How To Change Your Results In Marriage – Part 3

How To Change Your Results In Marriage – Part 3

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Continued from yesterday

In summary, these are a few pragmatic things to do when you want a change.

1. Give your life to Jesus Christ genuinely and ensure every member of your family does.

2. Find a Bible-believing church and join the foundation class, with intention of becoming a worker. Do not go to church to seek miracles only, let your motivation be to grow in the things of God.

3. Never miss reading God’s word daily. Find scriptures that address that area where you need change. That is what will renew your mind.

4. From what you read daily, pick one or two verses to meditate on daily. You can do it with your spouse.

5. Go for water baptism by immersion

6. Go for Holy Ghost Baptism with evidence of speaking in tongues. This is the power of Christianity and it is the power of the Holy Spirit that gives you dominion over sin.

7. Pray in the Spirit often

8. Have a close mentor for accountability’s sake. Somebody you and your spouse can access one on one or via phone that will keep you on your toes and help guide you in major decisions.

Your mentor is not the one that pursues you; you are the one that pursues him because he usually has many protégées. I do this for quite a number of people and help mentor their marriage.

9. Serve in any capacity in God’s house and be sensitive to give when God asks you to.

10. You and your spouse should do a personal retreat from time to time.

My mind is being renewed daily by God’s Word and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Father in the name of Jesus, I pull down every stronghold in my mind that is keeping me bound to low life.

Phil 4: 13 ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’.

Take relevant scriptures in the area you need renewal in your mind and begin to study, meditate and speak them to yourself.

Ps 115


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Dear Single, Does Your Lover Truly Love You? – Part 2

Dear Single, Does Your Lover Truly Love You? – Part 2

Reading Time: 3 minutes

How will you know if your lover truly loves you or not?

  1. He will love God first

This is the first acid test to know whether a man would really love you appropriately or understands what love is.

Listen to me, guys, you will never be able to love a lady the right way until you love God first.

You don’t love a woman with money alone or with fame, otherwise, the love tangos of celebrities should have been successful, but that is not always the case. The fundamental cause of marriage failure among them is that they don’t know God.

God is love and love without God is no love, it becomes lust

Is he a God-lover? If he has issues with loving God, he will have issues with loving you. True love can only be shed abroad in your heart by the Spirit of God.

It is only the God factor in a man that won’t allow him to lift up his hands against his wife in the days on anger.

Will those days come? Yes, they will come, but what will restrain a man from the tendency of beating and battering his wife is that fear of God.

So then, Pastor, how do you know a man that loves God?

a. He would want to obey God always.
If you love God, you will keep His commandments. That is what Jesus said. He wouldn’t be insisting on pre-marital sex.

b. He will serve God with his time. He wouldn’t be too busy to serve God in any capacity.

c. He will serve God with his finances. He will not struggle with tithe. That is how you know a man that really loves God.

d. He will listen to his pastor or mentor. If a man loves God, he wouldn’t have problems with the servants of God.

Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered. Kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals, kindly go HERE

e. He doesn’t joke with his devotional life. He knows that is the source of his strength in God.

f. He will not manipulate your emotions or try to use you. The fear of God in him would not allow all that.

g. He will not be “okay” with habitual sins. He will be uncomfortable with offending God in anyway.

h. He will not be able to accommodate strife for too long. He will be forgiving and will not be comfortable quarreling for extended number of days without feeling bad about that attitude.

I can go on and on but those are just a few.

At the background of all these, however is the fact that nobody is perfect, and nobody will have it all. You will never be able to see a man that has it all. We are all “works of project” in the making.

So there may be mistakes here and there, but you will see signs of genuine repentance and willingness to make adjustments.

At the height of all these, do you have peace? If you have peace, then go ahead, irrespective of some imperfections. When I say, imperfections, I don’t mean consistent habitual sins!

I am led by the Spirit of God

Lord, teach me in the way to go and guide my feet into your plans

“No one who abides in Him [ who lives and remains in communion with and in obedience to Him—deliberately, knowingly, and habitually ] commits (practices) sin. No one who [ habitually ] sins has either seen or known Him [ recognized, perceived, or understood Him, or has had an experiential acquaintance with Him ].” (1Jn 3:6, AMP)

Read 1 Cor 13

1 cor 13


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