How To Exercise Your Faith As A Child

How To Exercise Your Faith As A Child

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Faith is defined as the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen according to the writer of Hebrews.

This means literarily that you have what you do not have. You don’t have it physically, but you know that you have it. That’s faith.

The faith walk isn’t only for adults. As a matter of fact, you will be better an adult, when you start developing your faith from now.

Faith is simply trust in God.

See how the psalmist puts it;

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God. – Ps 20:7 [KJV]

The truth is that God is happy when we trust him, when we exercise our faith even as children.

It is not too early to start believing God for things. There is no law that says until you are all grown up before you start to exercise your faith.

What are those things you need? Gift items, toys, games, et cetera, you can believe God for it right away.

God loves it when we trust him, so he is eager to grant our desires whenever we walk in faith.

You can believe that God will bless your parents and they will have the funds to make it available, or that someone somewhere will be moved to get whatever you need for you.

Bottom line is that you too can exercise your faith, and you can start now.

Start now and see the goodness of the Lord.

Lord, help me to act in faith. Amen.

Action point:
Start now.

I act in faith. I am not too young to believe God for supernatural supply. My needs are met.

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Engaging Your Greatest Weapon As A Child

Engaging Your Greatest Weapon As A Child

Reading Time: 2 minutes

You can engage your greatest weapon as a child. As a child, do you know that God sets you as an example for adults?

In one of Jesus’ teachings, he teaches that it’s important for everyone to be “child like”
Being child like means the person isn’t bothered about the issues of life, and believes everything God says without wondering how it will happen.

A child is quick to forgive and holds no wrong.
A child is also joyful.

One of the most important things about childhood is the joy you as a child carry all the time.

This is a strong weapon (your greatest weapon) and the devil can only try but cannot steal the your joy, why? Because the next minute you are joyful about something else.

Today, I want to tell you to set the standard in your family and among your friends.

The bible says the joy of the Lord is your strength. It means you are strong if you are always joyful.

Nehemiah 8:10 (KJV) Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our LORD: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength.

God numbers you as one of the strongest persons in the world because of joy. Joy is your greatest weapon.

You can teach others around you to be joyful as well, how?

1. By staying in joy.

2. Always carry a cheerful countenance

3. Always smile at everyone around you

4. Do things that make others happy,

And see the Devil confused as to what to do next.

God bless you as you stay joyful. Amen

Lord, help me to stay joyful at all times and in all places.

Action point:
Do you find yourself sad and gloomy all the time? Snap out of it and switch to joy.

I am joyful. I choose to stay joyful. I use joy as a weapon to win my battles.

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How To Show Love When Needed

How To Show Love When Needed

Reading Time: < 1 minute

One of Jesus’ popular messages on earth was centered around love. You should therefore learn how to show love.

Love for God and love for neighbor. Your neighbors includes: your family, friends, teachers and everyone you have an opportunity to meet.

Beyond loving God, God wants you to love everyone of these people and also show them how much you love them.

Showing how much you love your neighbor is proof that you are God’s child and you love God.

How do you show love to these people?

There are several ways to show love to people, I’d help by pointing out a few.

1. By being obedient to your parents.

2. By praying for everyone.

3. By not being a naughty child, either at home or in school.

4. By caring for your friends.

5. By helping out when you are needed.

May God help us to shoe love when needed in Jesus name, Amen.

Help me to be a love being oh Lord.

Action point:
Look out for ways you can show love to those around you.

I show love to all and sundry.

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When Your Mouth Is Filled With Laughter

When Your Mouth Is Filled With Laughter

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How do I do that, Pastor?

Just go ahead and laugh at what you are going through

Hey, Pastor, you don’t really have an idea.

Yes, that is the more reason I want you to laugh and keep your joy.

When your life looks like there is nothing man can do, when that moment comes when you realize that you will need God’s intervention, then what you should do is laugh.

Why should you laugh!

A child should do what he sees his father do.

When situations set themselves against you, when people take counsel against you, when the heathen rage and the people imagine all kind of evil against you, when enemies rise up against you, and the battle seemed too much and too many for you, what do you do?

Start crying? No!

Start complaining and pity-partying? No!

Just Laugh!

Because that is what your father in heaven will do!

Psa 2:1-4 (KJV) Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?  [2]  The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,   [3]  Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.  [4]  HE THAT SITTETH IN THE HEAVENS SHALL LAUGH: the Lord shall have them in derision.

God laughs at them because He knows they are losers!

God laughs at them because He knows they can never win over Him!

Your laughter then is an expression of your faith in God that you already won!

When a two-year-old boy starts telling you he is going to fight you and kill you, what do you do? You just laugh because you know the little boy wouldn’t be able to do it, ever!

That is why God laughs! God simply holds them in derision!

Amplified Bible says; God, in supreme contempt He mocks them.

Mock your situation with a heavy dose of laughter because you will have the victory!

They said you will never marry? Just laugh, because you will!

They said you will never find a spouse because all your friends are married?

Just laugh because NOBODY can marry your spouse!

Go ahead and LAUGH!

I choose to be joyful and laugh all through this year

Lord, fill my mouth with laughter

Ps 2:4 [CEV] In heaven the Lord laughs as he sits on his throne, making fun of the nations. 

Go ahead and LAUGH!

Ps 2


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My Children Are Truthful Always

My Children Are Truthful Always

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Be truthful always. Children think that when they are not caught red-handed in the act of wrongdoing, they are safe. Even when caught, they still might want to lie to wriggle out of it. That is an error.

Lovingly, we can help them see the error in this and show them what the bible says about it.

‘I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you’. (NIV)

Psalms 119: 11

We should punish them first, lead them towards an apology and make them understand why we are punishing them.

Punishment must always be in proportion to the wrongdoing not higher. They should know it is done out of love and not hate.

‘Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy’. (NIV)

Prov. 28:13

Lord, I release my child (say their name(s)) to You. Touch their hearts not to hide their wrongdoings. Even when caught, help them not to lie. Help me lovingly to scold and punish them accordingly. Amen.

Action point:
Confront your children on any issue you discover.

My children are truthful. They understand the dangers of telling a lie. They do not hide their wrongdoings.

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