From Isolation to Illumination: A Tale of Love and Mentorship

From Isolation to Illumination: A Tale of Love and Mentorship

Reading Time: 3 minutes

From Isolation to Illumination: A Tale of Love and Mentorship

In a bustling Nigerian town, the lives of Adebayo and Yetunde were a testament to the importance of love, community, and the essential role of mentorship. This story highlights how even the most outwardly successful and respected relationships can falter without proper guidance and support.

The town was a lively tapestry of cultures and traditions, with bustling markets, vibrant streets, and a close-knit community. Here, Adebayo and Yetunde stood out, admired for their love and accomplishments, and respected for their contributions.

Adebayo was known for his business acumen, having inherited his father’s entrepreneurial spirit and reputation. He expanded his father’s business, and as a result, he earned a reputation for his sharp mind and ambitious nature. Despite the pressures and expectations, Adebayo was seen as a pillar of the business community.

On the other hand, Yetunde was a dedicated teacher who through love, influenced many young lives. At home, she balanced her professional responsibilities with her role as a mother and wife, providing unwavering support to Adebayo and nurturing their children. In addition, her ability to manage both roles seamlessly made her a revered figure in the community.

Despite their outwardly perfect union, Adebayo and Yetunde’s marriage began to show cracks as the pressures of business and family life mounted. They lacked a mentor to help them navigate these challenges, a significant oversight in a society where pastors and community leaders play crucial roles in offering wisdom and counsel.

In African culture, the concept of community and mentorship is deeply ingrained. Pastors and church leaders provide counsel and support, offering wisdom passed down through generations. Yetunde had suggested many times that Adebayo seek a mentor to help guide their family and business decisions. In contrast, Adebayo, confident in his early successes, saw no need for external advice.

As Adebayo’s business faced challenges, his refusal to seek mentorship took a toll. He became irritable and withdrawn, affecting his demeanor at home. Yetunde, feeling increasingly isolated, struggled to communicate her concerns. As a result, their marriage was slowly unraveling, with financial strains adding to the tension.

One evening, Yetunde confided in her friend, Mama Chika, a respected leader in their church. Mama Chika emphasized the importance of not living in isolation, sharing her own painful experiences of neglecting mentorship. Inspired by Mama Chika’s words, Yetunde convinced Adebayo to seek guidance from Pastor Adewale, a seasoned marriage counselor.

The Transformation

However, through regular sessions with Pastor Adewale, Adebayo and Yetunde began to rebuild their love relationship. They learned to communicate more effectively, address their issues with honesty, and lean on each other for support. The pastor’s wisdom and guidance helped them navigate their storm, transforming their marriage from conflict to mutual respect and understanding.


Consequently, Adebayo’s business began to recover as he applied the principles of accountability and mentorship to his professional life. He sought advice from experienced businessmen in the community, understanding that even the most capable leaders need guidance.

The story of Adebayo and Yetunde highlights a fundamental truth: accountability and mentorship are essential for the success of any marriage. As Proverbs 15:22 says, “Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counselors they are established.” Their journey from discord to harmony illustrates that with the right guidance and support, even the most strained relationships can be restored.

Lessons from Adebayo and Yetunde’s Story

1. Importance of Mentorship: Adebayo’s initial refusal to seek mentorship despite Yetunde’s advice highlighted the dangers of pride and self-reliance. Mentorship provides not only guidance but also support during tough times.

2. Community Support: In African culture, community and pastors play a crucial role in providing wisdom and stability. This support system is invaluable in both personal and professional aspects of life.

3. Communication and Accountability: Effective communication and accountability are essential for resolving conflicts and building stronger relationships. Regular sessions with a mentor or counselor can help couples navigate their issues.

4. Impact of Isolation: Isolation can lead to desolation. The story underscores the importance of not isolating oneself, especially in times of crisis. Seeking help and guidance is a sign of strength, not weakness.

5. Learning from Others: Observing and learning from the experiences of others, like Chinedu’s success due to having a mentor, can provide valuable insights and encourage positive changes.

6. Spiritual Guidance: Spiritual leaders provide practical and spiritual support, offering a holistic approach to resolving conflicts.

7. Acknowledgment of the Problem: Recognizing problems is the first step toward resolution.

8. Seeking Guidance: Approaching a mentor can be a turning point in addressing issues.

9. Regular Communication: Counseling sessions help couples communicate openly and honestly.

10. Applying Wisdom: Practical advice from mentors can lead to recovery and growth in business and personal life.

In conclusion, the journey of Adebayo and Yetunde serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of accountability and mentorship. Their story became an inspiration to others in their community, proving that true strength lies in humility, openness, and the willingness to seek help. Finally, their experience underscores the enduring value of community support and the wisdom of elders in guiding us through life’s challenges.

From Discord to Harmony: The Story of a Couple

From Discord to Harmony: The Story of a Couple

Reading Time: 3 minutes

From Discord to Harmony: The Story of a Couple


In the heart of the African savanna, where golden grass sways under the warm breeze and the great Mukwa Tree stands tall, lived Naledi and Temba. Their village was one of tradition and community, where life followed the cycles of nature and the wisdom of the elders guided daily living. Naledi, known for her grace and strength, and Temba, a respected hunter, were a celebrated couple. However, as time passed, the harmony in their home began to unravel.

Naledi and Temba: The Early Days

Naledi moved with the agility of a gazelle and possessed a beauty that rivaled the first light of dawn. Temba, strong and brave, provided sustenance and security for their people. Their union had been blessed by the elders, but differences in their upbringings led to growing discord. Temba’s dissatisfaction and Naledi’s confusion and hurt became evident in their interactions.

Contrasting Upbringings

Naledi’s upbringing was marked by strength and self-reliance, traits she learned from her resilient mother. In contrast, Temba was raised in a household filled with love and affection, where his mother ensured that her husband felt cherished every day. These differences created a chasm between Naledi and Temba, leading to frequent arguments and misunderstandings.

The Wisdom of Uncle

Noticing the growing rift, the village elder, Uncle, called Naledi and Temba to his hut. Uncle, a man of great wisdom, shared the story of the warrior and the maiden, who faced similar challenges. He advised Naledi and Temba to learn from each other and respect each other’s ways to bridge their differences and find happiness.

Uncle’s Advice for Naledi

Uncle provided specific advice to Naledi on how to make Temba happy:

1. Respect and Honour: Honor Temba both publicly and privately in words, thoughts, and deeds.

2. Shared Decisions: Share her thoughts and listen to Temba’s, allowing him to make the final decision.

story from the heart

3. Cheerfulness: Maintain a cheerful demeanor and share her joys and sorrows with Temba.

4. Playfulness: Engage in playful activities to ease the pressures of life.

5. Avoid Nagging: Speak with kindness and patience, avoiding constant complaining.

6. Intimacy: Embrace moments of love and maintain a warm connection.

7. Priority: Assure Temba that he is not competing for her love or attention.

8. Prayer: Pray for Temba’s wisdom, strength, and understanding daily.

Trials and Tribulations

Despite Uncle’s guidance, a severe drought struck the village, causing the rivers to dry up and crops to wither. Temba’s hunts were unsuccessful, leading to his frustration and resentment. Naledi, feeling overwhelmed by survival demands, found it hard to maintain cheerfulness. Their arguments intensified, but Uncle reminded them to respect each other’s ways and support each other through the difficult times.

A Lesson in Unity

Inspired by Uncle’s words, Naledi and Temba made a renewed effort to support each other. Naledi involved Temba in decision-making, and Temba began to appreciate Naledi’s hard work and resilience. They found joy in simple pleasures and strengthened their bond through playfulness and emotional connection.

The Return of Prosperity

After many moons, the rains returned, reviving the savanna. The village celebrated with a grand feast. Naledi and Temba’s relationship, now stronger, radiated harmony and joy. Uncle praised their transformation, emphasizing the importance of understanding, respect, and emotional connection in love.

The Legacy of Love

Years later, Naledi and Temba became elders, sharing their wisdom with younger generations. Their story became a cherished part of the village’s folklore, reminding everyone of the power of love and unity. The tale of the warrior and the maiden, and Uncle’s wisdom, continued to guide the villagers.


The story of Naledi and Temba teaches that with understanding, respect, and a willingness to grow together, love can endure and thrive. Their journey through conflict and hardship shows the importance of appreciating each other’s strengths and differences. May their story inspire us to nurture our relationships and find strength in unity, no matter the trials we face.

The Tale of Three Couples: The Whispering Winds of Doubt

The Tale of Three Couples: The Whispering Winds of Doubt

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Tale of Three Couples: The Whispering Winds of Doubt


In the heart of the ancient land of Ife, where rivers sang melodies and trees whispered secrets, lived three couples whose stories intertwined in a tapestry of love, doubt, and divine guidance. This tale explores the challenges and resolutions faced by these couples as they navigate the complexities of their relationships.

Bola and Ola: The Dance of Doubts

Love and Doubt

Bola, a beautiful maiden with sparkling eyes, was deeply in love with Ola, a brave and kind warrior. They dreamt of a future together, filled with marriage and children. However, Bola harbored doubts that whispered to her in the quiet of the night, casting shadows over her heart.

Seeking Wisdom

One evening, Bola confided in Mama Kofo, a wise old storyteller known for her tales by the village fire. “Mama Kofo,” Bola began, “I love Ola with all my heart, but doubts plague my mind. I fear our union may not be blessed.”

Divine Guidance

Mama Kofo, her eyes twinkling with wisdom, nodded. “Doubts are like the winds, my child. They can bring a cool breeze or a fierce storm. Have you sought the guidance of God? Have you listened to the Holy Spirit?”

Bola, with tears in her eyes, admitted she had not. Mama Kofo advised her to seek God’s wisdom and not let doubts steer her ship. Bola took this advice to heart, finding peace in seeking divine guidance.

Ekene and Chiamaka: The Uneasy Path

Unease in Love

Ekene, a skilled hunter, was courting Chiamaka, a beauty admired by the village. Despite his affection, Ekene felt a persistent unease, a gnawing doubt that something was amiss.

Mentor’s Counsel

Ekene approached Baba Ojo, his revered mentor. “Baba Ojo,” Ekene said, “I am troubled. Though Chiamaka is wonderful, I feel something is not right. This doubt follows me like a shadow.”

Praying for Clarity

Baba Ojo explained that doubt could be a messenger, either warning of danger or testing resolve. He urged Ekene to pray to God and seek His counsel. Initially fearful of the answer, Ekene eventually prayed, finding clarity and understanding that his unease was a call to understand Chiamaka better and root their love in truth.

Emmanuel and Juma: The Silent Struggles

Hidden Doubts

Emmanuel and Juma were married with a little boy, appearing perfect to the outside world. However, behind closed doors, they questioned if they were truly meant for each other, with silent struggles and unspoken doubts.

Seeking Help

They sought counsel from Aunty Kemi, the village elder known for her understanding of love and relationships. “Aunty Kemi,” Emmanuel began, “our marriage is seen as beautiful, but we are questioning if we are meant to be. Doubts cloud our hearts.”

Strengthening the Bond

Aunty Kemi listened patiently and explained that doubt in marriage is common, but facing it is crucial. She advised them to pray together and seek God’s guidance, reminding them of the love that initially brought them together. Emmanuel and Juma prayed and communicated openly, realigning with their true path and strengthening their bond.

The Lesson of the Whispering Winds

As the three couples sought divine guidance, they learned that doubts often arise for various reasons. Sometimes they are warnings, other times they are tests of faith. Through prayer, seeking the wisdom of God, and listening to their inner convictions, they found clarity.


Lessons Learned

Bola discovered that her doubts were a divine reminder to seek God’s blessing for her union with Ola. Ekene realized his unease was a call to understand Chiamaka better and ensure their love was rooted in truth. Emmanuel and Juma found their doubts were an invitation to reconnect and strengthen their bond through prayer and mutual understanding.

The Festival of Clarity

To celebrate the newfound wisdom, the village organized a grand festival known as the Festival of Clarity. Filled with music, dance, and storytelling, it became an annual event where people shared their stories of overcoming doubts and finding true love and purpose.

Honoring the Elders

During the festival, Mama Kofo, Baba Ojo, and Aunty Kemi were honored as the village’s wise elders. They continued to share their wisdom, guiding the villagers through the complexities of life and love.


Seek Divine Guidance

Always seek divine guidance when facing doubts for peace and clarity.

Trust Inner Convictions

Listen to your gut feelings as they often signal important issues.

Communicate and Reconnect

Open communication and mutual prayer can strengthen relationships.

Embrace Patience and Wisdom

Take time to make decisions and seek advice from trusted sources.

Maintain Purity and Order

Strive for purity in actions and intentions for a healthy relationship.

Understand the Source of Doubts

Identify and understand the root cause of doubts to address them effectively.

Who Are You Walking With?

Who Are You Walking With?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Who are you walking with, dear child? Friendship in life is very important. As children, the kinds of friends you keep go a long way to determine the kind of future you will have.

Have you ever considered the word ‘friend’? did you notice that the last words are spelled ‘end’? this simply means your friend will determine your end.

How do you want to end in life? That question can only be answered by your choice of friends.

But Amnon had a friend, whose name was Jonadab, the son of Shimeah David’s brother: and Jonadab was a very subtil man. – 2 Sam 13:3 [KJV]

The summary of the story we see above is that Amnon wanted to do something, but he couldn’t. by the time he told his friend, he suddenly had the energy to do what he couldn’t do initially.

See how Amplified Bible describes Jonadab.

But Amnon had a friend whose name was Jonadab son of Shimeah, David’s brother; and Jonadab was a very crafty man. – 2 Sam 13:3[AMP]

The company you keep determines what accompanies you! In the final analysis, you will act like the company you keep, smell like the company you keep, and in fact, you look like the company you keep.

My question for you this morning, dear children, is this; who are your friends or associates? Who are you walking with? Who are those that will determine your end?

If you walk with a crafty person, you will learn his ways. If you walk with passionate people, you will catch their passion. If you walk with people who are on fire for God, you will catch their fire as well.

Here is my concluding verse.

Don’t fool yourselves. Bad friends will destroy you. – 1 Cor 15:33 [CEV]

May God help you to make the right decisions. Amen.

I make the right decisions in the name of Jesus.

Prayer Point:
Lord, help me to make the right decisions.

Action Point:
Review your friends in the light of this article.

Read yesterday’s article here

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Singles, Be Careful How You Choose Your Friends –Part 2

Singles, Be Careful How You Choose Your Friends –Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continuing from yesterday on friends, we began by using Amnon and Jonadab as our case study.

…maybe if his friend had not given him that counsel, he might have lived longer. So the question is, who is your friend? Your friend is the definition and description of your life. Watch the friends you have. Friendship is by choice and not by force.

If you are still single and probably living with your parents, can you confidently introduce your friend to your parents? If your friend is a goal-getter, he will influence you. If she is a gold digger, she will also influence you.

A friend is defined as a person you know well and regard with affection and trust. So you really want to be careful who is covering your back.

Don’t lie down with dogs or else you rise with fleas. Disconnect from those distracting your destiny. The one telling you that you cannot be rich unless you sell your body is not a friend.

The one telling you that you are a bush girl for being a virgin is a foe disguising as an enemy. The one telling you to cheat on your spouse and taste stolen waters is not a mentor but a tormentor of destiny!

The one telling you that you cannot make it unless you become crooked and con is not really a friend.

A good friend will bring progress into your life, but a bad friend will usher you into retrogression!

I love these translations of Proverbs 13:20

Become wise by walking with the wise; hang out with fools and watch your life fall to pieces. –Proverbs  13:20 (MSG)

Keep company with the wise and you will become wise. If you make friends with stupid people, you will be ruined. –Proverbs 13:20 (GNB)

So make up your mind today. Disconnect and reconnect where necessary. Friendship begins with friendship with Jesus. He will then lead you and guide and help you choose good friends who will add to your destiny.

May God, the lover of your soul guide you to choose good friends that will advance your life!

I have the strength to disconnect from bad influences. I will no longer be subject to weak and beggarly elements. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I have God’s Spirit and He helps me to choose my friends. I am not naïve, I am decisive in God.

God, deliver me from the snares and traps of wrong association. Open the eyes of my understanding, O Lord, and flood my heart with your light.

There are friends who may be a man’s destruction, but there is a lover who keeps nearer than a brother. – Proverbs 18:24

Make a list of your friends. The good, and the bad. Keep the good and disconnect from the bad ones. It is your choice.

Jeremiah 15

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