Lord our Righteousness? That’s Jehovah Tsidkenu in Hebrew. It’s important you understand this dimension of God.

“But the Lord rules forever. He sits on his throne to judge. The Lord will judge the world by what is right. He will decide what is fair for the nations.

Psalm 9:7-8

God is our righteousness. He decides what is right and fair. You need not worry as a child of His if his decision will favour you or not.

Remember, He said that His plans for you are going to be good. Even if they don’t seem good right now, understanding who God is and how He works should put your mind at ease. He is the Lord our righteousness.

Who is righteous? No one. Not even your parents or grandparents.

“All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23

Sin created a gap between us and God which was bridged by the death of Christ on the cross. Jesus Christ was the only one whose righteousness could cover this gap. Follow carefully as we try to understand the Lord our righteousness.

“God made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” 2 Corinthians 5:21.

Christ died that we might be righteous before God.

Why does God need us to be righteous? God needs us to be righteous at all times so that our fellowship with Him can be pure just like it was at Eden. The way He had planned it.

God also needs us to be righteous so that He can bless us with His presence. When we continually sin, God can’t fellowship with us because of the stain of sin upon us. You might say, Jesus has died for my sake, He took my sins and that’s it. So we can call God the Lord our righteousness.

Jesus died once for you to be in right standing with God, but you have to keep maintaining that which He died for you to have – direct access to the Lord Almighty. Accepting Christ is not the only criterion for having easy access to God, in as much as it is so important, but consciously walking in that righteousness is equally important.

When you have a consciousness of this and practice it constantly, with help from God, that is when you can boldly come before the throne of God to receive mercy and grace. This indeed is the work of the Lord our righteousness.

Another reason for righteousness is that the enemy will not accuse us when we come before the presence of God. How does it happen? You sin and don’t ask for forgiveness. When you start to pray the devil starts to play this sin in your mind, tells you that God won’t forgive you because you are a sinner, thereby discouraging you from praying. But as a child of God who knows that your God is your righteousness, you will do the right thing by quickly confessing your sin and receiving forgiveness.

Prayer point:
God, you are my righteousness. Help me to know that you are ‘the Lord our righteousness’ always. I thank you for this. Amen

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