How To Handle Relationship Pressures – Part 3

How To Handle Relationship Pressures – Part 3

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Still talking about pressure. If you missed it, read it HERE

Matchmaking Comments and Prophecies

Comments from friends, family and those you respect and look up to should not be allowed to constitute pressure in your relationship, especially when they are contrary to your personal convictions.

Your decisions should always be influenced by what God says; follow His directions alone!

People may tease you on how good you and someone could be together; they may say you’d make a perfect couple. Do not be influenced against your personal convictions. Pastoral, parental and friendly match-making should serve only as confirmations.

Do not yield to prophetic manipulations or some prophecies. The Bible says woe unto prophets that say that God said something He didn’t say.

No prophet or man of God has any business choosing a spouse for you. It is your responsibility to do that. God may use them to guide, confirm, instruct and advise, but not to choose or impose anybody on you. That is not the purpose of anointing. The anointing is to break yokes and lift burdens, not to add it into people’s lives! 

As singles, you should stop taking names all over the place; you will get more confused at the end of the day.

In the first place, you are not supposed to have more than one name! What you should also know is the at most of these prophets are hungry, so they will always have something to say!

Stop looking for directions and wasting your money all over the place. God’s order in the New Testament is not to start seeking direction but to develop a good relationship with God, His word and His Spirit wherein you can hear God clearly and by yourself.

Men of God are to teach, instruct, correct and confirm!

Some of these things border on manipulation and witchcraft where specific directions are being sought all the time. You almost would have to take permission on when to sleep with your spouse in marriage! That is not in the Bible!

Everyone has a responsibility to learn to hear God. It is the greatest blessing you have in life.

I pray over your relationship that God will open your ears and hearts to hear Him clearly and explicitly. He will do a new thing and He will make all things new in Jesus name!

I am filled with God’s wisdom.

Lord, strengthen me against any pressure in Jesus name.

Eph 5:23 MSG The husband provides leadership to his wife the way Christ does to his church, not by domineering but by cherishing.

Do not bow to pressure

Luke 3


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Praying With The Names of God

Praying With The Names of God

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Everyone has names. Your name is a reflection of the relationship between you and another person. You call your mother “mommy” because that is who she is to you – your mother.  She refers to you as her son because she gave birth to you. There is a mother-son relationship between you two.

God, also, has other names.  Did I hear you say what? Yeah, He does. You call Him God, Jehovah, Yahweh, Almighty, and more. But there are also very special ways we refer to God.

These other names tell us about the unique qualities that God possesses.  They tell us of the many different dimensions of how God operates. Like a car has different parts and each part contributes to how we identify a car.

God has different names that reflect His many attributes as the creator of all the earth and mankind. Each name speaks to a part of Him that we see or want to see in operation in our lives.

When you call Him by one of these names, it draws out a part of His essence, something unique and powerful about Him. You are calling Him to be that which you have called Him to be.

Knowing and calling Him these names help you develop a deeper relationship with Him. You marvel and wonder at how great and mighty He is.

Also, you get to depend on Him and not on your strength, intelligence, power, skills, or social standing. When you identify Him as your helper, provider, keeper, friend, et cetera., it helps to put your total trust in Him.

Lastly, these names of God reveal deeper worship of Him. You just get lost in the amazing greatness of Him, His name, and Word.

These names remind you of who God is and can be for and to you. Your God can be anything and everything you want Him to be. He wants to display His power and sovereignty for you.

Tomorrow we will start the series and see the many ways God displays His power and might through His names.

God bless you. Amen

Lord, I am glad that I have other names to call you. Help me know these and use them.

Read yesterday’s article here


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