For The Sisters, Ladies and Wives 

For The Sisters, Ladies and Wives 

Reading Time: 2 minutes

For The Sisters, Ladies and Wives

The Feasting of the Eye 

So she followed him home or to some guest house for a meal.

Let’s just eat out.

May we not dine with the wrong person.

May we not eat up our destinies. 

The guy had more plans than just the meal.

Son 2:4 (MSG) He took me home with him for a festive meal, but his eyes feasted on me!

Ladies, be careful who buys free meals for you, you might be paying for it soonest.

Rather than for the guy to feast on the meal, his eyes were riveted on the damsel.

Essentially, men are moved by sight. Men, watch what you see. Ladies, watch what is seen. 

For The Sisters, Ladies and Wives

The Reciprocity of the Feasting

Son 2:5 (MSG) Oh! Give me something refreshing to eat—and quickly! Apricots, raisins—anything. I’m about to faint with love!

Ladies are enthralled by attention and non-verbal expressions of love.

She was going to faint with love. She felt more important as the guy refused to satisfy his hunger pangs and focused on his lust pangs.

She felt special, but there was a mix-up Their goals are different. The lady wants care, attention, and love. The guy wants a bedroom tango, period!

The contradiction of goals results in confusion of the soul. Two cannot walk together except they be agreed. 

For The Sisters, Ladies and Wives

The Physicality of The Desires

Son 2:6 (MSG) His left hand cradles my head, and his right arm encircles my waist!

In no time, his manifesto begins in aggressive fulfillment of intentions.

The left hand should be busy with the meal but travels to the head and cradles it lovingly or “lustingly?”

The right hand encircles the waist. Desire travels into blood veins.

The heart races and gallops like a horse who just sighted waters! The rush of adrenaline colliding with dopamine!

Hey! Destinies are about to be ruptured. Glorious futures are about to be tainted. Promising ministry hopefuls are about to morph into miseries!

For The Sisters, Ladies and Wives

The Stirring and the Warning

Son 2:7 (MSG) Oh, let me warn you, sisters in Jerusalem, by the gazelles, yes, by all the wild deer: Don’t excite love, don’t stir it up, until the time is ripe—and you’re ready.

Oh, there comes a warning! Don’t do it. Don’t excite love!

In a moment, his voice and words are so gentle and caressing, the next moment, his biceps pins you to the wall in a wicked hold, because love has been excited. Be warned!

Eh singles, the time is not ripe. You are not ready! Don’t let the “glee” take over the “flee!” It is time to flee!

Oh, let me warn you, sisters in Jerusalem, by the gazelles, yes, by all the wild deer…

The gazelles and the wild deer know how to run from the enemy! Run! Flee!

Married couples, what would you be doing in a guest house with someone you are not married to?

Don’t go to that guest house or hotel again. Don’t go and meet him on campus again. Don’t frolic with him in the office again. Don’t take his money again, because his money controls you.

Take a cue from the gazelles and the wild deer. When they see the lion crouching, they take off. They are not ready to be preyed upon.

Don’t be a prey! Dear sisters, caution! Dear wives, caution! 

God will guide you and the heavens will assist you!

God bless you!


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5 Deepest Desires Of Every Woman

5 Deepest Desires Of Every Woman

Reading Time: 3 minutes

5 Deepest Desires Of Every Woman. The desires of ladies, women, and wives can be so amazing to men because of the male-female differences. Are you aware that men and women think and process differently?

1. Read My Body Language

Women love it when you can pick up everything about them. “How am I supposed to do that, when I am not the Holy Spirit?”

Well, it is about being sensitive and studying the one you claim you love and adore. Ladies are not sometimes good with words, but they are experts in non-verbal communication, so it can be painful when the husband in question is just insensitive!

A woman loves her husband to be able to sense her needs without having to communicate them!

So, husband, you’ve heard o!

However, ladies should communicate when it is obvious your husband is not picking up anything, it is better to talk than to suffer in silence.

5 Deepest Desires Of Every Woman

2. I need more foreplay
Now, this is specifically for MARRIED women! 

Husbands, learn to slow down so that your wife can always look forward to sex.

The lady requires more time for foreplay, much more than a man requires.

She may not say it, but that is the probable reason she is not enjoying the whole show as much as you would have wanted to. She needs an average of twenty minutes to be ready!

Singles ladies you don’t need foreplay for anything! You don’t need any play!

Follow this advice here:

Son 2:7 (MSG) Oh, let me warn you, sisters in Jerusalem, by the gazelles, yes, by all the wild deer: Don’t excite love, don’t stir it up, until the time is ripe—and you’re ready.

It is clear from that scripture. Don’t stir anything up. All those making out, kissing, and smooching are nothing other than afflictions.

3. Tell me I am beautiful and mean it from your heart 

By the time your wife asks you, “Am I beautiful? She had needed it so badly, she couldn’t help it.

As a good husband, part of your responsibility is to keep verbalizing and affirming your wife by telling her how beautiful she is and why you think she is beautiful. 

Don’t just admire her in your heart, say it!

For singles in courtship, it is okay to use good words and proclaim what you want to see in your future wife. Words are powerful, so use them to your advantage.

4. Surprise me with gifts or outings 

She loves gifts, especially shiny gifts.

A surprise from time to time will go a long way to show your love for your wife.

The gifts don’t have to be expensive, but consistent. This is applicable to both singles and married 

5. Pray for me and fill me with confidence
Every lady loves a praying man. A lady’s confidence and assurance that all will be well, skyrockets when her husband prays for her regularly. 

There is this rest that will surround her like a shield and give her assurance for the future.

So, dear husband, pray for your wife regularly.

Singles, pray more that have fun all over the place. The cinemas, the beach visits, the outings, and the Ice creams are all good, but they should not be done at the expense of spiritual exercises like praying!

These are the 5 Deepest Desires Of Every WomanMay your relationship and marriage be blessed.

I love my spouse

Lord, teach me to love my lover/spouse more 

1Pe 3:7 (KJV)  Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.

Surprise your wife 

Hebrew 11 – 13


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Three Types Of Men Ladies Need To Know About

Three Types Of Men Ladies Need To Know About

Reading Time: 2 minutes

SINGLES – three types of men ladies need to know about.


They use ladies for their own satisfaction or consumption. They are skilled at searching for beautiful but ignorant and naive ladies. They watch out for rich ladies to service their financial needs. They are in it for what they can get out of the lady.

They look out for ladies living abroad or who have foreign citizenship, who works in juicy places like the Oil and Gas sector to capitalize on.

This is a wrong motive for a relationship and it will always come with its attendant consequences. What the hunter does not know is that he cannot be smarter than God. He is soon consumed in his own lust.

Hunters are manipulators, their headlight is fixed and when they focus on potential prey, they have a way of hypnotizing them.

How do you avoid a hunter?

Stay in God’s word and always seek his face before you take any decision.

Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped. –Psalms 124:7 (KJV)

What do you do as a single if you find yourself in this kind of relationship?

Deliver thyself as a roe from the hand of the hunter, and as a bird from the hand of the fowler. –Proverbs 6:5 (KJV)

Disconnect! A relationship is not by force, but by choice. You have the power to choose.

I will not fall into the hands of a hunter or scavenger. I am a fruitful vine.

I refuse to be the object of abuse by any man. I ask that you help our men occupy their place in destiny, Amen.

Deliver thyself as a roe from the hand of the hunter, and as a bird from the hand of the fowler. –Proverbs 6:5 (KJV)

Get yourself out of any abusive relationship

Prov 6


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How To Build That Friendship Till Marriage – Part 2

How To Build That Friendship Till Marriage – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday. You can read part 1 HERE

Some ladies fall in love before trying to find out about his character and flaws. So many young ladies with great destinies have jeopardized their future by getting involved with the wrong person.

Stop falling in love with a stranger on Facebook! It is not ideal. There are so many marital casualties today as a result of unguarded and careless relationships. Profiles, timelines, and Twitter pages cannot be used as a conclusive decision on marriage!

Ladies, don’t wait till you are head over heels in love, with flying butterflies in your tummy before probing who he is. You should find out a lot when you are first of all friends before becoming lovers. That is why friendship is very important. You would have seen enough traits that will help you make up your mind about who you want.

Sisters, have friends. That is where relationship will develop from. If you don’t have platonic friends, then you are left with strangers to approach you, and most of the time when strangers come, they are looking for sex.

That is why most sisters would say things like “it is always unserious people that approach me.” The question is do you have friends?

For guys, become friends first before you make your intention known. Do you know there would not be issues of ‘nails’ or rejection because you are already friends? She would simply tell you ‘No’ politely because she would not want to offend her friend!

When you are already in love without friendship, the likelihood is that your feelings for him will block every form of reasoning and sense of judgment.

You know he drinks, but you don’t care. You know she smokes, but you close your eyes. There are some character traits you can watch out for while just friends.

It is a simple principle of “make the tree good and the fruits will be good.”  A guy can’t make a good husband if he doesn’t have a good character.

I declare that my steps and relationships are ordered.

Lord, help to get the right friends in Jesus name

Job 19:19 KJV All my inward friends abhorred me: and they whom I loved are turned against me.

List the names of your friends.

2King 9-11


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Finding Who To Marry; A Conversation – Part 3

Finding Who To Marry; A Conversation – Part 3

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The conversation is continued from yesterday

Betty: Because guys are logical. When you easily compromise, they are wondering how many men you are doing that with. They will eventually go for a lady that they perceive as a ‘good girl.’ They can even go to church to look for one, but that is also a mistake on their part.

Angie: God punish them!

Betty: Why curse now? You see, guys who don’t have a relationship with God are able to identify very needy ladies and those with low self-esteem. So they capitalize on that, use them and dump them, and eventually go and marry those they think are more confident.

Angie: My God!

Betty: That is why you must make up your mind never to compromise because of some pressures. 

Angie: I am trying.

Betty: Trying is not what God says. You must make up your mind. Do you want God’s plan concerning marriage to be a reality in your life?

Angie: Yes o

Betty: Then you must stop compromising. You cannot eat your cake and have it.

Angie: Auntie, I can’t wait to get married. All my problems will fly away.

Betty: There you go again. Marriage will not solve problems. In fact, if you are unprepared, it brings more problems. 

Angie: Not if we really love ourselves

Betty: Loving yourselves does not eliminate quarrels and offenses. It just helps you to handle them the right way.

Angie: Auntie, what do you quarrel about?

Betty: (Smiles) Our first quarrel was during our honeymoon. There was the moon, but no honey.

Angie: What did Uncle do? Auntie, you must be tough.

Betty: He left me alone during our honeymoon and started working on his laptop. He just ignored me. I was angry. Our last quarrel was three days ago. But in all of that, you know what, we forgive each other quickly and move on because if we don’t, there won’t be a marriage.

To be continued tomorrow…

I will not miss it in marriage.

Lord, open the eyes of my understanding.

Eph 1:18 [GW] Then you will have deeper insight. You will know the confidence that he calls you to have and the glorious wealth that God’s people will inherit.

Pray for insight

Eph 1


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