How To Be An Ideal Man –Part 2

How To Be An Ideal Man –Part 2

Reading Time: 3 minutes

SINGLES – How To Be An Ideal Man                

Dear single men, pay attention to today’s devotional. Yesterday we examined God’s perspective of an ideal man; today I want to show you what every virtuous woman looks out for in a man.

The lady speaks;

I want a man, a real man, man enough to be my husband, strong enough to stand in his place as the head of the house and the breadwinner. I want a man who is a king and a servant at the same time.

I want a man whose royalty is rooted in God, I want a man I can be proud enough to call ‘my crown!’ I want a man who despite being a king is humble enough to have the heart of a servant.

I want a man I can call my own! A man I am proud of! I want a man of integrity. I want a man whose words I can go to bed on. I want a man who will protect me. I want a man that will not want me to compromise my virtue in order to satisfy his lust during courtship.

I want a man who will be my head and not my headache! I want a man who will love me properly, accept me as I am, nurture me, and commit to my spiritual development.

I want a man that will stand by me in the labour room. The hands of Zerubabbel started it. It ought to complete it!

I want a man I can vouch for. I want a man that will love me only and no other. I want a man that is thinking of me all the time. I want a man, not a boy.

I want a man that will not bring another to our matrimonial bed. I want a man who fears God so much and will not desecrate the marital covenant because of lust. I want a man that will rather die than become adulterous! I want a man that will respect the covenant and will not throw our home into untold chaos and havoc with his actions. I want a man that can zip up!

I want a man in the house that will usher me into peace when I am not around. I want a man in the house that the house-help is safe with. I want a man who has self-control.

I want a man that can lay hands on me and bless me. I want a man that I can rely on emotionally. I want a man whose shoulders I can lean on. I want a man that will lead our family to God.

I want a leader in the house! I want a man who will make my heart bless him and not make my heart bleed at his appearance. I want a man that will make my heart filled with thanks and not tears. I want a man that will make me be at rest and not under duress! I want a man that will make me his queen and not his doormat! I want a friend, confidant, and companion, not a competitor!

I am a good man / I will find a good man. God will help me!

Father in the name of Jesus, I ask that you flood the eyes of my mind with revelation light. As I study your word give me understanding. Let my relationship be transformed as my mind gets renewed daily.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY              
I will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting. -1Timothy 2:8 (KJV)

Check the man in you and sincerely take an inventory to see whether you are pleasing God

Psalms 7-9


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The Anatomy Of A Faithful Man –Part 2

The Anatomy Of A Faithful Man –Part 2

Reading Time: 3 minutes

SINGLES- The Anatomy Of A Faithful Man

Continued from yesterday

Here are a few things to note!

A faithful man is a trustworthy man. He is a truthful man! A truthful man is not deceptive. He is not magma of flowing wickedness within covered with the façade of a nice man and waiting to erupt.

A faithful man loves a lady genuinely for who she is and not for what she gives. A faithful man is not out to satisfy his lust only to discard the lady later.

A faithful man will not insist on pre-marital sex, nay, his love for God will not prevail on the lady to compromise her virtue and offend God.

A faithful man is the protector of the lady’s body. He is not one to take advantage of her femininity!

A faithful man is not a Samson that lacks self-control and would not mind using his anointing to desecrate the one he is meant to take care of.

A faithful man is not a Samson that will preach and move in the Spirit one moment only to end up frolicking with prostitutes and ending up on Delilah’s lap.

A faithful man is not an Amnon that would profess his love one moment passionately and then would rape a Tamar the next moment.

A faithful man is not a Uriah that loves his job more than his wife all in the name of loyalty and then died in the process!

A faithful man is not a Judas that would greet and beg you with a kiss as a friend when all he is out for is your body to be crucified!

A faithful man will not compete with his wife. He is secure and he is happy when his wife is progressing.

A faithful man loves and does not lust. A faithful man does not scheme. He does not suddenly give his life to Jesus in order to marry a naïve and unsuspecting child of God and then takes his life back from Jesus after getting what he wants.

A faithful man will not raise his hands against a lady. The fear of God will not allow it knowing that he would be shooting himself in the leg by doing that!

A faithful man is not a gold-digger. A faithful man is not getting married to a lady because of papers and documents. A faithful man follows God’s direction in his life. A faithful man does not marry for money!

A faithful man does not teach against sexual perversion on the pulpit only to be caught up continually with masturbation, pornography, and fornication and yet without repentance!

A faithful man does not double date. He does not take advantage of the fragile emotions of ladies.

A faithful man does not scheme and he does not pretend.

A faithful man is a Joseph that loves God and will say a big NO to compromise knowing that compromise can truncate his destiny.

A faithful man learns to run away like Joseph in the face of sexual pressure and will not start speaking in tongues at such times. He learns to flee and will not spiritualize it by saying “let us reason together!

The list goes on but I will stop here for now. You can add your definition in the comment box.

Stay blessed!

I am a faithful man/virtuous woman.

Lord, help me to become the person you have created me to be and let the faithful man/virtuous woman in me emerge

Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever. –Psalms 12:7 (KJV)

Commit every issue in your relationship into the hands of God

Job 35- 39


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How To Guard Your Heart

How To Guard Your Heart

Reading Time: 2 minutes

One of the greatest assets you have as a child is your heart and that equals your mind. So, you must learn how to guard your heart. Your heart is where your imaginations come from, that’s where all the creative things you think about come from. That’s even where your will to do good or bad is.

As God’s child, it is important that you pay very close attention to your heart. I have taught you here that staying away from people that make you disobey the word of God and your parents is very important if you want to continue being a good girl/ boy.

Today I want to show you more of what God says about keeping your heart from the book of Proverbs.

Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. Put away perversity from your mouth; keep corrupt talk far from your lips. Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you. Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm. Do not swerve to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil. Proverbs 4:23-27 (NIV)

The bible says you should guard your heart because it is the wellspring of life. Everything you do in life begins from your heart. This is why God is concerned about your heart, God wants you to be a good child, he wants your mom and dad to be proud of you, God wants your friends to be able to actually call you a good friend, God wants all these good things, and more for you.

I like this verse because it doesn’t just stop by telling us what to do, it goes further to tell us how we can actually guard our hearts.

1. It teaches us that one of the ways to guard our heart is by watching what we say, don’t tell a lie, and do not speak badly about another person, keep corrupt sayings/slang away from our mouths.

2. Also, this verse talks about our eyes, keeping our gaze on godly things, reading your bible daily, do not join your schoolmates or neighbours in watching things that are not godly.

3. The last thing mentioned here is, to watch where you go and the things you do. Be careful of the activities you get involved in, be sure to tell mom and Dad before going anywhere or trying something new.

That’s all for today!

Father in Jesus name, I receive the help of the Holy Spirit to guard my heart in Jesus name; Amen

Ask God for Wisdom  

I will not speak corrupt things, my mouth only declares good and godly things, and I walk in the right path all the time

Read yesterday’s article here


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How To Have A Sound Health

How To Have A Sound Health

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Hi, beloved of Jesus, yesterday I spoke to you about an interesting topic and we will be continuing with it today because a sound health is a prized possession.

Just like you paid attention yesterday, I want you to also listen with your heart today and learn as much as you can.

We discussed why you must be clean, and centered our teaching on the saying “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”

I told you that as children of God, he wants you to live this kind of lifestyle, both in your heart and in your body. God wants you to be conscious of the things that go into your heart, and also what happens outside your body.

Once again let’s look at the dictionary meaning of the word Cleanliness and Godliness.

What is Cleanliness? It means the condition of being clean, or not dirty; the habit of always keeping clean.

What is Godliness? It is characterized by reverence and love for God and respect for the ethical teachings of scripture

Yesterday we looked at how to be clean at heart; today I want to talk to you about cleanliness in your body.

See what the bible says here…

Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. – 3 John 2 (NIV)

God wants you to be in good health and that all may be well with you. Guess what?

Good health is one of the many things that Jesus Christ assures us because it’s a promise in the work of redemption.

You need to realize one thing, as much as sound health is a believer’s right, if you do not take care of yourself, you won’t enjoy this freedom.

We’ll continue with this tomorrow, kindly follow through.

Lord, help me to be clean at heart and in my body; Amen

Action point:
Decide to watch what goes into your mind.

I am clean inside and outside.

Read yesterday’s article here


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Here Is Why You Must Be Clean Little Children

Here Is Why You Must Be Clean Little Children

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Hello dear ones, I have another interesting topic to teach you today. Do you know you must be clean as little children?

I want you to pay close attention and listen with your heart.

There is a general saying that cleanliness is next to godliness.

Do you know what this means? It means that’s the kind of  lifestyle God wants us to live

What is Cleanliness? It means the condition of being clean, or not dirty; the habit of always keeping clean.

What is Godliness? It is characterized by reverence and love for God and respect for the ethical teachings of scripture

In essence, you have to be conscious of the things that go into your heart and as little children, what happens outside your body.

What do I mean by the things that go into your hearts?

God is very particular about your heart. He wants you to be clean at heart, not just in your looks

You know that the bible says it’s from the abundance of your heart that your mouth speaks.

Things like;

Watching ungodly movies, or movies about your age ratings can dirty your heart

Listening to songs with vulgar lyrics

Keeping bad company

Speaking abusive words

And so on, can dirty your heart, and this certainly will not make you godly.

Instead, it puts you in a place where you are constantly living an ungodly life.

Let’s continue this topic tomorrow, be blessed.

Lord, help me to be clean at heart and in my body; Amen

Action point:
Decide to watch what goes into your mind.

I am clean inside and outside.

Read yesterday’s article here


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