You need the joy of the LORD. Constant joy is one of the things you have when you are a child of God. You know that things will be fine because God is in control. He is in control because He knows all things and how to make things happen or not happen.
Your worries shouldn’t be so great that you won’t be joyful. Why? Because, God will take care of you. No matter what you are facing, anywhere or anytime. If someone is making fun of you all the time at school, God knows how to deal with such people on your behalf. Don’t get sad or worried. Let the joy of the LORD be your strength. Just pray with verses such as the ones below:
The Lord is my strength and song. And He has become my salvation (Psalm 18:14 AMP).
Behold, God, my salvation! I will trust and not be afraid, For the Lord God is my strength and song’ Yes, He has become my salvation.” Isaiah 12:2 AMP.
Use them to build your trust in God always. When worries come your way and it seems like there is no hope of a solution or that help isn’t coming, speak these verses. Say them over and over and as much as you need to till you feel the joy of God inside of you… till the joy of the LORD wells up inside you
Never let anyone or anything steal your joy. It is your God-given right. Jesus died on the cross for you so that your joy may be complete.
You should be joyful always because your joy comes from God. He alone gives joy like no one or anything in this world can.
May the Lord keep blessing you with His joy. Amen.
Father in heaven, I ask that your joy will never leave me. Teach me how to keep it always inside of me. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Action Point:
Write down some verses on joy and daily read them as you go about your day.
Read yesterday’s article here