How To Love Your Spouse Better

How To Love Your Spouse Better

Reading Time: 2 minutes


1. Respect 

If you are married, never deny him/her in bed. It should not be used as a reward or punishment in marriage. Always be there for him or her because if you are not, he or she becomes vulnerable to others outside who may be putting pressure.

2. Communication

Don’t hide anything from your spouse. Be very open. The moment you start hiding things, you are opening the doors for the devil. Whatever is covered would never be healed. Iniquity is perpetuated in the atmosphere of secrecy. 

3. Chastity

As a married person, don’t play with infidelity. Don’t hang out with colleagues discussing your home and marriage. Respect the marital covenant you have with your spouse. Don’t be too fast giving up on your marriage because of personal differences and opinions that will surely show up.

4. Emotional Needs

Do not manipulate your spouse with emotional antics. Your spouse cannot satisfy ALL your emotional needs. Some of the emotional emptiness you feel are as a result of deep emptiness in the soul that can only be satisfied with God and His word. No wonder the scripture says, ‘He restoreth my soul!’

5. Selflessness

Cover the back of each other. Avoid tit for tat! In marriage, you are one. When you fight or hurt your spouse, in reality, you are fighting or hurting your destiny. Don’t shoot yourself in the leg. Put your ego aside and apologize quickly.

Be very sincere, and run away from deceptive tendencies. Let your spouse trust you any day any time. Learn to say sorry and forgive quickly. Think about it, if God stops forgiving you when you ask Him to, how would you have survived it? Work together as one and your progress will be ensured.

I pray for you this morning that God will give you the wisdom you need in your marriage, family, home, career, work, business, and other endeavors in Jesus name!

Our love is rekindled daily. I love my spouse and I am committed to our marriage.

Lord, open my eyes and show me what I know not.

Gal 6:7 GNB Do not deceive yourselves; no one makes a fool of God. You will reap exactly what you plant.

Talk to God. Pour your heart to Him now

John 1:15-51


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Is Your Lover Emotionally Available? – Part 2

Is Your Lover Emotionally Available? – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday…

2. Fast and Furious

A person who is emotionally unavailable would want to start a relationship in a rather too fast way.

Hours after meeting, he is already laying the sheets on the bed. Hours after meeting each other, she is already giving you body language that she is all for the take!

The guy feels lucky that he just met a sexually willing babe. Well, he just met a confused soul who wants to use him to deaden the pain in her heart.

A guy who is not really in love and has no emotional connection often times just wants the jeru trip. He is not emotionally available.

What you need to know is that for a relationship to work properly, there needs to be a development flow. But when you try to bypass the natural rhythm of intimacy, there will be relationship chaos! 

An emotionally unavailable person wants the sexual phase of the relationship to happen quickly, but we all know that this is a phase that God wants to be reserved till the time of marriage.

I am going to stop here this morning, but before I go, a word for the married.

Did you miss out on yesterday’s devotional, we’ve got you covered. Kindly go HERE. For KHC video Devotionals, kindly go HERE

In marriage, make sure nothing steals times of intimacy building between the two of you. Never allow any other person apart from your spouse into your emotional space!

Your emotional space is only for your spouse and any other person is an “alien” that will do damage to your heart. Block out every emotional opening and space to colleagues, boss, friends, and even your pastors! Let all the emotional space be taken by your spouse only!

That is how to be on safe ground!

May God grant more understanding in Jesus name!

I pray for all who might just be going through the process of emotional healing, I ask that God will touch your heart and grant you the grace to forgive and let go in Jesus name!

I will not be a wreck to my lover

Lord, help me to be emotionally stable

Rom 14:17(MSG) God’s kingdom isn’t a matter of what you put in your stomach, for goodness’ sake. It’s what God does with your life as he sets it right, puts it together, and completes it with joy.

Heal from the past before moving to the next

Rom 14


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Three Things Your Wife Wants And Is Sure To Enjoy

Three Things Your Wife Wants And Is Sure To Enjoy

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Sometimes, husbands want to please or do things that their wives enjoy. They experience frustration in trying to make them happy, especially since their wives are emotional beings. One moment they are happy, the other moment they are not so happy. Since their emotions are not stable, it becomes difficult for the husbands to know how to meet them at their point of need.

I think there are three areas or ways that any time, a woman will always find enjoyable. A man has to be patient with his wife. An impatient husband will always be seen as a not too caring husband.

If every husband can do these three things, there will always be smiles and peace in the marriage.

1. Be Understanding
2. Be tender
3. Buy her things.

1. Be understanding

The man is the head and so makes a lot of decisions. A woman does certain things and may not think of the consequences, maybe because she is emotional. The logic of the husband usually corrects all these.

But in correcting, he should try and not be hard. He will be tempted to be hard and harsh in correcting her. But if you don’t yield to temptation it will be good.

There is always gratefulness that every wife expresses to an understanding husband. It is understanding that makes a husband not flare up and get angry at every provocation. It is understanding that makes a husband read in between the lines and put himself in her shoes.

2. Be tender
Most men are by nature wired to be leaders and could be hard. But for the sake of peace in the home, you have to be tender and choose to lead lovingly.

The password of any woman is always being tender to her. The woman does not need the tenderness of any other man but that of her own husband.

The husband must know that he has a responsibility to always meet this need of being tender. Your wife enjoys this more than giving her a million dollars.

3. Buy her gifts
There is a chord inside every woman that buying gifts touches. Ladies are known to like anything shiny. A woman can never have enough gifts, there is always room for more.

The gifts don’t have to be big or expensive. It is the gesture of being remembered and spending money to buy her stuff that matters.

The gifts should be consistent, not once in a while. Some husbands think when they buy her gifts often, she takes them for granted. Not true at all.

How often do you want your wife happy? If your answer is often, then buy her gifts often. Gifts mean taking her out sometimes. Spending time with her and just taking care of her.

Spend your money on her. Don’t be afraid to spend on your wife, God will provide. It is said that when you want to spoil your wife, God will always provide the money.

First, let it be in your heart to do and God will put it in your hands.

God bless your marriage.

I am not confused.

Pray that every doubt will be destroyed

“Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.” (Php 4:7, MSG)

Spend time in God’s presence

Psalm 136


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