Practical Ways To Obey God

Practical Ways To Obey God

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Still talking on the issue of obedience, this morning, I want to quickly show us a few practical ways to obey God as children.

Remember, we are considering the life and times of Father Abraham

Genesis 12 verse 1,4 (NKJV):  Now the Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, From your family And from your father’s house, To a land that I will show you. So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken to him, and Lot went with him. And Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran.

1. By being obedient to His Word.

The word is God. The only way you can be obedient to God is by obeying his word. If you disobey God’s word, it is as good as saying you have disobeyed God himself.

So dear children, my question to you this morning is; are you obedient to his word?

2. By being obedient to spiritual authority.

Oh yes. There are several authorities that have been placed over us as children. When you obey such authorities, you are obeying God.

Examples of constituted authorities include your school, your church, your family, and so on.

Note that no authority can spring up without the input of God Almighty. So when you obey them, you are obeying God.

There are many more ways we can obey God, but I hope you have been able to draw out lessons and action plans from the above as regards your obedience to God.

God bless you! Amen.

I choose to obey God by obeying all those God has put over me.

Oh Lord, help me to be an obedient child in Jesus name, Amen.

Action Point:
List all constituted authorities over you and start obeying them all.

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Greatness Through Obedience

Greatness Through Obedience

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The word obedience according to the dictionary means compliance to a command, prohibition or known law and rule of duty prescribed; the performance of what is required or enjoined by authority or the abstaining from what is prohibited, in compliance with the command or prohibition.

Taking a closer look at the life of Father Abraham, you will discover that it was obedience that made him great.

Genesis 12:1,4 (KJV) Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee: So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran.

I will be sharing with us few reasons we should take obedience seriously.

1. Obedience proofs your love for God and to God. If you truly love God, you will obey Him.

2.Obedience is part of our worship. If we profess to love and serve God, then one of the ways we show it is our obedience.

3.Obedience is a test of our faith in God. This is true because faith in God means believing in his instructions and if we claim to have faith them we must obey.

4.Obedience is also a test of character, the ability to follow simple instruction is evidence of good character

5.Obedience helps us as God’s children to shine forth our light in this world

Obeying God is a vital part of  our lives as believers, nothing can be compared to a life of obedience. I pray that you receive grace to be obedient all the time in Jesus name. Amen.

Father in the name of Jesus, I receive grace to be obedient at all times in Jesus name    

Obey every instruction given to you today

I am an obedient child

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Be A Peacemaker

Be A Peacemaker

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Hi, dear one, you must learn to be a peacemaker. Let me tell you something about God, he rewards! God isn’t a taskmaster; everything he asks us his children to do will always come with a reward for our obedience.

Have you ever been obedient to your parents? See how glad they are when they realize that you did what you were told to do. Same as God, when we obey him, he has a lot in store for us, and one thing about God is that he always keeps his promises.

Let me show you a place in the bible where he clearly states the reward for a particular trait

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. – Matt 5:9 (NIV)

Who is a peacemaker? A peacemaker is someone who brings about peace, a person who seeks peace at all time, wherever he or she find themselves, they walk in love and stay away from whatever it is that is not peaceful.

As a child of God, this is one of God’s desires for you. These are Jesus’ exact words and see what he says first, he called peacemakers blessed. Do you know what it means to be blessed?

The Oxford English Dictionary explains it to mean being endowed with divine favour and protection! Hmm, how interesting is that? This means that you are loved and sorted for, and in addition to that, you are also protected, not by security personnel but by God’s angels!

Look at the concluding part of the verse; it says “they will be called sons of God!”

What an honor that is. Do you want to be blessed? Do you want to be called a son or a daughter of God?

Choose to be a peacemaker today and see God marvelously bring all these promises to pass in your life.


I am blessed because I am a peacemaker


Lord Jesus, make me a peacemaker; Amen


Decide to always obey God’s word.

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How Children Can Learn By Obedience

How Children Can Learn By Obedience

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Hello dear, trust you had a good night’s rest! Today, I will be sharing with you a very important topic. We’ll be talking about obedience!

What is obedience?

Obedience means to do whatever is asked of you out of respect and love for whoever gives the instruction.

It is always good to obey whatever you are told to do. Obedience isn’t doing part of what you are told to do, if you do that it’s counted as disobedience.

As God’s child, he wants you to be obedient at all times, and in all things.

Do you know that Adam and Eve disobeyed God and they were sent out of the garden of Eden? Disobedience always comes with bad consequences.

Not only do you have to be obedient to God, but you also have to obey your parents, teacher, and everyone above you.

When you disobey these people, just like Adam and Eve you will be punished for your wrong acts.

Why you should always be obedient?

1. God loves obedient children and he desires that you obey him at all times

2. Disobedience brings punishments. There is always a punishment for every act of this obedience

3. Your parents will always be proud of you. If you obey your parents they will always be happy with you and also proud of you.

4. God commands that you are obedient. It is God’s commandment that you are obedient at all times.

5. There is always a reward for obedience.

Dear Lord, help me to be obedient at all times. Amen

Action point:
Decide to be obedient henceforth.

I am an obedient child.

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Oil For Today – Day 191

Oil For Today – Day 191

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Today is Oil For Today – Day 191. Let’s lift up our voice one more time as we pray to God! Watch Video on Youtube HERE. Check other days HERE.

Scriptures For Today

Oil For Today – Day 191

Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest.

Joshua 1:7 KJV

Prayer Points For Today

Oil For Today – Day 191

1. Begin to thank the Lord for today.

2. This year 2022, I am strong and very courageous in Jesus name

3. Every fear hindering my progress is crushed in Jesus name

4. Every weakness is turned into strength for my destiny in Jesus name

5. Every obstacle militating against my advancement , I terminate you in Jesus name

6. Grace to be a doer of Gods Word, rest upon me afresh in Jesus name

7. Every hindrance on my path of fulfilling destiny, be crushed in Jesus name

8. I prophecy into my life I make progress, I advance in Jesus name

9. Grace to prosper in every aspect of my life, I receive

10. Begin to thank the Lord for answered prayers

Confession For Today

Oil For Today – Day 191

I am strong. I  very courageous. I observe to do Gods word. I am a doer of God’s word. I am obedient to every of His word. My ears hear from God. I am led by the Holy Spirit in doing the word. I am a champion and world over comer. I prosper in all my ways in Jesus name


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