Reading Time: 3 minutes


In the early days of our marriage, I get angry very easily. It was a kind of subdued anger, not enough for me to raise my hands against my wife!

I have never done that and will never do that, no matter what! That is not a manly thing to do! It is unscriptural, and your prayers will be hindered when you raise your hands against a lady.

But, I used to be impatient. I am a quick person but my wife takes her time. I wanted to change her. When I am angry, I start lecturing my wife. After a while, I just had to change because the lecturing thing was not working. I had to learn early in marriage, to calm down when I am angry and then discuss it.

Over the years, I have come to learn to smile at some of the things that get me bothered and aggravated and looking back at those years, I wondered why I had to be angry in the first place! We were not meant to be the same way! A book on temperament I read was what delivered me!

If you are married to someone with an anger problem, here is some advice for you.

A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger. –Proverbs 15:1 (KJV)

A gentle response defuses anger, but a sharp tongue kindles a temper-fire. –Proverbs 15:1 (MSG)

Don’t get angry together and at the same time! Learn to calm down for each other! Get books and read and deal with that anger so that you don’t end up raising angry children who will take the anger to another level.

He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city. –Proverbs 16:32 (KJV)

A few things to do if you have problems with anger

1. Pray about it and ask God to help you by His Spirit                    

2. Seek help from your pastor or mentors

3. Stay in God’s word. Your soul can be restored when you meditate regularly on God’s word

4. Get good books that address the weakness and study

5. Discuss with your spouse and look at how you can deal with the weakness

6. Learn to keep quiet when you are angry. You often say things you will regret later, but the words, like swords could have done harm.

7. Do not make quick decisions while you are angry. Your sense of judgment is warped at such times.

8. Forgive easily. Don’t be revengeful and stubborn. Let God handle the situation for you.

9. Don’t allow anger and hurts to push you into sexual sins because you want to get back at your spouse. That will complicate issues for you.

10. Don’t listen to someone who appears ‘nice’ and wants you to sin when you are hurting badly. It is usually a trap of the devil to complicate issues when a ‘nice’ person suddenly shows up when you are at loggerheads with your spouse. Be careful!

I rebuke every spirit behind anger and wrath in your life, marriage in Jesus name. I pray for God’s help over you in Jesus name.

I am calm. I am not an angry person.

Pray that God will give the grace to resist unnecessary anger

Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go –Proverbs 22:24 (KJV)

Read a book on dealing with anger

Exodus 4-6


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