What You Need From Your Spouse This Year

What You Need From Your Spouse This Year

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This is a few days gone in the new year. What will happen at the end of this year starts now. Our everyday steps, moving in the positive direction are so important.

As couples, let us think ahead. Let’s have a projection of what we want to achieve in our marriage. We have to get certain principles right.

There are a lot of things we do consciously and unconsciously that frustrate our marriages and are detrimental to the bliss of our marital journey.

Or what king, going to make war against another king, sitteth not down first, and consulteth whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thousand?Luk 14:31 [KJV]

As we begin a new year, we should sit down in retrospect and cast a vision for ourselves.

You need to ask yourself what exactly do I want from my spouse and marriage. Put it in one or two sentences; something you can put before God and aim at.

Also, know that it takes two to tango. Just as you have certain expectations from your spouse, your spouse too has expectations. Break those expectations into smaller bits and have a vision for this year.

For example, I want my spouse to be more Godly this year. Find out all you need to know about being godly. Let that be your focus. Your spouse can tell you they expect you to be more homely. Humbly, accept that and keep working towards it through the year.

Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals kindly go HERE

Let each one of us be committed to doing what our spouse demands of us. Stay focused to this. Do all you can this year to become a better person!

Read books that will show you and help you be a better and happier person. Commit your ways into God’s hands and make sure you talk to God about this. Measure your progress weekly. Don’t get discouraged in your pursuit and don’t become critical of yourself or your spouse.

May God strengthen us!

God bless our marriages.

I will be a better version of myself this year

Lord, help me to be a better spouse

Luke 14:31 [ERV] “If a king is going to fight against another king, first he will sit down and plan. If he has only 10,000 men, he will try to decide if he is able to defeat the other king who has 20,000 men.

Forgive and forget

Luke 14


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Stressors: How Couples Can Handle Them – Part 5

Stressors: How Couples Can Handle Them – Part 5

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I will continue from where I stopped yesterday. We have been looking at different types of stressors and how we can avoid them. How these stressors cause stress and strain in our relationship with our spouse.

We looked yesterday at how unforgiveness can be a sources of unhappiness in marriage. It can cause a lot of tension between couples.

Today, we are moving on to

8.  Not being open and transparent.

Marriage is translated H.O.T, honest, open and transparent. Husband and wife should be naked and not ashamed.

And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

Genesis 2:25 KJV There should be no shame whatsoever between husband and wife. If both understand their position in covenant and how God sees them.

There should be zero inhibitions. We should be 100%/vulnerable to each other

It is very stressful when as husband and wife you censor what you have to say, walk as though on an egg shelf, hide, be secretive, tell packaged truth, sometimes tell little lies, structured lies, and all manner and shades of lies.

It is frustrating to have a spouse who is always suspecting you.

I want us to know that the devil is at the root of every kind of suspicion. If this is happening in our marriage, God will grant us victory and every storm will cease in Jesus name.

The devil hates marriage and unity between husbands and wives. This kind of stress can cause strain on the marital union. It could be handled by both husband and wife working together correcting their wrongs and trusting God for the covenant of oneness to be appropriated in their lives and marriage.

9. Unrealistic expectations.

These are the things we expect from our spouse which cut across as being over the board or giving the present situation may be difficult to meet.

Our spouse should try and they are under obligations to meet our needs. But there are some needs that are not humanly possible.

This usually happens when either of the spouses is selfish and inconsiderate. If for example the husband or the wife already has a particular mould he/she wants for his spouse and then try to force the spouse into that mould. That will be an unrealistic expectation.

This is capable of causing frustration. I will stop here today and continue tomorrow on these stressors by God’s grace.

May God grant us the spirit of forgiveness to all that has offended us in Jesus name.

God bless your marriage.

I am a wise spouse. I know how to relate with people.

Lord, give me wisdom

1 Peter  3:7  Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.

Forgive where necessary

Rom 12


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