What Causes Miracles?

What Causes Miracles?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s time to learn what causes miracles! Hello dear child, trust you have had a lot to learn here so far! Today we’ll be looking at another interesting lesson from God’s word; it’s always good to learn directly from what the word of God says, rather than earthly wisdom.

Let’s go straight into God’s word!

In today’s devotional, I am going to be showing you how you can cause God to work miracles in your life and that of your loved ones.

The first miracle of Jesus was when he turned water to wine at a wedding at Cana of Galilee. Jesus came to ‘the recuse’ of the bride and groom, wine had just finished at their party, and the party was still very much on. Can you imagine that? Have you held a party before? It’s like someone announcing that food has finished at a birthday party when the party has just started and over a hundred people are yet to eat.

In the story, Jesus’ mother called his attention to the issue, but he wasn’t ready to do anything at that time, because it wasn’t yet time for his manifestation.

But Mary said something powerful to the disciples, and that’s where our lesson is from today.

The bible says in John 2:5;

His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”  John 2:5 (NIV)

Right after Mary said this, Jesus gave an instruction that didn’t make common sense, but just like Mary told the servants, they did what was told then. The end result of this was that water was turned into wine.

This miracle could only happen because those servants did as they were told, not minding whether it made sense or not, they obeyed!

As children of God we must learn to obey, this is how to get God to work miracles in our lives.

To be continued…

Lord Jesus help me to be an obedient child at all times; Amen.

Choose to always follow simple instructions

I am a child of God; I am obedient at all times. The Holy Spirit is at work in my life helping me live a life of obedience at all times, amen.

Read yesterday’s article here

Lessons From the Five Loaves and Two Fishes

Lessons From the Five Loaves and Two Fishes

Reading Time: 2 minutes

One of the greatest miracles Jesus performed in the bible was when he fed more than five thousand people with five loaves and two fishes.

I am sure you have read this story in your bible storybook. How awesome do you think that must have been for Jesus disciples and the people that ate the bread and fish?

Let me show you what I learned from this story of five loaves and two fishes.

“…We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered.  “Bring them here to me,” he said. And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children. –Matthew 14:17-21 (NIV)

1. Jesus directed the people to sit down. As children of God, God wants you to be orderly, even Jesus needed people to be orderly before he performed the miracle.

2. Jesus gave thanks to God. Thanksgiving is very important for us as God’s children, learn to give thanks at all times. That’s how to multiply your sweet and biscuit, thank God for providing for your parents, and then thank your parents for buying you things you like. Always be grateful.

3. The disciples obeyed Jesus. Obedience is very important; God wants you to obey your parents and those older than you. In fact, there is a blessing attached to obeying your parents, the bible says if you do, your days will be long.

After over five thousand people ate from five loaves and two fishes, there were leftover of twelve baskets full, don’t you want that kind of blessing for you and your parents? Be orderly, give thanks and stay obedient and God will keep blessing your parents because of you.


Father in the name of Jesus, help me to be orderly, obedient and always thankful in Jesus name. Amen.

Action Plan:

Take time to thank God for your parents.


My children are full of gratitude and obedient at all times.

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How To Activate A Miracle Over Your Marriage

How To Activate A Miracle Over Your Marriage

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Every marriage will go through its season when the wind will go contrary and the storm boisterous. Whether you are an unbeliever or a pastor, bishop or circumference bishop we will all go through that dark season.

Thank God it is only a going through. We are meant to pass through it and come out stronger, better and bigger. The season is not meant to swallow us or swallow our marriage. The test of commitment to each other and to the marriage covenant is known here.

It is in this season that whether our love for each other is unconditional or conditional is tested. Whether we will stay with each other for the long haul or whether our faith in the God of the marriage will dwindle.

It is here that the believers have to hold on to the Word of God, To His promises. This claiming God’s promises is not a once and for all thing. It took the family of Abraham and Sarah standing in faith for over 20 years for the promise to be fulfilled. The same with David and Joseph.

Bible says we should hold on to the profession of our faith.

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) – Heb 10:23

The reason why we should hold fast is because He is faithful that promised. We hold on not wavering because we will reap if we faint not.

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What each marriage will face will be different. But standing on God’s promises and declaring His word is common to all. It could be a health challenge, financial difficulty, issue of work, business or career, children issues, spiritual issues or emotional challenges.

For any of these issues that combat the marriage, we have to stand strong knowing that God is faithful to bring His promises to pass in our lives. We have to keep the promises in our mouth because the miracle is in our mouth. We release the miracle by speaking it out loud, in the face of any contradictions.

We must use the covenant we share of one chasing one thousand and two putting ten thousand to flight to resist any onslaught of the enemy. We should also use the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ to resist the lies of the enemy.

The blood of Jesus, the name of Jesus, the word of God, the communion, and speaking the Word out of our mouth to defeat whatever the enemy brings our way.

We are meant to face and resist our challenges just as David faced Goliath. The challenge seemed insurmountable but David knew well that the Word of God never fails. Whatever he says, He is also able to fulfill it.

So I want you to be encouraged. You have to also learn to encourage yourself in the Lord. Fight the good fight of faith.

Whatever you may be facing, the main attack is your marriage. Let me make you know this, ‘The Devil Is After Your Marriage’.

The main bone of contention is your marriage. He is scared of your marriage. He is scared of the power of unity you carry. The power of your oneness. So whatever attack it is you are faced with, you have to face it together as one.

Whatever comes against your marriage is to be seen as something against your covenant to disrupt and distract you.

May the Lord grant you strength to stand on His promises in faith.

God bless your marriage.

God’s word is working in my home.

Oh Lord, do a miracle in my marriage today.

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) – Heb 10:23

Start declaring God’s word

Heb 10

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You Too Can Walk On Water

You Too Can Walk On Water

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Do you know that you too can walk on water? That’s the word of God dear child. God wants you and I to do exploits on earth just like Jesus did. He wants you to live a life of wonders, a life filled with amazing things and he wants you to do exploits.

In the bible, Peter asked Jesus if he could join him on the water and Jesus bade him come, and as he stepped out in faith keeping his gaze on Jesus, Peter actually walked on water.

The story is recorded in

And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. – Matt 14:28-29 (KJV)

Walking on water is the least thing God wants you to do. He also said you can move mountains if you believe. All you need to do is believe that all things are possible through and with the power in the name of Jesus.

Think of the things you can do.

You can come out top in your school, pray for the sick and they get healed, believe God to bless your parents financially, ask God to strengthen your family, and so on.

What can you do to achieve this?

1. Read your Bible daily.

Faith comes by hearing the word of God. You have to know what God is saying about what you believe him for.

2. Pray always.

Prayer is you communicating with God; it’s how you express how you feel and God speaking back to you.

3. Asking questions.

Whatever you do not understand in God’s word, ask your parents, elder ones, or Sunday school teacher in the church.

4. Behave well everywhere you find yourself

5. Always pay attention in school

Lord, give me faith that moves mountains. Amen

Action point:
Do the points listed above

I will excel in all my endeavors

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Precious Seeds To Sow Into Your Marriage

Precious Seeds To Sow Into Your Marriage

Reading Time: 3 minutes

We all have seeds to sow into our marriage. It is a fact that we all do not have seeds like money, for example, to sow into our marriage but we all have ‘time and words’ to sow into our marriage.  No one is left without seeds. Everyone can always change their marriage for the better.

1. The seed of kind actions

You married your spouse because you at least liked who they were as a person. There must have been at least one thing you admired about your spouse. We all have the capacity to do kind things to and for our spouses. Those kinds of actions are not ordinary. They are the seeds God has given us to deploy in our marriages.

I Cor13:4-13 talks about the attributes of love and the fact that love never fails. If your spouse is behaving in a selfish manner, you choose to put the power of the seed to use and influence your marriage in a positive way.

Love is always supportive, loyal, hopeful, and trusting.1 Cor 13:7 [CEV]

A miracle happens when we sow our God-given seed. But remember, our seed is only powerful when it is sown. So be a seed sower in your marriage. See your kind actions not as mere actions but as your seed and your God-given influence over your marriage.

2. The seed of Prayers

Another seed we have is our ability to pray. If we viewed prayers as receiving help from God, it will help us to stay committed to the power in prayer.

Prayer is going to the throne of Grace to obtain help.

Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.Heb 4:16 [KJV]

We all need help at one time or another in our marital journey.

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There are times we just don’t seem to be able to hold on any longer or we don’t just seem to know what more to do. When we pray, we bring God into our situation. God answers us in different ways. He may not answer us the way we want to be answered, but we have His promise to answer us.

He may give us the wisdom to handle the situation, patience to hold on, or strength of character to do what is right.

There are such untapped powers in our prayers especially if it is for our marriage.

3. The Seed of Hope

Our hoping for the best and not giving up on our marriage or spouse is important. This is the power that holds all other seeds we have or decide to sow together.

We have hope, and that is why we can sow whatever seed we have. Not giving up on your spouse is needed.

God wants to see our hope alive. So whatever we do, let us not forget to always keep our hope alive. God can restore the most difficult marriage. God can intervene and give us a miracle but we have to keep hope alive.

Let us keep sowing our seeds and know that we will reap a rich harvest if we faint not.

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.Gal 6:9 [KJV]

God bless our marriages.

I sow the right seeds into my marriage.

Oh God, help me to sow the right seeds into my marriage

1 Cor 13:7 [CEV] Love is always supportive, loyal, hopeful, and trusting.

Love up on your spouse

Psalms 1-2

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