How to Make Your Husband Love You Forever

How to Make Your Husband Love You Forever

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How to Take Make Your Husband Love You Forever

Embrace Intimacy for Lasting Connection

In the pursuit of eternal love in marriage, fostering intimacy is a key factor. While some resort to questionable tactics to keep their spouses close, building a genuine connection is the foundation for a strong and enduring relationship.

Recognizing Individual Differences

Understanding that not all men share the same views on fidelity is crucial. Some may perceive relationships as games or sources of entertainment. Therefore, careful consideration before entering into marriage, especially with someone met online, is essential.

Marriage extends beyond fleeting emotions. While feelings may fade, the commitment remains. To ensure a lasting connection, strategic decisions and actions play a pivotal role.

Strategies to Secure Your Husband’s Love

1. Prioritize Intimacy

The Bible emphasizes the role of wives in wooing, winning, and protecting their husbands 

Jer 31:22 (AMPC+)

How long will you waver and hesitate [ to return ], O you backsliding daughter? For the Lord has created a new thing in the land [ of Israel ]: a female shall compass (woo, win, and protect) a man.

One impactful way to achieve this is by prioritizing intimacy.

Never Deny His Advances

At the forefront of maintaining a strong connection is never refusing your husband’s sexual advances. Fulfilling his needs day and night contributes significantly to a lasting bond.

Respond positively to his desires, ensuring satisfaction when sought.

Pro 5:19 (KJV) – “Let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love.”

Timing Matters

Recognize the importance of timing in meeting your husband’s emotional needs. Respond to his desires promptly, especially when he is emotionally vulnerable.

Be attuned to his emotional state and offer intimacy when needed, fostering a healthy marriage bed.

Spontaneity Speaks Volumes

Maintain a spontaneous approach to intimacy. Waiting too long between intimate moments can signal underlying issues within the relationship.

  1. Communication Is Key
    Address any potential issues promptly to ensure a robust and satisfying marital relationship.

Openly communicate your readiness to meet your husband’s needs at any time. Ensure he feels supported and cherished.

Be vocal about your willingness to fulfill his desires spontaneously, fostering a sense of security.

Create a private vocabulary to communicate desires openly without revealing intimate details in public.

3. Initiating Intimacy

Empower yourself to initiate intimate moments. Be the one to make the first move some of the time, demonstrating an active role in maintaining the marital bond. Take charge of initiating intimate moments to strengthen the connection and satisfy your husband’s needs.

In conclusion, nurturing eternal love requires a multifaceted approach. Prioritizing intimacy, clear communication, and taking the initiative are essential components. By embracing these strategies, you can cultivate a lasting bond that withstands the tests of time. Remember, a strong marriage is built on genuine connection and mutual satisfaction.

Before and After Tying the Knot

Before and After Tying the Knot

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Before and After Tying the Knot

Embarking on the journey of marriage demands careful consideration and preparation to ensure a smooth and joyful experience. Just as travelers aim to travel light, couples should shed any unnecessary baggage that could hinder their marital voyage. This article explores three key areas that individuals should address before saying ‘I do,’ emphasizing the importance of a solid foundation for a blissful marriage.

1. Shedding the Weight of Laziness

Marriage is a venture for the mature – spiritually, mentally, and physically. The vitality and ability to work play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy marriage. For wives, managing the household involves substantial effort, and laziness can detrimentally impact the family dynamic.

The ability to cook, for instance, is not just a skill but a responsibility that, when neglected, can expose a husband to external influences. Even with assistance, wives should not completely delegate their responsibilities, as multitasking becomes essential when children enter the picture.

Husbands, too, must embrace hard work to sustain the family. Poverty often plagues families when the husband lacks motivation, is complacent, or fails to set and achieve goals. Before entering into marriage, individuals must relinquish lazy tendencies and commit to being proactive contributors to their family’s well-being.

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2. Transitioning from Singlehood to Marriage

Marriage necessitates a departure from certain single lifestyle habits. Late nights and prolonged socializing with friends are examples of behaviors that should be left behind. Successfully merging two lives requires a willingness to let go of the old to embrace the new.

Some individuals mistakenly attempt to maintain a bachelor or spinster lifestyle while enjoying the benefits of marriage. For instance, a wife accustomed to simple meals like cornflakes and noodles may need to adapt to prepare more elaborate dishes when her husband desires a higher culinary standard. Compromise is essential, especially when both partners have hectic work schedules.

3. Embracing Responsibility

Responsibility is the cornerstone of a successful marriage. The commitment extends beyond personal desires to encompass the well-being of the spouse and family. Married individuals carry the weight of their family’s concerns in all aspects of life, influencing decisions and actions.

Married life demands a responsible approach, and societal expectations reflect this. Dressing inappropriately, for instance, contradicts the expected behavior of a married person. Travel decisions, too, must be made with consideration for the impact on the family. Being responsible in various aspects of life contributes to a harmonious and fulfilling marital journey.

In conclusion, a successful marriage requires intentional efforts to address crucial aspects before taking the plunge. By shedding laziness, transitioning from singlehood, and embracing responsibility, couples can build a strong foundation for a lifelong partnership. This ensures a journey filled with patience, understanding, and the shared goal of a blissful and enduring marriage.

Unlocking Emotional Closeness

Unlocking Emotional Closeness

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Unlocking Emotional Closeness

This is the second part of “Why Your Can Wife Can Close Up Emotionally.” If you missed Part 1, see it below:

Understand The Nuances 

In the journey of marriage, understanding the nuances that can either build or hinder emotional closeness is crucial. Let’s continue with some common pitfalls that, when avoided, can contribute to a stronger and more vibrant connection between partners.

1. Don’t make her a laughing stock. Champion Her Confidence

In fostering emotional intimacy, it’s imperative to champion your wife’s confidence. This begins with refraining from subjecting her to crude jokes or making her a laughing stock in front of friends and family.

Embracing Respect and Protection

An astute husband understands the significance of protecting and projecting his wife, steering clear of embarrassment. Publicly affirm your pride in your wife, ensuring everyone, including your parents, knows that she is cherished.

Words Matter

Avoid biting remarks and teasing about her appearance or weight, as such comments can inflict lasting wounds. Instead, encourage a healthy lifestyle by suggesting activities like going to the gym together, and fostering a supportive and positive environment.

2. Avoid projecting her as always wrong while you are not

One major contributor to emotional distance is the constant belief that one partner is always wrong. This misconception can lead to a fractured relationship, hindering the growth of your romantic story.

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Accepting Responsibility

As the head of the household, it’s essential to accept responsibility for inadequacies without consistently blaming your spouse. Assigning blame for every situation can create a divide in the partnership.

Shaping Children’s Behavior

Recognize that attributing every aspect of your children’s behavior to one parent is inaccurate. A balanced acknowledgment of each other’s influence on the children’s actions can lead to a healthier family dynamic.

Conclusion: Nurturing Your Marriage

In conclusion, building emotional closeness requires effort and understanding from both partners. Avoiding actions that diminish confidence and perpetuate false assumptions can pave the way for a more robust and enduring connection.

A Prayer for Your Marriage

May wisdom abound in your journey as a spouse, and may your union be a source of strength and joy. Don’t lose faith in your partner; instead, keep praying and trusting. May divine intervention bring blessings to your marriage!

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May your family be blessed abundantly.

Why Your Wife Can Close Up Emotionally

Why Your Wife Can Close Up Emotionally

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Why Your Wife Can Close Up Emotionally

In a successful marriage, communication and understanding each other’s needs are paramount. Here, we explore key reasons that might cause a wife to close up emotionally and ways to avoid such situations.

1. Neglecting Her Essential Needs

The Importance of Addressing Her Needs

One significant factor that can lead a wife to close up emotionally is the consistent neglect of her essential needs. When a husband overlooks these needs repeatedly, it can result in emotional hurt and a sense of not being truly loved.

Meeting Her Needs on Her Terms

To love your wife effectively, it’s crucial to understand and address her needs on her terms, not yours. Men and women often have distinct needs, and misinterpreting them based on personal perspectives can lead to misunderstandings.

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Prioritizing Attention and Quality Time

A key aspect of meeting a wife’s needs involves prioritizing attention and quality time. Even though these might seem insignificant to the husband, they are important to her. Selflessness in understanding and fulfilling these needs can strengthen the emotional bond in a marriage.

2. Undermining Her Intelligence

The Impact of Belittling Behavior

Another reason that can prompt a wife to close up emotionally is making her feel stupid or dumb. This can manifest not only through explicit words but also in body language and dismissive attitudes toward her suggestions.

Embracing Her Role as a Helper

Acknowledging and appreciating the role of a wife as a helper is vital in maintaining a healthy marital relationship. Dismissing her ideas as “dumb” or “stupid” overlooks the potential value of her intuitive insights.

Recognizing the Power of Intuition

While a wife’s suggestions might not always align with logic, they often stem from intuition. Ignoring this intuition can lead to missed opportunities or unforeseen challenges. Understanding and valuing her intuitive insights can contribute positively to decision-making processes.

In conclusion, a successful marriage requires constant effort to understand and meet each other’s needs. Couples can foster a stronger emotional connection by avoiding neglect and degrading behavior, promoting a lasting and fulfilling partnership.

I will continue with the second part tomorrow!

Conquering Sexual Pressures with Wisdom

Conquering Sexual Pressures with Wisdom

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Conquering Sexual Pressures with Wisdom

In a world filled with complexities, the tug-of-war between succumbing to sexual pressures and resisting its allure is an age-old struggle. Understanding the underlying reasons can empower you to make informed decisions. Let’s delve into the dual facets of desire and means that often fuel these pressures.

1. Desire: Embracing the Temptation

The first catalyst behind yielding to sexual pressures is desire. It emanates from an intense attraction, where the visual allure of the forbidden promises to satiate profound longings. The sin whispers promises of satisfaction, and the heart, captivated by what it sees, is enticed to take a plunge.

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2. Means: A Solution to Pressing Needs

The second motivator is the perception of sex as a means to an end. It becomes a tool to resolve immediate need, be it financial, a pathway to promotion, a sought-after gift, or a form of retaliation. In this context, the pressure is not just a desire but a calculated move to fulfill a specific need.

Navigating the Dilemma: A Choice to Make

Whether driven by desire, means, or a blend of both, it’s crucial to recognize the pressure for what it is, an external force vying for your surrender. Remember, you are the arbiter of your decisions.

1 Corinthians 10:13 provides solace, affirming that no temptation is insurmountable. God, a steadfast ally, ensures you won’t be pushed beyond your limits. Despite being hard-pressed, you are not destroyed, for the divine within you surpasses worldly pressures.

Overcoming Pressure: A Decision Solely Yours

Drawing inspiration from the lives of Joseph and Samson, individuals with great destinies, we see divergent paths chosen when faced with sexual pressures.

Samson’s Regrettable Choice

Despite divine favor and a prophesied birth, Samson succumbed to the momentary delights of sin, forfeiting his destined greatness. His inability to master his desires led to a tragic detour.

Joseph’s Resolute Stand

In contrast, Joseph, lacking supernatural announcements, faced organized sexual pressures with determination. He chose to flee, recognizing the value of his destiny over momentary pleasures. His decisiveness and refusal to compromise became the pillars of his victory.

Mastering Sexual Pressures: A Proactive Approach

Joseph’s method is instructive, dealing with sexual pressures headlong. Make decisions that prioritize the future over fleeting pleasures. Mastering these pressures involves valuing your destiny, and preserving it at all costs.

A Prayer for Strength and Wisdom

In closing, let us seek divine grace, strength, wisdom, and courage to navigate the complex landscape of sexual pressures. May our choices not disappoint heaven, and may God establish and honor us as we stand firm against these pressures.

You will not miss your path, and in Jesus’ name, may you be established and honored by the divine.