Understanding Your Reason For Creation

Understanding Your Reason For Creation

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Dear children, I want to show you something I found exciting in the scriptures. I believe it will excite you as well. Do you yet understand the reason for your creation?

I know you might have sometimes wondered why you were brought forth to this earth. Your mind might have wandered far and near as to the reason God made you.

You might have even wished to be born into another country, home, or some other parents.

Hey, listen to me! You are here for a reason. You are here for a purpose.

See what the bible says about you.

My children and I are signs and proofs for the people of Israel. We have been sent by the Lord All-Powerful, who lives on Mount Zion. – Isa 8:18[ERV]

Did you see that? Did that excite you as much as it did me?

You are here as proof of God’s faithfulness.

This means every time someone looks at you, he or she is reminded that God truly exists. Wow!

That neighbor of yours might have been having it rough in school, but merely looking at you gives him hope to forge ahead.

You were sent to the earth by the Lord All-powerful. Which devil can stop you from excelling?

The moment we refuse to step into what God has designed us to be, we are simply short-changing our divine abilities for something less.

I want you to ponder on this verse throughout today.

Read it in several translations so as to have a better understanding of what is being said.

May God give you more understanding in Jesus name, Amen.

Oh Lord, make me a wonder to my generation.

Action Point:
Study the above scripture well.

I am a sign and a wonder to many.

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What To Learn From The Creation Story – Part 4

What To Learn From The Creation Story – Part 4

Reading Time: < 1 minute

We have been looking at the creative work of God in the last few days. There are a lot of things to learn from the creation story.

The story of creation is so vast that we can’t finish discussing it in a month.

We have talked about;

1. The power of words.

2. God called forth Light first.

3. God saw that what he had done was good.

4. God is a God of order.

5. God gave names to all the things he created.

6. God instructed the earth to produce things.

7. Everything God did, he did in days.

I believe you have been able to pick up one or two key lessons from this story.

I just want to encourage: use your words wisely, let your space be filled with light, i.e influence your environment.

Also, learn to appreciate and celebrate yourself, be a person of order, as God is not chaotic.

Name your things. This helps you put things in the right perspective. Command your day, month, year, or season.

Finally, be time bound. Set reasonable targets.

Dear children, don’t be deterred. Once you have your vision intact, go for it all the way.

Don’t give up. Don’t back out. Imagine what would have happened if God had refused create the world.

Remember, so many destinies are attached to yours.

God bless you! Amen

Help me to be creative like you oh Lord.

Action point:
Take charge of your space.

I am a creative person.

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What To Learn From The Story of Creation

What To Learn From The Story of Creation

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Dear children, there are several lessons you can learn from the story of creation.

The creation story can be found in

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. – Genesis 1:1-4

Let’s go through it one after the other.

1. The power of words.

God created this beautiful world by speaking it into existence. Learn to use your words positively.

There is power in your words, so use it as a creator, just like God.

2. God called forth Light first.

This means that it’s one of the most important things in
this world. You know how you feel when light brightens a dark room?

The Bible calls us the light of the world. Be the light wherever you find yourself. Solve problems. Standout and make a difference.

3. God saw that what he had done was good.

Always evaluate yourself when you do something, and always aim for the best.

As a child of God, we are to act like our father, so we shouldn’t do anything less than excellent.

We will continue on this line tomorrow.

Lord help me to be creative with my words. Amen

Action point:
Learn to use your words wisely.

I am a co-creator with God.

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Praying With The Names of God – Elohim

Praying With The Names of God – Elohim

Reading Time: 2 minutes

One of the names of God is ELOHIM – the Eternal Creator.

Elohim was in existence before all things. He was before time and seasons. The One existing before the creation of the world, man, and everything. That is one of the things this name of God represents. He is the One that existed before all things, and is the Creator of all things… but was created by no one.

Gen. 1:1 “In the beginning God (Elohim) created (from nothing) the heavens and the earth.” AMP.

This tells you how old God is – even before the creation of the earth. He is the One that thought up light, animals, the seas, plants, the sky, day and night, man, et cetera.

Elohim not only thought them but created them out of nothing as we read earlier and with just by saying “Let there be…” Therefore God thought them up, then spoke them into being. That’s the God we serve.

Dear child, the God you serve is older than the earth you walk on, the air inside your lungs, what you eat, the sun and moon in the sky, and so on. Yes, allow that to sink into your innermost being. I will say it again: Dear child, the God you serve is older than the earth you walk on, the air inside your lungs, what you eat, the sun and moon in the sky, and so on.

He created the world out of His eternal love for you.

Elohim created it because He had the power, knowledge, and resources to do so.

He created it so you can worship Him.

So, today, call Him Elohim – the Eternal Creator.

Elohim, I thank you for being my God. I praise you for your might and power. Give me the creative ability to create like you, in Jesus name. Amen.

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Taking An Adventure With God As A Child

Taking An Adventure With God As A Child

Reading Time: 2 minutes

An adventure is filled with many electrifying, great and interesting moments. There will be periods when the fun reaches sky-high and totally takes your breath away. And moments when you think this has got to be the coolest thing you have ever seen or experienced in your life. Much like how some cool people in the bible felt when they took an adventure with God.

Did I just hear you ask if God likes an adventure? He definitely does. What did you think happened during creation? God was on an adventure- He was creating experiences, things, animals, trees, people, the sun, moon and much more.

What if God had called you when He was about to create the world? How would you have felt if you were there when He was creating the world? How would you have reacted when He created the animals? If you were there, what would you have done? When you saw the sun and moon, how would you feel? What questions would you have asked Him? How would you feel on that adventure with God?

On the first day, when He created light, would you have asked Him why? When He rested on the seventh day, would you have asked Him why? And even asked Him, why He stopped at seven?

Going on an adventure with God can never be uneventful or boring. It definitely will be full of fascinating events, people and situations. Or what do you think?

In our new series we will look at adventures with God and how it turned out for the people that followed God.

May the Lord take you on adventures with Him. Amen.

Thank you Lord for your love for adventure. As I read about some of them, help me to appreciate your mighty power. Adventure with God is my lot In Jesus’ name, amen.

Action point:
Put on your power of imagination as the journey begins tomorrow.

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