When You’re Ready for Marriage

When You’re Ready for Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

When You’re Ready for Marriage. Let’s take a look at some hints that show you are really ready for marriage.

1. You are not lonely.

This is because marriage is never the solution for loneliness. You can be married and be lonely! Ask some married folk. You are not ready for marriage if you are lonely. Adam was not lonely; he was alone. Loneliness and being alone are not the same thing.

Marriage is never meant to alleviate loneliness; rather, it is meant to supplement and provide companionship.

If you look up the word “helper,” you’ll see what I mean.

Genesis 2:18 (KJV) 
And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

The Amplified Bible calls it a helper and then expands on that word.

Genesis 2:18 (AMPC)
Now the Lord God said, It is not good (sufficient, satisfactory) that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper (suitable, adapted, complementary) for him.

When You’re Ready for Marriage

2. You are not looking for house help.

A woman is to be a helper rather than a house help The definitions have been established. They are not the same thing.

Depending on the circumstances, she can do the laundry, but she is not a dry cleaner or washing machine.

She hasn’t come to work her hands to the bone while her husband watches the news and football.

This is especially crucial now since there are so many career women.

If the young couple does not have housekeepers or anyone else to assist them, they must both face the labor and not delegate it to one side. This is what real love is!

This does not diminish the wife’s hard work and industriousness, as demonstrated by the virtuous woman, but it also does not render the husband superfluous in the home.

There should be “labor division” in love!

hen You’re Ready for Marriage

And this is why single should not spend weekends with boyfriends in order to secure a wedding.

That is not how it works.

You’ll have more sex (which is sinful) )and less meaningful conversations to develop your marital aspirations.

The time that should be spent getting to know each other and examining character flaws is instead spent wrapped up in each other’s embrace, in passionate sex, which is why difficulties arise after the wedding.

You never got to know that person with you on the bed.

We will continue on this later!

Good morning!


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How To Get Excited About Your Life

How To Get Excited About Your Life

Reading Time: 3 minutes

You have to be excited about your life, yes, your own life. You have been excited about other people’s lives, their achievements, their talents, their beauty, their intelligence and so on. It’s time you begin to get excited at God’s wonder called YOU.

Look into the mirror, and celebrate the lady or guy you see at the other side. Most times, we pretend to be too busy not to give a few second’s glance to appreciate ourselves.

Behind that busyness is an avoidance to notice how special and unique you are.

Life is in phases and the last minute that just went by now can never be re -lived again. It is gone forever. Whatever phase you are in, it is worth celebrating. Learn to capture moments, pause and celebrate the major character called you.

You are the major character that the whole of heavens is intently looking at. Your best days are not behind you, your best moment is here and here now. Tomorrow is a promissory note, but today is a gift.

Celebrate yourself because you made it through the night season and you are here now. Even if you are not sure how tomorrow will look like, you don’t have to forfeit the today you can see now.

I will confess and praise You for You are fearful and wonderful and for the awful wonder of my birth! Wonderful are Your works, and that my inner self knows right well.

Psa 139:14 (AMP)

Get excited about yourself and build a positive self-esteem and a positive atmosphere around you. Others will perceive this and it will make you attractive to them. When you get excited about your life, you are not living at the mercy of others. What people say or think about you does not really matter.

Some people are approval addicts. They go about seeking people’s approval. People that look forward to other people’s approval are never excited. They are too busy, pre-occupied with who is appreciating them. They are always looking for company.

Learn to be your best company. Some people can’t dance all by themselves in their own company. Some can’t laugh or give a little dance step all by themselves.

Ask yourself, can you recognize yourself if you were in another body? Some people don’t know half about the person under their skin.

You are great and unique. You are beautiful. You are talented. You are smart. You can make the right choices. You are intelligent. You are wise.

One of the reasons celebrating yourself is also good is that it keeps you in check. You cannot be smoking, drinking, gambling, having multiple sexual partners and be celebrating yourself at the same time. They don’t go together. When you get excited about your life, it helps you make better choices and vice versa.

Five ways to get excited about your life.

1. Be a grateful person
A thankful heart is an excited heart.

2. Be real. Don’t live a fake life
Seek help where necessary. Don’t fool yourself covering up or hiding some habitual sins. A double life cannot be an excited life. Seek counsel.

3. Be ready to learn every day
Learn how to live life. There is a better way you don’t know. Learning makes life better.Learn more to have and be able to make better choices.

4. Be excited about knowing God
Until you are excited about God and excited about knowing Him, you cannot be excited about your life. God is the author of your life, a discovery of Him is a discovery of your life.

5. Be ready to make better choices daily
Your choices will make you. Right from the choice of thoughts you permit in your mind, to your words, your actions, your habits and of cause, your character. You can only be excited about your life when you have handled well all these other choices.

Never beat yourself down even when you fall or make a mistake. Be ready to go over the process again and you will see yourself getting excited about your life once again.

I am wonderfully made

Lord, give me inner strength

Psa 139:14 (MSG) I thank you, High God—you’re breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration—what a creation!

Pray about God’s plan for your life

Matthew 22; Mark 12


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