Powerful Strategies for a Thriving Relationship

Powerful Strategies for a Thriving Relationship

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Powerful Strategies for a Thriving Relationship

1. Pray for and with your partner

In a relationship, your partner will sense your genuine love for them when you pray from the depths of your heart. He or she will feel well taken care of and assured that the future will be great will increase.

Everyone is looking for a partner that they know will be there for them spiritually. It is only carnal-minded individuals who don’t care a hoot about their partner’s spirituality.

You cannot place your spiritual responsibility on your loved one, but at least, you can be inspired by each other’s faith.

Thank God for cinemas and movies, but what about fasting and praying? Thank God for the Ice cream and the burgers, but what about some Christian books on marriage to read and discuss as well?

2. Have fun together

As spiritual as she may be, she wants to be taken out and sweet nonsense whispered into her ears. She finds that very romantic.

As much as he likes to take confessions, he also wants to hear you confess your love for him. As much as she wants you to share scriptures with her, she also wants to share popcorn and drink with you while at the cinema.

There must be a balance here. One must not be sacrificed for the other and you have to learn to create a balance.

There is a time for fasting and prayers towards your future home. There is a time for taking a walk and telling yourselves how much you love each other. There is a time for speaking in tongues together. There is a time for holding the tongue and listening to yourselves speak.

3. Surprise with gifts from time to time

It doesn’t have to be expensive if you are not buoyant, but you should trust God for constant supplies.

A large part of the brain is dedicated to shiny things in ladies.  In men, it is gadgets. Anything that looks like a box, phones, cars, sound systems, and so on. But in women, it is anything shiny, shoes, bags, jewelry, and the likes. If you don’t agree, buy one of the above for your partner and watch out for the reaction.

4. Give adequate time and attention

You cannot negotiate this one. Time and attention are a sumptuous meal to every lady out there.

Listen to her talk and pour her heart out. Put yourself in her shoes and practice empathic listening. Hear what she is saying and what she is not saying. The same for the women too. Do not allow communication to die. Keep talking no matter what.

If you are not in the same city, make sure you contact each other daily unless you are working in a medieval forest where there are no communication networks. Otherwise, you have no excuse that you are so “busy” and you cannot call.

I really will not agree that a man can be so busy and cannot steal five minutes out of twenty-four hours to be in touch with the one he professes to love.

If he forgets to call from time to time, it is either he loves another wherever he is or he is deliberately developing cold feet towards the relationship. If a person loves you, their heart will be with you, and will stay in touch no matter what.

If you have not heard from your partner in three weeks, you are the only one in love.

It can be painful to be in love with someone who is not in love with you. It is a time waster and you should not waste your time on such. So, time and attention are very important to a relationship or marriage.

I pray that God will grant you more wisdom on this topic in Jesus’ name!

Secrets Unveiled: Apostle Arome’s 14 Keys To A Lasting Marriage Part 2

Secrets Unveiled: Apostle Arome’s 14 Keys To A Lasting Marriage Part 2

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Secrets Unveiled: Apostle Arome’s 14 Keys To A Lasting Marriage Part 2

What are the Keys to a Long-Lasting Marriage?

8. Understanding the Price of Agreement.

Agreement is the foundation of any covenant relationship. Maintaining an agreement requires effort, but it is well worth it to enjoy the benefits of a true partnership. As the Apostle pointed out, “two cannot walk together except that they agree.”

Agreement allows couples to function as a corporate entity, combining their strengths for maximum impact. However, agreement does not just happen – it is something that must be cultivated through understanding each other, compromising when needed, and prioritizing the relationship above personal desires.

Apostle Arome used the example of Israel’s relationship with God to show how disagreement can arise even when two parties are committed to each other. Though Israel was married to God by covenant, at times “there was no harmony, no concord.”

Living together day after day reveals each person’s weaknesses as well as their strengths. It takes work to see beyond surface issues and maintain the “temperature of agreement.” But the rewards are great for couples who make this effort, as Apostle Arome said, with agreement comes the ability to “explore the field of destiny” through their combined efforts.

9. Avoid Unequal Yoke.

Being “unequally yoked” leads to a lack of harmony. When two people have differing values, priorities, or visions for their lives together, it creates internal friction that manifests in their interactions. Small disagreements that would normally be resolved become magnified when the underlying yoke is unequal.

Couples may find themselves constantly butting heads over decisions big and small. Resentment and frustration can build on both sides when there is no agreement at the core level of who they are and what they want from their marriage and future. Apostle Arome pointed to this lack of agreement at the foundational level as a disaster for any relationship that is meant to function as a unit.

10. Fellowship and Participation.

The Greek word for fellowship means participation. Effective participation between partners requires understanding each other’s strengths, weaknesses, passions, and quirks.

Couples who take the time to truly get to know their spouse on deep levels find it much easier to participate together in a harmonious way. They understand how to encourage and support each other’s participation in activities, responsibilities, and decision-making in a way that plays to each person’s nature. This allows them to function as a cohesive unit where both people feel valued for their contributions. A lack of real understanding breeds a lack of participation, which in turn breeds distance and disharmony in the relationship.


11. Communion and Intercourse.

Communion, or “koinonia”, refers to intercourse – the height of agreement between partners. When there is disharmony between a couple, it negatively impacts their ability to be intimate with each other. Intercourse is meant to be an act that deepens the bond of unity between a husband and wife, but lack of agreement on other levels makes true communion very difficult.

Unresolved issues like differing values or ongoing arguments translate to a disconnect even in the bedroom. Partners may feel reluctant to be emotionally or physically vulnerable. Addressing the root causes of disharmony through open communication and compromise is important to restore full communion in the relationship.

12. Purpose and Objectives.

Having a clearly defined, shared purpose is important for agreement. Couples who do not have a strong sense of why their marriage exists beyond just being together are more likely to experience disagreement down the line. Life presents many opportunities to veer off course individually if a marriage’s purpose is unclear or unaligned. Discussing each person’s goals, values, vision for family, and aspirations helps partners get on the same page about their reasons for committing to each other. With a mutual understanding of purpose, it is easier to make decisions and compromises while staying focused on similar objectives.

13. Addressing Past Mistake.

Apostle Arome discusses how past inappropriate relationships or touches can negatively impact agreement in a current marriage if unaddressed. Soul ties from previous romantic connections, even if just emotional, can linger in the recesses of one’s mind and heart. This leaves room for comparison or unresolved baggage that seeps into the present. Complete honesty and repentance between partners is needed. Working through such issues with a counselor or mentor can help cut past ties that hinder full agreement in the marriage. Sins of the past, if not brought to light, have the power to slowly poison unity in the present.

14. Conclusion.

In conclusion, the keys to lasting long in any marriage ultimately come down to agreement. Couples must work to cultivate agreement through fellowship, shared purpose, addressing past issues, and prioritizing their unity. When two become one in mutual understanding and participation, it allows them to present a united front even against any “enemy” seeking to bring disharmony. With agreement as the foundation, a marriage can withstand challenges and last for the long run.

The Secret Sauce – Apostle Arome’s 14 Keys To A Lasting Marriage

The Secret Sauce – Apostle Arome’s 14 Keys To A Lasting Marriage

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Secret Sauce – Apostle Arome’s 14 Keys To A Lasting Marriage

Finding Agreement in Marriage

Marriage was designed by God to be a covenant of exclusivity and intimacy between a man and a woman. A lasting marriage is God´s will. However, many couples struggle to find agreement and live in peace. In this article, we will discuss the root causes of unfaithfulness in a marriage, based on the message shared by Apostle Arome. By understanding these causes and applying the biblical principles outlined, couples can build a strong foundation for an enduring marriage of agreement.

What Are the Causes of Unfaithfulness in Marriage?

1. Soul Ties and Their Implications.

According to Apostle Arome, soul ties are spiritual connections formed when a person becomes intimate with another person through sexual relations or prolonged emotional attachment. Apostle Arome shares that soul ties act as “pathways” that allow demons to traffic between people and oppress or manipulate them.

A common way soul ties are formed is through pre-marital sexual relationships. The pastor explained that these relationships leave a person in a “vicious circle of connection” to former partners that can negatively impact their current marriage. Demons and spiritual problems can be transferred through this soul tie “highways.”

2. Lack of a Regulator in Marriage.

A regulator for the marriage is one of the keys to a lasting marriage. Apostle Arome used the analogy of an electric fan without a thermostat to illustrate what happens when a marriage lacks a “regulator.” Just as an uncontrolled fan could cause harm, an unregulated marriage where both partners do not submit to God’s authority is at risk of “crashing.”

When unbelievers marry without acknowledging God, there is no spiritual “regulator” to keep the relationship balanced. While they may live together, they are truly just “cohabiting” rather than in a covenant marriage as designed by God. This leaves the relationship vulnerable to demonic interference through unaddressed soul ties and other openings.

3. How Do You Prevent Unfaithfulness?

The first way to prevent unfaithfulness is to commit to God’s Regulations for Marriage.

For a marriage to be protected from unfaithfulness, both partners must commit their relationship fully to God as the supreme authority and regulator. They should see marriage as a blood covenant instituted by God, not just a legal contract. By willingly submitting to God’s regulations on marriage in the Bible, such as mutual exclusivity and intimacy only with each other, couples place themselves under God’s covering and protection.

keys to a lasting marriage

4. Another way to prevent unfaithfulness is Accountability and Transparency with Each Other.

The pastor emphasized the importance of accountability between spouses. If one feels attracted to someone else, they should openly tell their partner instead of hiding it. Regular communication and transparency about thoughts and feelings can help address issues before they escalate. It also prevents the devil from taking advantage of cracks in the relationship.

5. Another way to prevent unfaithfulness is Working Through Misunderstandings with Understanding.

The testimony shared revealed how a disagreement led to a loss of attraction between the couple. Apostle Arome counseled resolving issues through understanding instead of driving one’s spouse away. During challenging times like pregnancy, husbands must learn their wife’s changing needs with patience. With open communication and a willingness to understand each other, misunderstandings need not lead to unfaithfulness.

6. Another way to prevent unfaithfulness is Identifying and Breaking Soul Ties.

Apostle Arome emphasized that deliverance must be deliberately sought to break soul ties formed in the past through pre-marital relationships. One must write down the names of all former sexual partners and repent fully of those acts. Breaking the associated soul ties requires calling on God to sever the spiritual connections.

7. Another way to prevent unfaithfulness is Fasting and Prayer for Complete Deliverance.

Complete deliverance from past soul ties and their effects may require an extended period of fasting and prayer. Apostle Arome noted it can take up to nine months of consistently rejecting demonic suggestions and images that surface.

But with persistence, one can be fully freed from the oppression of the past through God’s power. The fast also helps destroy appetites of the flesh that open doors to unfaithfulness. We will stop here today and continue with part 2 tomorrow!

11 Marriages That Must Not Take Place By Dr. D.K Olukoya

11 Marriages That Must Not Take Place By Dr. D.K Olukoya

Reading Time: 3 minutes

11 Marriages That Must Not Take Place By Dr. D.K Olukoya


I agree that wrong marriages can seriously damage our lives and futures. In this post, I will discuss Dr. Olukoya’s guidelines on 40 types of marriages that must be avoided. By learning to identify and steer clear of such unions, we can protect ourselves from unnecessary hardship. I will explore each kind of problematic marriage and explain why it should not take place.

Number 1. Fast food marriages.

Fast food marriages are based solely on physical attraction and lustful desires, rather than true love and compatibility. When the initial infatuation fades, as it always does, the relationship collapses. Marrying for looks or sexual chemistry alone is a recipe for divorce once those surface-level attractions disappear.

Number 2. Serpent in the pocket marriages.

A “serpent in the pocket” marriage is one where one spouse hides their real character flaws and intentions until after the wedding. Once committed, the deceptive person’s true colors emerge, often in a toxic manner that poisons the relationship. Founding a marriage on deception lays the groundwork for major betrayal and breach of trust down the road.

Number 3. Marrying the enemy.

Marrying someone you perceive as an enemy or competitor is asking for trouble. Unresolved negative feelings like dislike, mistrust, or a history of conflict do not make for a solid foundation for marriage. Even minor disagreements can easily escalate when underlying enmity exists. It is usually best to maintain distance from adversaries rather than legally binding yourself to them through marriage. Trying to change an enemy into a spouse often backfires.

Number 4. Marrying late in life hastily.

Those marrying later in life after previous relationships have ended may feel lonely or pressured to settle down quickly. However, rushing into marriage without properly evaluating the partner’s character can be imprudent. When loneliness or deadlines override good judgment, marriages entered into hastily tend to end in regret. It is wise not to compromise the standards of a compatible life partner just to avoid singleness. Taking the time to know someone fully is critical for long-term success.

Number 5. Half and half marriages.

Half-and-half marriages combine two incompatible halves that are doomed to clash. This occurs when partners of different faiths, cultures, or backgrounds enter marriage with unresolved differences. Over time, disagreements over issues like religion, in-laws, or child-rearing tend to intensify rather than diminish tension. For lasting peace, spouses must be fully united.

Number 6. Red Cross Society marriages.

Red Cross Society marriages refer to unions formed due to accidental pregnancy before marriage. While having a child does require responsibility, rushing to marry the other parent does not guarantee the couple is ready or suited to building a healthy family together long-term. Careful discernment is still needed.

Number 7. Demonic consultation marriages.

Demonic consultation marriages were explained as occurring when a partner seeks guidance from occult forces like astrology, witch doctors, or other ungodly sources rather than relying on God’s will. Putting faith in spiritual powers runs contrary to biblical teaching and exposes the marriage to harmful manipulation and control from demonic entities. God alone should direct our paths.

Number 8. Witchcraft marriages.

Witchcraft marriages are those involving spouses with a background or family history steeped in witchcraft, idolatry, or other demonic practices. Such spiritual baggage has toxic consequences, as the marriage itself may become a battleground for conflicting spiritual influences and ideologies that undermine harmony.

Number 9. Syringe marriages.

Syringe marriages occur when a partner has a history of drug abuse or addiction. Substance issues often stem from deeper problems, and getting clean is a long process even after rehab. Marrying an unreformed addict risks exposing yourself and any future children to harm from relapses or associated unhealthy behaviors. Stability must be established first before committing to such a union.

Number 10. Diabetes marriages.

Diabetes marriages involve partners with uncontrolled medical conditions like diabetes that require intensive management. The strain of caring for an ill spouse’s needs can drain both physical and emotional resources from the relationship. Health must be reasonably stable to ensure both spouses’ well-being and ability to fulfill their roles before marriage

Number 11. Marrying out of pity.

Marrying out of pity rather than genuine love or compatibility is unfair to both partners. Pity seeks to fulfill an ego need to help someone, but true care requires considering the other person’s long-term well-being and ensuring the relationship is healthy for both sides. Otherwise, it risks becoming a crutch rather than a partnership.

In conclusion, while the heart wants what it wants, marriage is not merely an emotional affair but a serious life commitment. Entering without fully considering factors like spirituality, values, health, background, and long-term goals nearly guarantees problems down the road. Rather than acting on fleeting feelings or circumstances, take time to carefully discern true compatibility in all areas before making a vow. Building on a firm foundation of mutual understanding and agreement increases the chances of a stable, fruitful union.

18 Blueprints for a Successful Marriage and Home by Bishop Oyedepo

18 Blueprints for a Successful Marriage and Home by Bishop Oyedepo

Reading Time: 3 minutes

18 Blueprints for a Successful Marriage and Home Part 2 by Bishop Oyedepo.

We continue from where we left off yesterday.

8. Protect Your Home from Unauthorized Discussions.

Satan knows the best way to infiltrate is through our vulnerabilities. We must guard our hearts and minds, as well as protect our families, from having private counsel with those who could mislead or misinform.

Only by focusing on Jesus can we avoid being led astray down dangerous paths that end up destroying what God wants to build.

9. Satan, Liar and Deceiver.

Satan is introduced in the Bible as a deceiver, not a man of strength. He is against a Successful Marriage and home. His power comes from deception, not might. We must recognize him for who he truly is – a liar who seeks to trick us through half-truths and distortions of God’s word. To avoid giving Satan access, we must educate ourselves on the strategies he commonly uses. Some of his devices mentioned in the Bible include sowing discord, temptation of the flesh, and accusations against believers. Studying God’s word and growing in spiritual discernment equip us to recognize Satan’s tactics and not fall for his tricks.

10. Satan Seeks to Gain Advantage Through Ignorance.

Paul warns in 2 Corinthians 2 verse 11 that we should not be ignorant of Satan’s devices, lest he gain an advantage over us. Unless we are conversant in his tricks and tactics, the enemy will succeed in deceiving us. Knowledge is key to not allowing Satan’s entrance. We must understand how he operates so we aren’t caught unaware by his schemes. In a successful marriage, the couple is sensitive.

11. Love Your Spouse As Christ Loves the Church.

A foundational way to keep Satan out is by following Christ’s example of sacrificial love for our spouse. When we put our partner’s needs above our own desires, prioritizing understanding and kindness, it creates an environment Satan cannot penetrate. Your marriage and home becomes a haven.

12. Submit to One Another in Reverence for Christ.

Another one of the blueprints for a successful marriage and home is submission. Bishop Oyedepo highlighted the importance of mutual submission according to Ephesians 5. By humbly yielding to one another out of respect for Jesus, it fosters an atmosphere of peace, unity, and care that protects the home from Satan’s schemes.

13. Living Out God’s Design for Marriage.

God created marriage to reflect Christ’s love for the church. Living this out daily through small acts of service, communication, and time together provides the foundation Satan cannot gain entry over.

14. Dealing With an Unsaved Spouse.

For those with unbelieving partners, Bishop Oyedepo advised continuing to love unconditionally as Christ did, while being a light that points to Jesus. With patience and prayer, God can use a faithful spouse’s example to soften their companion’s heart over time. Your marriage and home can be glorious.

Marriage and Home

15. Standing United as a Family.

When spouses present a united front and make their marriage and home a priority through quality time together, it sends a message to Satan that he is not welcome. Discord and division give him an opening to sow temptation, but unity slams the door in his face.

16. Praying For and Encouraging Your Spouse.

Lifting each other through prayer is vital and also a Successful Marriage secret. When spouses cover one another before God’s throne daily, interceding for protection and blessing, it forms a hedge of protection around the home that demons cannot penetrate. Positive words of affirmation and compassion also strengthen the resolve to resist Satan’s attacks.

17. Resolving Conflict Biblically.

Disagreements will inevitably arise, but Bishop Oyedepo stressed addressing them according to Matthew 18, through gentle confrontation and then involving authority figures if needed. Refusing to let the sun go down on anger prevents the devil from gaining a foothold in division. thereby saving your marriage and home.

18. Filling Your Home With Love.

Making your marriage and home a place of acceptance, forgiveness, and fun keeps Satan at bay. Laughter, inside jokes, and making memories together form an impenetrable shield of protection. Filling your water pots with love and kindness starves the accuser of any opportunities.

Conclusion. By understanding Satan’s tactics, equipping yourself with biblical knowledge, and living out God’s design for marriage, you can send the demons attacking your marriage and home fleeing. Make protecting your family through Christ-centered unity and love a daily priority. Though spiritual battles will come, focus on filling your water pots with God’s love so Satan finds no entrance. Stay strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.