How To End Quarrels And Bitterness

How To End Quarrels And Bitterness

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How To End Quarrels And Bitterness. Ade and sally’s relationship was riddled with unending quarrels. They practically fought all through their courtship days. They hoped it would stop after the wedding, but alas, it intensified. They were both churchgoers, perceived as children of God, but filled with bitterness.

Somehow, they hoped things would change as each of them maintained their stances. They both had points to prove but nothing changed.

The reality is that wedding changes nobody. If you fight frequently during your courtship, you would most likely continue the quarrel party after the wedding.

Frequent quarrels should not be ignored or seen as normal as singles. Pay attention to it and seek help.

Yes, there will be friction that comes from male-female differences and temperamental differences, but there has to be a way of resolving those differences and forgiving each other as quickly as you can.

Bitterness in your relationship and marriage will slow you down, It will defile you and defile everybody around you.

It will create loopholes for the devil to exploit and create cracks that will be expanded.

How To End Quarrels And Bitterness

Heb 12:15 (KJV) Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;

Can you see that? It will cause grace to fail, it will trouble you and defile many others!

Bitterness is a no no!

Bitterness is defined as “anger and disappointment at being treated unfairly; resentment”

It includes extreme hatred and wickedness.

Now you don’t need this in your marriage! You can see that it is a tool in the hands of devil.

You are in courtship, you have not been calling each other and yet you want to get married? What’s that?

You are married and you sustain animosity for months at a time! Eh! You are not only going to ground your prayers, but you are also going to stop financial flow!

What has your spouse done! You must forgive, or a lot of things will simply be slowed down!

In your marriage, you should work at it! Both of you. Don’t just look on till it degenerates to a point you won’t like and thing get stagnant and messy! This is How To End Quarrels And Bitterness

Seek help. Seek counsel!

I pray God will grant you more understanding! 

I will not be bitter. I forgive easily


I destroy the spirit behind incessant quarrels in Jesus’ name  

Heb 12:15 (AMPC) Exercise foresight and be on the watch to look [after one another], to see that no one falls back from and fails to secure God’s grace (His unmerited favor and spiritual blessing), in order that no root of resentment (rancor, bitterness, or hatred) shoots forth and causes trouble and bitter torment, and the many become contaminated and defiled by it-

End all bitterness and forgive 

Heb 12


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Here’s What To Do When All Fails

Here’s What To Do When All Fails

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Here’s What To Do When All Fails. Sandy believes something is wrong with her. Her biological clock ticks without consideration.  How she wished she could do with a Pause button. Relationships after relationships are failing. Nothing seems to be working.

She will begin a relationship and everything seems to be working fine, but then, in a moment and without warnings, it crashes. And then it happens again and again.

Each time, she approaches a new relationship, trusting, believing, and praying that it would work out. But nothing worked, except that she was getting worked up.

What do you do as a child of God at such times? How do you get out of the rut of failure after failure?

That is what I want to teach you this morning with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Here’s What To Do When All Fails
Letting Go of All Offences
The important thing is to get rid of all offenses and every form of bitterness. If you romance with bitterness, it will stop any good thing you might be trying to start.

Heb 12:15 (KJV)  Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;

The scripture calls it a root. You don’t get to see the root of a plant, but it is surely there.

Bitterness can be submerged in the belly without showing forth its dangerous fruits until much later when more damage would have been done. 

I know your “Ex” hurt you and did the unbelievable and unthinkable! But that is not enough for you to now discard the blessing!

Don’t stop yourself as a result of that!

Your parents did this and that.

One friend betrayed you.

The other person stabbed you in the back, and then in the front!

The list is endless, but whatever anybody has done to you, you must make up your mind to forgive!

Let God handle it. Let God fight for you!

Don’t allow the emotions of hatred to have the better part of you.

You really don’t want anybody’s foolishness to become your own folly.

Bitterness can scatter that new relationship.

The Bible says bitterness is a root and can spring up from nowhere, and many other relationships, opportunities, and doors will be defiled!

John the Baptist died because of offense. When he had a problem with his spiritual leader, his spiritual head, his physical head followed. Don’t let the daughter of one insignificant child of the devil request for your head. Don’t let your head become one of the awards on a prize giving day!

Deal with bitterness. Confront it.

Bitterness and iniquity are cousins. They work together.

Act 8:23 (KJV)  For I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity.

Ask God to help you.

If you have to cry, gladly do that so that your destiny can gather motion.

Extra luggage will attract extra costs. You don’t need that luggage that is weighing you down.

With those dangerous emotions, you cannot fly like an eagle.

That is why a suitcase is weighed when you want to fly in the air. But as long as you remain on the ground, nobody really cares about your luggage.

May your destiny not be permanently assigned to the ground. May you mount up like an eagle! May you fulfill destiny!

There are people reading this who just went through a breakup. You have been disappointed, left in the cold, abandoned, and discarded like unwanted trash.

Don’t cry too much, a little is okay. Don’t sulk, rather deal with your heart. Protect your heart from bitterness.

And let God compensate you for the loss! I pray that God will give you more understanding!

Be blessed and have a beautiful, productive, and blessed day in Jesus’ name!

We love you and we celebrate you!

Greatness beckons, you will not miss it! Here’s What To Do When All Fails

I am free from all offenses 

Lord, heal me and cleanse my heart of all hurts and bitterness    

Eph 4:31 (KJV)  Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:stickers

Forgive all who hurt you

Nehemiah 6-7


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How To Exit Properly From An Ex

How To Exit Properly From An Ex

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How To Exit Properly From An Ex? There are people who have one or two Exes but there are also those I will refer to as EXE-cutives who have had several Exes over the years!

Whichever camp you belong to, the important thing is that God has not condemn you. How soothing can that be?

It is men that will look at you with “one kind eye” when you make mistakes, but God doesn’t do that. He knows your imperfection, and He is patient with you, He however wants you to get better and walk with Him. He wants you to learn from your mistakes.

How do you move on from an Ex? It can really be tricky because the soul has been intertwined in love most of the time.

Coupled with this is the bitterness and hurts that accompany the experience most of the time. All these can become massive chains that immobilizes.

In moving on from an ex, the first thing I will like to note is that you must forgive!

How To Exit Properly From An Ex

1. Forgive

This is very important. For some of us, if we had opportunity, we will shoot our Exes. That reveals the underlying bitterness and hurts. When this is there, as the scripture says, it will defile you and even defile anybody around you.

Forgiveness frees you and makes you light. Unforgiving spirit makes your heart clogged and your legs heavy. Movement is impeded, sight is becomes blurred. Sense of judgement becomes warped.

It is when love is present and abounds that you will be able to approve and recognize the right decisions to take at such times. See it in the scripture!

Php 1:9-10 (KJV) And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment; [10] That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ;

How To Exit Properly From An Ex? You must forgive and walk in love.

What is the second way to move on?

I will continue tomorrow! Have a  blessed day! 

I forgive easily. I am a love being

Lord, give me the grace to forgive easily

Php 1:9 (MSG) So this is my prayer: that your love will flourish and that you will not only love much but well. Learn to love appropriately. You need to use your head and test your feelings

Decide to let go fo all offenses

Phil 1


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Breaking The Cycle Of Broken Relationships

Breaking The Cycle Of Broken Relationships

Reading Time: 2 minutes

To Vivian, something is definitely wrong with her. She isn’t getting any younger. Her biological clock seems not to be only ticking but running. She wished there was a pause button somewhere.

Time after time, the story has been the same. She has experienced relationships after relationships fall like a pack of cards right before her eyes. Nothing seems to be working around her.

The story has always been the same; she will begin a relationship today and everything will appear fine, then all of a sudden, the whole thing comes crashing. Then it happens again and again. That has been her cycle.

She now approaches a new relationship with prayers, not for direction, but for it not to crash.

What should Vivian do?
As a child of God, how do you get out of this imbroglio?

Letting go of all offenses

Yes, as simple as that may seem, that is the key to your victory. Get rid of every form of bitterness and offense.
Frolicking with bitterness is a deliberate attempt to stop any good thing aggregating your way

Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;

Heb 12:15 (KJV)

The bible calls it a root. Every plant has a root, but you don’t see it.
That’s how bitterness is. It can be submerged in the belly for months, without showing its dangerous fruits until the damage would have been done.

Yes, your “Ex” hurt you and did unbelievable and unprintable things to you. That is not enough reason for you to put your life on hold.

Your parents did so and so to you.
Your best friend betrayed you.
The other person stabbed you in the back, and then in the front!
Don’t stop yourself as a result of that!

Let go and let God. Do not allow hatred and bitterness to have the better part of you. Do not allow anybody’s foolishness to become your own folly.

The Bible calls bitterness a root. When it springs up, many other relationships, opportunities, and doors will be defiled!

When John the Baptist became bitter against his spiritual head, his physical head went for it.
Don’t let the daughter of one child of the devil request your head.
Don’t let your head become one of the awards on a prize-giving day!

Bitterness and iniquity are cousins. They work together. The earlier you confront it, the better for you.

For I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity.

Act 8:23 (KJV)

Ask God to help you. He is more than willing to do so.

You will fulfill destiny in Jesus name!

May God grant you more understanding!

I am not bitter. I walk in love with all men. I am delivered from any negative cycle operating in my life.

Pray against the negative cycle you have noticed.

Hebrews 12:15 (AMPC) Exercise foresight and be on the watch to look [after one another], to see that no one falls back from and fails to secure God’s grace (His unmerited favor and spiritual blessing), in order that no root of resentment (rancor, bitterness, or hatred) shoots forth and causes trouble and bitter torment, and the many become contaminated and defiled by it

Are you bitter against someone? Let go and let God.

Heb 12


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These Types of Couples Need Urgent Help – Part 2

These Types of Couples Need Urgent Help – Part 2

Reading Time: 3 minutes

We started on the topic “These types of couples need urgent help” yesterday, we will continue today

4. Two people who are sentimental

When two people who are sentimental get married, their lives will be devoid of principles that are meant to keep them focused and energetic in their marriage and home.
Two sentimental people will always judge a situation from sentimental point of view rather than principles.

In no time, they can ruin themselves because you cannot go very far living and swimming in the ocean of sentiments. They would not be able to achieve much because they would have excuses for their mediocre lifestyles.

5. Two people who are angry

Two angry people in a relationship and marriage cannot go far. See the scriptures:

Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go: Lest thou learn his ways, and get a snare to thy soul (Proverbs 22:24-25 KJV)

The scripture here advises that you should not get involved with somebody that has anger problems and who refuses to work at it.

An angry man can take a knife or gun one day and end it all. An angry wife can ruin things in seconds.

Take a look at the Message Translation:

Don’t hang out with angry people; don’t keep company with hotheads. Bad temper is contagious–– don’t get infected (Proverbs 22:24-25 Message)

6. Two people who are deceptive

Another dangerous combo is ‘two people who are deceptive.’ They both operate under delusion of grandeur. They tell themselves lies and refuse to confront each other. They sweep things under the carpet and live under illusions. They deliberately flout God’s principles hoping that somehow things will work out.

Everybody around them wonders why they can’t see the obvious. They are unapproachable and unreachable. But the scripture is very clear:

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. (Galatians 6:7 KJV)

No matter how we pretend, we cannot mock God. You can do all of that with humans, but not with God. At the end of the day, it is not worth it wasting time on what would not work.

7. Two people who are unforgiving

Lastly, two people who refuse to forgive one another easily can block the blessings of God in their marriage, home and life.

Bitterness of heart is a blessing blocker. If one of the couple is forgiving and praying for the other, it can be easier in resolving the issues, but when both parties are hurt and bitter from time to time, they are not helping themselves, they are not helping their home and of course, the inflow of God’s blessings and favour will be truncated.

Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled; (Hebrews 12:15 KJV)

Root of bitterness in a marriage will eventually spring up and get everybody including children defiled.

The way out

So what do you do? Seek help. Don’t keep quiet and watch things degenerate. Re-connect to God and pray a lot. Seek wisdom from pastors or mentors. Seek to understand your spouse and see how he or she is thinking to have the right perspective.

I pray concerning every storm in your relationship and or marriage this morning, be still in Jesus name! I speak the peace of God, Shalom, not missing, nothing broken over you and yours in Jesus name!

I will grow in my relationship with my spouse.

Oh Lord, open the eyes of my understanding.

2 Corinthians 6:14 (KJV) Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

Decide to be faithful to your partner

Ps 149


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