Between Love and Lies: The Struggle of Marital Deception

Between Love and Lies: The Struggle of Marital Deception

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Between Love and Lies: The Struggle of Marital Deception

In the heart of the expansive Savanna, where Acacia trees stretch towards an endless horizon, lies the village of Kabira. This close-knit community is home to Juma, a renowned storyteller, and his stunning wife, Nia. Their love story, filled with romance, challenges, and profound lessons, has consequently become a cherished legend in their village.

Juma’s Gift for Storytelling

Firstly, Juma was celebrated far and wide for his extraordinary ability to tell stories. His voice, rhythmic like a drumbeat and flowing like a river, brought to life the history and legends of their people. From ancient heroes’ epic journeys to the mischievous deeds of spirits, Juma’s tales captivated everyone in Kabira.

Nia’s Beauty and Wisdom

Nia was equally admired for her unparalleled beauty, wisdom, and exceptional skill in weaving intricate patterns into the village’s garments. Moreover, her creations were more than just clothing; each piece told a story of love, tradition, and dreams. Nia was also known for her kind heart and deep understanding of the human spirit.

Their First Meeting and Marriage

Juma and Nia met by a tranquil riverbank, instantly enchanted by each other. Their courtship was a dance of affection: Juma shared warrior tales, and additionally, Nia gifted woven garments. They married in a grand village ceremony, blessed with songs, dances, and heartfelt gifts, sealing their deep connection and love.

The Trials and Tribulations; Early Challenges

As with all great stories, Juma and Nia’s marriage faced trials. The initial days were filled with joy and laughter, but soon the challenges of life surfaced. Juma’s temper, quick to flare when his artistic flow was interrupted, clashed with Nia’s calm and patient demeanor. Consequently, their harmony was disrupted, leading to frustrations and misunderstandings.

A Divine Dream

One evening, after an exhausting day, Juma’s frustration boiled over when Nia did not prepare his favorite meal. Their argument continued into the night, and for the first time, they went to bed with unresolved anger. That night, Nia was visited in a dream by Jesus, who gently reminded her that marriage requires patience, understanding, and appreciation of the small things.

Renewed Purpose

Nia awoke with a renewed sense of purpose and shared her dream with Juma. Recognizing the wisdom in Jesus’s advice, Juma promised never to let anger linger between them. They agreed to resolve their disagreements before the night ended, no matter how challenging the conversation might be.


Working Their Marriage

Juma and Nia paused their disagreements to approach them calmly, using kind words to strengthen their bond. Daily compliments fostered goodwill: Juma admired Nia’s weavings, and she praised his stories. Nia thrived on Juma’s affirmations, feeling cherished, which deepened their emotional connection and reinforced their love and appreciation for each other.

A Tragic Turn

Despite their best efforts, their story took a tragic turn. Juma began to struggle with writer’s block, feeling the weight of his inability to captivate his audience. Determined to regain his spark, he devoted all his energy to his craft, inadvertently neglecting Nia in the process.

Nia’s Loneliness

Feeling increasingly overlooked and unappreciated, Nia tried to communicate her needs to Juma. However, Juma, absorbed in his struggle and feeling overwhelmed, dismissed her concerns. His frustration and impatience consequently led to more frequent arguments.

The Temptation

In her vulnerability, Nia found herself drawn to Kato, a charming trader who had recently arrived in the village. Kato was attentive and kind, providing a temporary refuge from Nia’s troubles at home. One evening, after another heated argument with Juma, Nia sought solace in Kato’s company.

The Encounter

Under the moonlit sky, Nia and Kato sat by the riverbank, discussing their lives and dreams. Overwhelmed by her emotions and the comfort Kato provided, Nia almost gave in to the temptation. Although she brushed off the incident, Kato pursued her once more.

The Discovery

One evening, Juma stumbled upon Nia and Kato holding hands intimately by the riverbank. Heartbroken, he confronted the situation. Furthermore, he reported the matter to the village elders. Nia, facing scrutiny, explained her vulnerability and Juma’s neglect.

The Resolution

Consequently, the village elders decided Kato should be sent out of the village. The community rallied around Juma and Nia, offering support as they navigated the difficult path ahead. Nia confessed everything to Juma, and they both apologized for their actions, vowing to rebuild their marriage on trust, love, and understanding.

A Timeless Message

•  Effort and Patience: A happy and enduring marriage requires effort and patience.

•  Willingness to Grow: Growth is essential for a lasting relationship.

•  Resolving Conflicts with Kindness: Addressing disagreements with kindness is crucial.

•  Preventing Anger from Festering: Never let anger linger unresolved.

•  Daily Appreciation: Regularly show appreciation for your partner.

•  Enduring Love: “May your love be as enduring as the Baobab tree, and may your marriage be blessed with joy and harmony.”

The Tale of Three Couples: The Whispering Winds of Doubt

The Tale of Three Couples: The Whispering Winds of Doubt

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Tale of Three Couples: The Whispering Winds of Doubt


In the heart of the ancient land of Ife, where rivers sang melodies and trees whispered secrets, lived three couples whose stories intertwined in a tapestry of love, doubt, and divine guidance. This tale explores the challenges and resolutions faced by these couples as they navigate the complexities of their relationships.

Bola and Ola: The Dance of Doubts

Love and Doubt

Bola, a beautiful maiden with sparkling eyes, was deeply in love with Ola, a brave and kind warrior. They dreamt of a future together, filled with marriage and children. However, Bola harbored doubts that whispered to her in the quiet of the night, casting shadows over her heart.

Seeking Wisdom

One evening, Bola confided in Mama Kofo, a wise old storyteller known for her tales by the village fire. “Mama Kofo,” Bola began, “I love Ola with all my heart, but doubts plague my mind. I fear our union may not be blessed.”

Divine Guidance

Mama Kofo, her eyes twinkling with wisdom, nodded. “Doubts are like the winds, my child. They can bring a cool breeze or a fierce storm. Have you sought the guidance of God? Have you listened to the Holy Spirit?”

Bola, with tears in her eyes, admitted she had not. Mama Kofo advised her to seek God’s wisdom and not let doubts steer her ship. Bola took this advice to heart, finding peace in seeking divine guidance.

Ekene and Chiamaka: The Uneasy Path

Unease in Love

Ekene, a skilled hunter, was courting Chiamaka, a beauty admired by the village. Despite his affection, Ekene felt a persistent unease, a gnawing doubt that something was amiss.

Mentor’s Counsel

Ekene approached Baba Ojo, his revered mentor. “Baba Ojo,” Ekene said, “I am troubled. Though Chiamaka is wonderful, I feel something is not right. This doubt follows me like a shadow.”

Praying for Clarity

Baba Ojo explained that doubt could be a messenger, either warning of danger or testing resolve. He urged Ekene to pray to God and seek His counsel. Initially fearful of the answer, Ekene eventually prayed, finding clarity and understanding that his unease was a call to understand Chiamaka better and root their love in truth.

Emmanuel and Juma: The Silent Struggles

Hidden Doubts

Emmanuel and Juma were married with a little boy, appearing perfect to the outside world. However, behind closed doors, they questioned if they were truly meant for each other, with silent struggles and unspoken doubts.

Seeking Help

They sought counsel from Aunty Kemi, the village elder known for her understanding of love and relationships. “Aunty Kemi,” Emmanuel began, “our marriage is seen as beautiful, but we are questioning if we are meant to be. Doubts cloud our hearts.”

Strengthening the Bond

Aunty Kemi listened patiently and explained that doubt in marriage is common, but facing it is crucial. She advised them to pray together and seek God’s guidance, reminding them of the love that initially brought them together. Emmanuel and Juma prayed and communicated openly, realigning with their true path and strengthening their bond.

The Lesson of the Whispering Winds

As the three couples sought divine guidance, they learned that doubts often arise for various reasons. Sometimes they are warnings, other times they are tests of faith. Through prayer, seeking the wisdom of God, and listening to their inner convictions, they found clarity.


Lessons Learned

Bola discovered that her doubts were a divine reminder to seek God’s blessing for her union with Ola. Ekene realized his unease was a call to understand Chiamaka better and ensure their love was rooted in truth. Emmanuel and Juma found their doubts were an invitation to reconnect and strengthen their bond through prayer and mutual understanding.

The Festival of Clarity

To celebrate the newfound wisdom, the village organized a grand festival known as the Festival of Clarity. Filled with music, dance, and storytelling, it became an annual event where people shared their stories of overcoming doubts and finding true love and purpose.

Honoring the Elders

During the festival, Mama Kofo, Baba Ojo, and Aunty Kemi were honored as the village’s wise elders. They continued to share their wisdom, guiding the villagers through the complexities of life and love.


Seek Divine Guidance

Always seek divine guidance when facing doubts for peace and clarity.

Trust Inner Convictions

Listen to your gut feelings as they often signal important issues.

Communicate and Reconnect

Open communication and mutual prayer can strengthen relationships.

Embrace Patience and Wisdom

Take time to make decisions and seek advice from trusted sources.

Maintain Purity and Order

Strive for purity in actions and intentions for a healthy relationship.

Understand the Source of Doubts

Identify and understand the root cause of doubts to address them effectively.

How To Protect Yourself From Heartaches

How To Protect Yourself From Heartaches

Reading Time: 2 minutes

SINGLES – How To Protect Yourself From Heartaches

In these days and these times, you fall in love deliberately and with your eyes open, not hopelessly and thoughtlessly!

You don’t fall in love or walk down the aisle in marriage without taking into considerations some pertinent questions in order to protect yourself and to be sure you know what you are doing!

Gone are those days when you should fall in love blindly and go into a marriage without your common sense!
Well, if you are still with the slogan that love is a blind, I have news for you, marriage is an eye opener. Reality settles in after marriage.

It is for this reason careless marriages end few months after! Trust me, I get calls every other day, of brides who are still supposed to be in the moon taking some honey, crying and weeping profusely and talking about regrets.

I get calls of ladies who are married for less than six months and they want to walk out of the marriage because they never knew ‘he was like this!’

There is a popular saying that God gave us brains that He may rest! It is true because after God finished the work of creation, the bible says God rested.

I believe God is resting because everything is completed, all we need for life and Godliness is already provided.

The same is true of our relationships, everything we ever need is already available, we only need to look within us and draw it out.

Part of drawing all we need, I believe, is asking ourselves certain questions.

Questions are very powerful, what they do is that they draw out wisdom from within us or from people around us who are graced with such wisdom.

To be continued…

I possess wisdom, wisdom directs my actions. I am not blindly in love that I do not apply wisdom. I am patient to find out what I need to find out before saying ‘I do’.

Lord, help me to do my part and follow your leading in my decisions especially in the area of my relationship.

‘Ask (questions), and the answer shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you’. –Matthew 7:7

Take a pen and paper and write down all the questions you are going to ask the person you intend to marry, whether he/she is already around or not.

Ezekiel 46

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