Don’t Marry The Batman Or The Batwoman

Don’t Marry The Batman Or The Batwoman

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Don’t Marry The Batman Or The Batwoman. Batman and Batwoman are known for being secretive. They are mysterious, secretive, and totally withdrawn.

Getting married to a secretive person can be risky. This guy or lady has no mentors, trusts no one, and relates with no one.

Mostly been abused in the past, disappointed by some persons in authority, or let down by people he or she trusted in.

There is usually a story that touches the heart around Batman And Batwoman.

The problem is that he will eventually create more stories that touch the heart in the lives of others.

What he hated and is running from becomes that which he inflicts on other people. She becomes a problem rather than a help in marriage.

Nobody really goes far by being secretive. Yes, I am not saying you should mouth your issues with everybody and anybody, that will be foolishness. However, there are people, usually less than three, that you have in your life and you can confide in.

This confidence reposed in trusted people brings healing on a level you don’t understand.

Jas 5:16 (KJV) Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

Yes, there is healing there.

However, the Batman husband is that man you live with and you really don’t know. He hardly talks. The wife is usually miffed because he talks to others, except her.

Don’t Marry The Batman Or The Batwoman. The Batwoman type of wife is the one who punishes you with silence. She starves you emotionally by withdrawing from you! You see her get excited with others except you.

He is that guy you know as a single and you don’t know any of his friends. He says he is not social, but the reality is that he is usually withdrawn for a reason.

Secrecy in relationships and marriage is dangerous. This is why every adulterous fling and cheating are predicated on secrecy.

You see, iniquity is perpetuated in secrecy.

He has the capacity to have flings, secrete chats, passworded phones, mysterious calls, girls’ names saved with carpenter, vulcanizer, Bolt man, and so on! Same with a Batwoman in marriage. She lives inside her thoughts and hardly talks.

In marriage, we are to be naked and not ashamed.

The Batman hides in the shadows obtaining information. He is suspicious of people and even suspicious of the person he wants to marry. He trusts nobody. She trusts nobody too.

Batman is never out to kill anybody. He appears to be a good person, but his secrecy will eventually leave you hurt.

He is a solitary lone fighter. He consults nobody. He doesn’t believe in having a spiritual father. He is the lover that tells you that you should keep your relationship in the cooler. He says he doesn’t want attention.

She refuses to introduce you to friends. Your relationship is like a secret cult.

But the more secretive a relationship is, the tendency to let go and drop it like hot potatoes. No commitments, zero casualties in terms of people involved, and so on.

Generally, people who talk to no one end up having major issues they can’t resolve all by themselves.

Don’t Marry The Batman Or The Batwoman

And it could get worse. Beaten in secret. Abused in secret. Manipulated in secret. Sexually starved in secret.

Sooner or later, the pain will be public. The shame will be open. The mystery will turn to misery.

Batman is the kind of man you don’t want to marry! The Batwoman is the type you should run from.

I pray that God will grant you more understanding in Jesus’ name. Your path will not cross with the wrong person. God will preserve you in Jesus’ name! You will not miss it! Did this devotional bless you? Don’t forget to share! Consider Partnering with us too!

I will not be held in bondage in marriage

Lord, grant me wisdom to discern

Job 20:8 (KJV)
He shall fly away as a dream, and shall not be found: yea, he shall be chased away as a vision of the night.

Pray in the spirit

PS 46


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How To Win Your Husband Over With Your Words

How To Win Your Husband Over With Your Words

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Has your husband ever told you that you are not talking to him well? It is either he says you speak in a disrespectful manner or you are not just logical.

My own husband used to tell me that often. I used to wonder how best to speak to him. My own husband is very, very intelligent, coupled with the fact that he is a strong choleric. You really have to make a lot of sense to get his attention.

To prove a point is a very bad move because it will not just work. So I quit trying to make a point.

I discovered a secret that has helped me and I believe will help every woman out there. I am not talking about remote controlling your husband to do as you say, but to have regards for what you say.

Your husband will respect what you say more when your words are weighty and carry power.  You know in the world, the wives do charms so that their husbands can listen to them. But we believers have the real thing.

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I am not talking about native intelligence or academic prowess. I am talking about possessing the spirit of wisdom and understanding that comes from God.

And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake. – Acts 6:10

See it in the Amplified version

But they were not able to resist the intelligence and the wisdom and [the inspiration of] the Spirit with which and by Whom he spoke. – Acts 6:10

It is possible to possess such intelligence and wisdom that your husband will not be able to refuse you, shut you up, or won’t listen to you.

You don’t have to be manipulative with your words, no auto planning, no rehearsals before speaking.

The fact has been established that you can speak with intelligence. But how can one come to the point where you have such a spirit?

You cannot learn it from school or from your parents or mother. What was the secret of Stephen? He was full of the Holy faith and the Holy Ghost as recorded in Acts 6:6

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. So Stephen was a man dedicated to the study of the word of God and prayers.

When you give yourself to the study of the word of God and you become controlled by the Holy Spirit, you will possess an intelligence that will be beyond your age.

You will speak with much grace and power. You will not be forceful or manipulative but your words will be gracious. The Holy Spirit will give you insight and foresight.

You will advise your husband and your advice will turn out the best decision. By the next time, he will seek counsel from you. He will disregard your words and treat your words with levity. He will come to respect you and honor you because of your intelligent words.

This is what my mentor possesses and that is what I am getting. I am giving myself to the study of the word and to prayers.

 I have made up my mind to go for wisdom in words and in deed, so that I will become relevant and impact my generation. You too can take on the journey of being full of faith and the spirit of God.

God bless your marriage

I am full of wisdom and the spirit.

Pray for the spirit of wisdom

Acts 6:10 [KJV]And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake.

Take out time to pray in the spirit

Acts 6


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More Ways To Know Your Marriage Needs Help

More Ways To Know Your Marriage Needs Help

Reading Time: 2 minutes

We started on the topic “Ways to Know that your marriage needs help” in yesterday’s devotional. let’s look at a few more

3. When the couples keep secrets from each other

There are different vital information that your spouse considers you should not keep away from them. Keeping such information away for whatever reasons could create a crack in the marriage. Trust is broken and you never see yourself as being naked and not ashamed.

4. When there is still parental influence

The Bible clearly says in Gen 2: 23, the husband should leave father and mother and cleave to his wife.

Parents, no doubt, want what is best for their children but we have to obey scriptures for our marriage to work like God planned it. Parents could be sentimental and biased when it comes to their opinion or judging issues in case there is a misunderstanding. So avoid the involvement of your own parents in your marital affairs as much as possible.

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5. When there is extramarital affairs

When there is extra marital affairs either by the husband or wife or from both couples, it’s a serious sign that all is not well. Whatever the justification whether out of retaliation, offense, being promiscuous, ignorance,  neglect from either spouse, health conditions, financial constraints or whatever the reason. Whenever there is infidelity there is serious problem.

Maybe it is not a full blown affair, it is still under an emotional affair or an office affair they are all danger signs.

Seek help before it gets out of hand.

I seek the needed help when I need it.

Lord surround me with my helpers and let me recognize them.

Psa 20:2 Send thee help from the sanctuary, and strengthen thee out of Zion;

I will sincerely look into my marriage and identify areas where we need help

Rom 12


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The Story Of Mrs Sarah And How She Prevailed

The Story Of Mrs Sarah And How She Prevailed

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Yes, I am talking about Sarah Abraham of the Bible. Have you ever wondered what Sarah’s secret was?

We have today Victoria’s Secret, which has to do with the secret in the beauty world. Today, we want to learn the secret behind this woman, Sarah.

She was a typical no-nonsense lady, the prim and proper type of lady that tends to correct and put everyone on their toes. With 380 servants that were born in their house, I’m sure she had a very big house.

Sarah was the CEO, MD of Abraham holdings. She was an ironwoman who knew her onions. She was both feared and respected.

She was not the only good woman in the Bible, so what qualified her to be mentioned among the hall of fame of Hebrew 11?

How many of us knew Sarah as not always being submissive? It was recorded that she resulted to taking things into her hands and decided to help God, and gave Abraham her Servant, Haggai in Gen 16: 1-4.

Abraham was the typical phlegmatic, cool and God fearing husband. He was a lover of peace and so we could conclude that he had left the leadership of running the home to Sarah, who was capable.

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It was possible she was bitter against God and some times, her husband. It is possible it was her bitterness that closed her womb for so long, before God changed her name from Sarai (contentious) to Sarah (princess).

It was at this point when there was a divine visitation and her contention confronted (Gen 18:12-13) that she dared to believe God and judge Him faithful. The Bible recorded in Heb 11:11 that Sarah herself received strength to bear a son.

It was also at this junction she became submissive to Abraham and bible says she called him lord.

1Pet3:5-6 (GNB) For the devout women of the past who placed their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful by submitting themselves to their husbands. Sarah was like that; she obeyed Abraham and called him her master. You are now her daughters if you do good and are not afraid of anything.

Sarah’s secret was that even though it was not her natural tendency to be submissive, when she knew it was God’s will for her, she repented. She submitted so much, she started calling her husband ‘my lord’.

What a woman! She moved from being contentious to becoming a princess. That became the secret of her beauty and youthfulness. Not her cream, beauty routine or makeup. Her real secret was in her meek and a quiet spirit.

She had to change! She was willing to drop her old self and embrace who God says she is. Her reward; she was blessed beyond measure. She was blessed and protected every where she went because God was with her.

Dear wife, if you want to be like Sarah, you can be like her. She was willing to change and repent. She submitted to her Lord and Abraham her lord. That my dear lady was Sarah’s secret.

God bless our homes.

I love and respect my husband

Ask for wisdom to build your home

Ephesians 5:22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

Study the life and times of Sarah

1pet 3


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Five Questions To Ask When There Is Fear

Five Questions To Ask When There Is Fear

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Fear is palpable in the air. Bandits and herdsmen are ravaging the land. People in their hundreds are being kidnapped or killed. Covid did its own. A good investment today is to invest in hand sanitizers and nose masks.

In the midst of all these, and as a child of God, here are some questions that need answers from Psalms 91.

1. Where are you dwelling?

Verse1 : He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

The word dwell is important. It means to stay and take permanent residence. His protection over my life and your life is predicated on my proximity to His presence. My vulnerability increases when I stroll away from His presence. When I dabble into unrepentant sins, my protection is no longer guaranteed. Disobedience can be costly.

Thank God for His grace, but shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? You have to dwell. That is the secret of abiding. When you abide, you are protected. When you are entangled with sexual sins, you are no longer in the secret place; you are in an open place, an easy target of the evil one! The more Samson sinned; the more his vulnerability increased. Sin is a destroyer, but His mercy beckons, and it is never too late to make amend.

2. What are you saying?

Verse 2: I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

In the spiritual realm, your mouth is your might. What are you saying? What a man utters can lead him into the gutter. With the mouth, you confess that Jesus is Lord, and your life is altered for good. With the mouth, a man can make commitments to the devil and his soul is sold. Are you speaking faith or verbalizing fear?

Your life will always move in the direction of your words. Learn to speak God’s word always by putting His word in your heart. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. The power of life and death lies in your tongue!

3. Do you know you are delivered?

Verse 3: Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.

His provision for your deliverance is not an afterthought. It has been settled. The word, is “SURELY” It is settled. You will not be a victim of kidnap. The snare of the devil is broken, we have escaped.

4. Do you really trust Him? Is His truth your shield and buckler?

Verse 4: He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

His feathers cover you. Those feathers are impenetrable. Do you trust in His everlasting arms to protect you? The word ‘trust” is a strong word. Think about it. Do you really trust Him? It is your trust in Him that delivers the good. Remember how you trusted your mum or your dad when you were little? His truth is His word. That is your shield and buckler. God’s word, studied daily becomes your protection!

5. Have you made the choice of refusing to fear?

Verse 5 & 6 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day, Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

Thou shall not be afraid…there will be things that will scare the life out of you, there will be things that will shake the foundation of your faith, there will be life-threatening issues that will cause you to sweat in an air-conditioned room, there will be happenstances that will cause your heart to palpitate, there will be news that will unsettle you and seek to break you down…but in all of that, the instruction is very clear, thou shall not be afraid! It is a choice you have to make because your response will make all the difference!

Nighttime: There is a terror
Day time: There is an arrow that flieth..
Darkest time: There is a pestilence that walketh…
Brightest time or noonday: There is a destruction that wasteth…

In all of this, you must not be afraid because

At all times: There is God in heaven, there is Jesus with me, and there is the Spirit of God living in me!

The terror, the arrow, the pestilence, and the destruction are all invalidated over my life, because of the Holy One of Israel, the Lord of Hosts is His name!

I am not afraid. God has got me covered. There is no fear in me.

Lord, deliver me from the terror by night and put me where there is no fear

Ps 91:1 [KJV] He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

Decide to dwell in the secret place where there is no fear

Ps 91


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