Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Kind Of Beauty God Loves. We all want to look beautiful. It is delightsome when our husbands tell us, ‘you look pretty or ‘you are gorgeous’.

And I must tell you, there is so much noise about different beauty products. Makeup artists are being paid heavily just to make women look gorgeous.

The fashion industry is booming with different styles every day. We have all types of human hair now, and they are really expensive.

The other day I saw a Whatsapp video of a woman bleaching. She was literally removing the layer of the skin. Women go through all these troubles just to feel and hear people say they are beautiful.

There is nothing wrong with being beautiful. In fact, God loves it when we are beautiful because we reflect God in our beauty.

We as believers, however, who are called of God to be separate from those of the world and called out of darkness into His marvelous light need to know that our beauty and our motive has to be different.

Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals kindly go HERE

God never approves of a wife who is beautiful outwardly but has a nasty, stinking attitude, especially with her husband.

I love how the CEV bible puts it in

Don’t depend on things like fancy hairdos or gold jewelry or expensive clothes to make you look beautiful. Be beautiful in your heart by being gentle and quiet. This kind of beauty will last, and God considers it very special.1Pe 3:3-4

Our beauty should not be based on externals. If we spend all our time focusing on making our bodies beautiful at the expense of our spirit, we have beautiful bodies and ugly spirits.

God does care so much about our nails or fixed hair as much as He does our gentle and quiet spirit. He is not proud of wives who take their primary responsibility for granted.

Our primary responsibility is worship to God and part of our worship to God is honoring our husband.

Until we see being submissive, putting our husbands first, and honoring them as worship to God, we will keep fighting for our rights.

God is a just God and He well knows how to defend us, take care of us and reward us. All He asks of us is to honor Him first and be mindful of making the fragrance of our worship raise up to Him as our worship.

This is the beauty He is proud of and acknowledges.

May we not end up knowing all our beauty regimes were all wasted and as filthy rags before God.

May we all be truly beautiful inside out!

God bless our marriages

I pay more attention to being beautiful inside

Lord, help me to cultivate inner beauty more than outward beauty

1Pe 3:4 Be beautiful in your heart by being gentle and quiet. This kind of beauty will last, and God considers it very special.  

Pay attention to developing your relationship with God

1 Pet 2-3


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