How To Be Directed By The Lord

How To Be Directed By The Lord

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Dear child, one of the benefits of being a child of God is being directed by him. How cool is it to have God tell you how best to do something, and then you realize it turns out right?

God loves to direct his children. God loves to give us instructions that help us arrive at the right answer all the time.

See what the bible says;

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. –Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)

There are conditions to having God lead and direct you, it’s clearly written in this verse. Let me show you.

1. To have God direct you, you have to trust him. Trusting God means that you do not doubt what he says to you and regardless of the instruction you are given, you have to believe that since it’s God who is asking you to do it, it means it will turn out right.

2. For God to direct you, you have to lean on his understanding, not yours. This means that you rely totally on God’s wisdom and not yours, God has to be sure that you believe he knows better than you do, and that his wisdom is ultimate.

3. The last thing is to acknowledge God. Acknowledge that there is a God that is all-powerful and all-knowing, who watches over us all. God is keeping an eye on every person in the world and he is guiding and shielding us all at the same time.

After we have done these three things then God will direct us. How will God direct you?  

1. Through the Bible

2. Through the Holy Spirit in you

3. Through your Parents

Trust God today and he will direct you, and tell you the right thing to do all the time.

Oh Lord, help me to trust in you

Pray to God for direction.

I trust the leading of the Lord for my life


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What Do You Do When Speed Becomes An Enemy? –Part 2

What Do You Do When Speed Becomes An Enemy? –Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

SINGLES – What Do You Do When Speed Becomes An Enemy

Continued from yesterday, when we talked about speed as an enemy.

We all have a destination and a desire for our home and marriage. You’ll only get there when you follow His step-by-step guidance. And if you miss “the particular junction” you can never reach that destination until you retrace your steps.

That particular junction for you might be,” Be Born Again”, Don’t Marry an unbeliever,” ‘Stop that kissing,” “Don’t Masturbate,” “Stop the Pornography,” and the likes. Sexual intercourse before marriage is a no-go area, don’t even think about it. And until you retrace your steps back there – it is the wrong way! You might just be wasting time, energy, and resources because a wrong way is a wrong way’. You cannot change that; you can only retrace your steps, and be on the right track.

I encourage you to retrace your steps this morning. There is no need to keep on driving in the wrong direction. Change! Switch! Where is the strength? You may ask? The strength comes from God as you take time to feed your spirit with his word, your inner man will be strengthened to say ‘No’ to every form of iniquity and forge ahead in God!

Your destiny and future are bright! That is why the devil has fought you that much. The enemy only fights who he fears! He knows if you can just get it right, he is in trouble. He knows if you can just stop that lustful lifestyle if you can just cut off that sinful relationship if you can just stay more in God’s word…whatever it takes to take charge of your life by His Spirit, decide to do it this morning.

Whoever hath ears, let him hear what the Spirit of God is saying this morning!

The Holy Spirit is leading me today. His word is a lamp unto my feet. God’s word is life and light for me. I take the right decisions in my relationship. Speed will not be an enemy for me.

Lord, hold me by the right hand and let your word guide me daily.

Listen for GOD’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track. Pro 3:6 MSG

Check the major areas of your life; relationships, family, finances, business, career, spiritual life, etc.  Are you on the right track? If not, get back on the right track by asking God to forgive you of all misdeeds and asking for His help and direction.

Exodus 1-3


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How To Honor Each Other In Marriage

How To Honor Each Other In Marriage

Reading Time: 1 minute

The issue of honor in marriage is critical. A marriage where there is no honor is no order. The wife does what she likes and the husband does what he likes. The marriage is not governed by any rules. Christ is not at the center of the home.

We must understand that God instituted marriage. He is the one who said it is not good that man be alone.

He has an original plan and purpose for all marriages. Each marriage is unique. Each home has its own unique pattern. Each marriage has its own unique place in the heart of the Father.

Honor is thus a way to invite the Lordship of Jesus Christ into our lives.

Couples must learn the honor code at all cost. Without honor, nothing will work in the home.

Here are three major areas you honor your spouse

1. Honour your spouse by giving preference to Jesus in your marriage

Giving preference to Jesus is giving Him the leadership in your home. Let Him take the lead. It is seeking to find out what Jesus would do in every situation.

2. Making sure that the marriage works.

It includes doing everything possible to see that you forgive yourselves.

3. Making sure that you are patient with each other.

Everything in marriage has two sides to it.

In anger, calm down.

May God bless our marriages!

I will honor my spouse daily 

Lord, help me to stay focused on you

Col 2:2 (MSG)  I want you woven into a tapestry of love, in touch with everything there is to know of God. Then you will have minds confident and at rest, focused on Christ, God’s great mystery.

Study the Word today

Jer 18


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