Are You Lovey-Dovey?

Are You Lovey-Dovey?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Are You Lovey-Dovey?

That word means “romantic.”

Spirituality should never in any way disturb being a romantic lover, single or married.

This has nothing to do with sexual intimacy.

The synonyms of “romantic” include loving, amorous, passionate, tender, affectionate, lovey-dovey.

Speaking in tongues should not disturb speaking sweet things to your lover.

One is to God, the other is to your lover. After you have done the one for God, do the one for your lover as well.

Let your relationship or marriage be characterized by the expression of love.

Be passionate towards him or her.

Before the wedding, “passionate’ does not include kissing, smooching, and intimacy. 

It includes calling regularly, doting on each other, praying for one another, sending loving (not vulgar or perverse) texts to each other (not sexting), buying each other flowers, chocolates, and special gifts, and doing memorable things together.

After the wedding, it includes all of the above and regular, consistent, times of intimacy, as much as you want.

Are You Lovey-Dovey?

Being romantic is not being full of lust.

In the Old Testament, honeymoons last as long as one year!

Deu 24:5 (KJV)
When a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war, neither shall he be charged with any business: but he shall be free at home one year, and shall cheer up his wife which he hath taken.

God wants you to enjoy each other! Obviously, this doesn’t mean to go and stay somewhere without work in today’s world, It simply means to continue in that atmosphere of honeymoon. By the time you do one year, it becomes a lifetime practice.

In the New Testament, God wants you to have a honeymoon for life! Enjoy every day of your married life!

Sadly enough, by the first week of most marriages, it is only the moon they can find, no honey! 

That will not be your portion in Jesus’ name!

The Bible clearly advocates that married couples enjoy themselves sexually and otherwise.

Pro 5:18-19 (KJV)  
Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth.  [19]   Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love.

Are You Lovey-Dovey?

There is nothing wrong with fantasizing about your spouse! It is godly. Take a look at the Message Translation:

Pro 5:18-19 (MSG)  
Bless your fresh-flowing fountain! Enjoy the wife you married as a young man!  [19]  Lovely as an angel, beautiful as a rose— don’t ever quit taking delight in her body. Never take her love for granted!

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The Intersection of Romance and Spirituality

The Intersection of Romance and Spirituality

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Intersection of Romance and Spirituality

Being spiritual is one thing, being romantic is another. 

One should not take the place of the other in marriage.

Both are essential, necessary, and needed for a successful family life.

After speaking in tongues, make sure you speak to each other.

This “speaking” is important and should be perpetual.

Toasting should not end on the wedding day, in fact, it should just begin.

 Speaking the right words is needed for a great sexual experience, especially for the wife.

It helps her to get ready!

On the other hand, singles should use the right words for each other, and align their souls rather than their bodies. 

The bodies are meant to come together after the wedding, not before.

What should come together before the wedding are the souls, in the place of beautiful conversation, healthy chats, romantic exchanges of words, making plans for the future, and envisioning the future together.

Speaking in tongues should not replace speaking loving words to each other.

Both are very important.

The Intersection of Romance and Spirituality

Speaking loving words to your lover should not replace speaking loving words to your creator.

Both are lovers.

God is the lover of your soul, your dear one is the lover of your body!

God loves you to speak loving words to Him.

Your lover craves loving words to be spoken to him or her. 

After you have prayed, make sure you also play with your loved one!

There must be a balance of the romantic and the spiritual in order to keep your love life going and in order to make a relationship lead to marriage.

Speaking loving words to each other will keep false assumptions away.

Speaking in tongues will keep demonic influence away.

Speaking loving, romantic words to each other adds strength to your love life.

Speaking in tongues adds strength to your inner man.

With your love life, you fight doubt and insecurities.

With your inner man, you fight and wade off attacks of the enemy.
That is why the scripture emphasizes that romance alone will not deliver.

The Intersection of Romance and Spirituality

Rom 14:17 (KJV)  
For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

That is, if you want to bring the kingdom of God into your relationship or marriage, it is not in meat and drink alone, it is not in ice cream and cinema outings alone, it is also in right living, in Shalom, and in the Holy Spirit

Do you get it?

That he is handsome alone would not be enough, can he speak in tongues?

That she has hot legs alone would not suffice, does she have a hot heart as well?

I will stop here this morning!

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How Being Truthful Can Be Romantic – Part 2

How Being Truthful Can Be Romantic – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

3. Life is all about seed, time, and harvest

If life is all about seed, time, and harvest, then it means every time I tell a lie, get into falsehood, or I am insincere, I am sowing a seed. If the harvest will eventually come, the question is ‘what kind of harvest will come with those kinds of seed?

If I keep deceiving her while I have somebody else I really want to get married to, that would be a wrong seed to sow into my life.

If I start a secret relationship and try to hide from my spouse, and willfully continue in it, that would surely be a wrong seed!

The deal is very simple; if you don’t want the whirlwind, then don’t sow the wind!    

For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind…(Hosea 8:7a KJV)

4. You will be able to deal with sins that thrive on secrecy

Do you know it takes secrecy to cheat on your spouse? Do you know it takes secrecy to double date? It goes without saying then, that if you can be sincere with your spouse to the last details, you will not be trapped!

If you know you cannot but tell your spouse everything that happened, then you are cautious about what you do because you still have to say everything.

The moment you can internalize it and hide it in marriage, you have just given the devil a foothold to operate!

Be sincere! When you are sincere, the power of iniquity will be broken!

Don’t give the Devil that kind of foothold in your life.

Iniquity is perpetuated in the atmosphere of secrecy. Make up your mind to hide nothing from your spouse, and you would have freed yourself from a lot of demonic strongholds without any deliverance sessions!

This does not necessarily mean having to dig into the past to bring out unnecessary issues that have been long forgotten and forgiven by God.

I am talking about present issues, daily happenstances, make up your mind to hide nothing, you will be amazed at how you have liberated yourself.

Your life of truthfulness or deception goes beyond you, it will be consequential upon your destiny, your lover, spouse, your children, and generation unborn.

This is because truthfulness or deception will inform your decisions and your decisions will inform how your life, that of your spouse, and your children turn out.

Decide today to be fruitful. It pays.

Amplified Bible sums it all.

The heart of her husband trusts in her confidently and relies on and believes in her securely, so that he has no lack of [ honest ] gain or need of [ dishonest ] spoil. – Proverbs 31:11 (AMP)

May God grant you more understanding!

I will be a person of integrity.

Ask for the grace to be a person of integrity

Let integrity and uprightness protect me, for I wait [expectantly] for You. Psalms 25:21 KJV

Be a person of integrity

Ps 25


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