Reading Time: 2 minutes

Do you know how to pray? Prayer is an integral part of being a Christian. It’s how you connect to God, an avenue where you and God meet. Think of prayer as a playground where you go to play and have fun with friends. But in this context, God is your friend that wants to play (connect with you) with you.

Apart from prayer helping you to connect to God, it also enables you to draw strength from God.
Praying is also how you display your faith in Him to release His power into your situations.

What happens when you don’t know how to pray? You’re in church and all the adults are praying and you don’t how to join in.
Maybe you have the urge to pray and don’t know what to say. There’s a picture in your mind but you don’t know the right words to use to release this picture.

News flash! I can bet you that your parents or all those adults at church were once like you too. They didn’t become prayer warriors in a day. They went through a process. Even the disciples of Jesus asked Him to teach them how to pray –

“…Lord, please teach us to pray, too” Luke11:1. ICB.

They asked because they wanted to know how to pray. There was a desire. Do you have that same desire? Be like the followers of Christ ask God for help to pray just like the disciples did.

Asking for help is not bad. Even Jesus encourages us to keep asking –

“Continue to ask, and God will give to you. Continue to search, and you will find. Continue to knock, and the door will be open” Matthew 7:7 ICB.

Here is another translation

Ask in faith – “So I tell you to ask for things in prayer. And if you believe that you have received those things, then they will be yours”. Mark 11:24. ICB.

Obedience is also important. As you ask (to be taught how to pray) and receive, say the words as the Holy Spirit drops them in your heart. Don’t hold back.

God bless you as you do so. Amen .

Father in heaven, help me to have faith to receive help to pray, from You. May I obey and use the words you put in my heart. Amen.

Action point:
As you pray, believe what you are praying for – God will give you the words to say.

Read yesterday’s article here


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