The Anatomy Of A Faithful Man –Part 2

The Anatomy Of A Faithful Man –Part 2

Reading Time: 3 minutes

SINGLES- The Anatomy Of A Faithful Man

Continued from yesterday

Here are a few things to note!

A faithful man is a trustworthy man. He is a truthful man! A truthful man is not deceptive. He is not magma of flowing wickedness within covered with the façade of a nice man and waiting to erupt.

A faithful man loves a lady genuinely for who she is and not for what she gives. A faithful man is not out to satisfy his lust only to discard the lady later.

A faithful man will not insist on pre-marital sex, nay, his love for God will not prevail on the lady to compromise her virtue and offend God.

A faithful man is the protector of the lady’s body. He is not one to take advantage of her femininity!

A faithful man is not a Samson that lacks self-control and would not mind using his anointing to desecrate the one he is meant to take care of.

A faithful man is not a Samson that will preach and move in the Spirit one moment only to end up frolicking with prostitutes and ending up on Delilah’s lap.

A faithful man is not an Amnon that would profess his love one moment passionately and then would rape a Tamar the next moment.

A faithful man is not a Uriah that loves his job more than his wife all in the name of loyalty and then died in the process!

A faithful man is not a Judas that would greet and beg you with a kiss as a friend when all he is out for is your body to be crucified!

A faithful man will not compete with his wife. He is secure and he is happy when his wife is progressing.

A faithful man loves and does not lust. A faithful man does not scheme. He does not suddenly give his life to Jesus in order to marry a naïve and unsuspecting child of God and then takes his life back from Jesus after getting what he wants.

A faithful man will not raise his hands against a lady. The fear of God will not allow it knowing that he would be shooting himself in the leg by doing that!

A faithful man is not a gold-digger. A faithful man is not getting married to a lady because of papers and documents. A faithful man follows God’s direction in his life. A faithful man does not marry for money!

A faithful man does not teach against sexual perversion on the pulpit only to be caught up continually with masturbation, pornography, and fornication and yet without repentance!

A faithful man does not double date. He does not take advantage of the fragile emotions of ladies.

A faithful man does not scheme and he does not pretend.

A faithful man is a Joseph that loves God and will say a big NO to compromise knowing that compromise can truncate his destiny.

A faithful man learns to run away like Joseph in the face of sexual pressure and will not start speaking in tongues at such times. He learns to flee and will not spiritualize it by saying “let us reason together!

The list goes on but I will stop here for now. You can add your definition in the comment box.

Stay blessed!

I am a faithful man/virtuous woman.

Lord, help me to become the person you have created me to be and let the faithful man/virtuous woman in me emerge

Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever. –Psalms 12:7 (KJV)

Commit every issue in your relationship into the hands of God

Job 35- 39


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The Proverbs 31 Woman –Part 3

The Proverbs 31 Woman –Part 3

Reading Time: 2 minutes

SINGLES- The Proverbs 31 Woman

A Virtuous woman puts the word of God first place, she is hard-working, and she is enterprising. She stirs up her gift. She is a believer, full of hope. She is a dreamer. She is a helper indeed. She is a wife not a knife. She is a supporter. She is an achiever. She is not a compromiser. She stands for the truth, she is full of integrity.

That is the woman to be! That is the woman to be or to go for! She can only be found by the man that God has prepared for her, so she is not desperate. She is patient to see God unveil His plan for her!

Not everybody is qualified to have her. A man that lacks self-control is not her potential candidate. It takes a king to have a queen. A deceptive man is not her candidate. A man that cannot zip up is not her attraction.

She is not tipped or trapped by a guy who is willing to compromise her virtue in order to satisfy his lust. She refuses to be fooled over and over again by a man who is only a sweet talker but a God hater! She will always go for a man that fears God!

If you find yourself falling short as a woman, don’t resign to fate, but rather start over in God. Make up your mind to make your life significant and to do it God’s way. And God will help you!

Here is the clincher, in every lady and woman is that seed of virtue! It doesn’t matter where you are now or where you have been, God sees you with the eyes of what you can be and what He has created you to be and not what you have done and that is why Jesus died for you while you are yet a sinner, so rise up with every fiber of your being and cry aloud: The virtuous woman in me is coming out!

I will do it God’s way! Respond to His love today and watch your life receive a turnaround!

 I am a unique individual with a purpose to pursue and fulfill, I will forge ahead in destiny, the devil cannot hold me down.

Father in Jesus’ name, I ask for a spirit of wisdom and revelation in discovering my purpose and the grace to maximize it.

If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; But when they attend to what he reveals, they are most blessed. –Proverbs 29:18 (MSG)

Remove the mental block and limitation that exist only in your mind.

Job 25-29


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The Proverbs 31 Woman –Part 2

The Proverbs 31 Woman –Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

SINGLES- Proverbs woman

A virtuous woman is chaste. She is not available to everybody. She keeps herself for her husband. She is not generous with her body. Her price is far above rubies, she would not sell her body or give in to sex because of some amount of money.

She protects her body because she knows such things are wrong and that she would also be offending God. She does not fool herself.

She doesn’t party or frolic around. She is conscious of spiritual things. She has self-control. She develops herself before marriage. She is God-conscious.

She might have gone through some abuse, but she refuses to give up and be counted as one of the unfortunate statistics. She is a fighter. She knows that God would not consult her past to determine her future.

She might have had an abusive past, but she is willing to let her past go in order to master her future. She knows that she might have become the offspring of her past because of circumstances, but she can rebel and become the parent of her future.

She knows that the best days are ahead of her, so she pays the price for sexual sanctity by saying No to pre-marital sex. She respects her body, so others have no choice but also to respect her. She is The Proverbs 31 Woman

She knows that her source of strength is the word of God. She does not look for acceptance or love from guys; she seeks it from God because that is where it can only come from. She is truthful and she does not double-date.

She knows that double-dating is a rehearsal for adultery. She carries herself with dignity and will not allow every Tom and Jerry to fondle her body which is the temple of God!

She is a prayer machine! She prays for her fiancée and coming marriage. She knows that prayers and God’s word will solve every riddle, dissolve every enigma and bring solutions to impossible cases. The Proverbs 31 Woman

 I am a unique individual with a purpose to pursue and fulfill.

PRAYER FOR THE DAY                                                           
Father in Jesus’ name, I ask for a spirit of wisdom and revelation in discovering my purpose and the grace to maximize it.

If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; But when they attend to what he reveals, they are most blessed. –Proverbs 29:18 (MSG)

Remove the mental block and limitations that exist only in your mind.

Job 21-24


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How To Escape A Wrong Relationship

How To Escape A Wrong Relationship

Reading Time: 2 minutes


There is a common lie of the devil. If the bed antics are good, then the woman or the man must be a very good person. The truth is that the character of a person cannot be determined by how good or bad they are in bed.

If that is all the motivation behind getting married to you, the danger here is that if your partner sees anybody better than you in bed, then he/she dumps you. The source of a thing is also the sustainer thereof.

It is a violation of God’s principles to get involved and focus on sexuality when you are not married. There is no other way to see it and there is no other explanation to offer. It is simply out of order.

“But I can’t control myself when I am with a lady!”

“Yes, you can! All you need to do is open the door!”

Sin is perpetuated in the atmosphere of secrecy. The moment you expose it, you have destroyed its power. Pre-marital sex is not something you do in the open, so avoid being alone.

In a bedroom-driven relationship, the only criteria by which you are measured is how good you are in bed, to the exclusion of integrity, vision, diligence, and other critical virtues.

Judgment by that alone reduces you to the level of a prostitute. It is an insult to the dignity of the human being; it is an affront to the creative ingenuity of God.

Singles, stop compromising because of the money or pleasure you will get there. Your body is not a business commodity. You are not a commercial article to be prized and bargained on. Your destiny is not for sale!

Don’t allow anybody to price you! Value yourself! You’ve been bought and redeemed by the costliest and most precious thing in this world and all of eternity, and that is the blood of Jesus!

That is the reason the Holy Spirit will dwell in you if you are a child of God. It is also the same reason your body is now the temple of the Holy Ghost! How dare anybody try to fondle and defile the temple of the Holy Ghost!

To be continued…

I am delivered from the spirit of mammon. I am free from lust. I am freed by God.

I destroy every yoke in my emotions, body, and mind by the power of the Holy Spirit and in the name of Jesus.

what the sinful nature does is clear. It enjoys sexual sins, impure acts, and wild living. – Galatians 5:19 (NIV)

Study on “My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.”

Matthew 5


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